- Award ID(s):
- 2126655
- 10465942
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Internet Measurement Conference
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 349 to 357
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Website fingerprinting attacks, which use statistical analysis on network traffic to compromise user privacy, have been shown to be effective even if the traffic is sent over anonymity-preserving networks such as Tor. The classical attack model used to evaluate website fingerprinting attacks assumes an on-path adversary, who can observe all traffic traveling between the user’s computer and the secure network. In this work we investigate these attacks under a different attack model, in which the adversary is capable of sending a small amount of malicious JavaScript code to the target user’s computer. The malicious code mounts a cache side-channel attack, which exploits the effects of contention on the CPU’s cache, to identify other websites being browsed. The effectiveness of this attack scenario has never been systematically analyzed, especially in the open-world model which assumes that the user is visiting a mix of both sensitive and non-sensitive sites. We show that cache website fingerprinting attacks in JavaScript are highly feasible. Specifically, we use machine learning techniques to classify traces of cache activity. Unlike prior works, which try to identify cache conflicts, our work measures the overall occupancy of the last-level cache. We show that our approach achieves high classification accuracy in both the open-world and the closed-world models. We further show that our attack is more resistant than network-based fingerprinting to the effects of response caching, and that our techniques are resilient both to network-based defenses and to side-channel countermeasures introduced to modern browsers as a response to the Spectre attack. To protect against cache-based website fingerprinting, new defense mechanisms must be introduced to privacy-sensitive browsers and websites. We investigate one such mechanism, and show that generating artificial cache activity reduces the effectiveness of the attack and completely eliminates it when used in the Tor Browsermore » « less
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Abstract Functional connectivity (FC) profiles contain subject-specific features that are conserved across time and have potential to capture brain–behavior relationships. Most prior work has focused on spatial features (nodes and systems) of these FC fingerprints, computed over entire imaging sessions. We propose a method for temporally filtering FC, which allows selecting specific moments in time while also maintaining the spatial pattern of node-based activity. To this end, we leverage a recently proposed decomposition of FC into edge time series (eTS). We systematically analyze functional magnetic resonance imaging frames to define features that enhance identifiability across multiple fingerprinting metrics, similarity metrics, and data sets. Results show that these metrics characteristically vary with eTS cofluctuation amplitude, similarity of frames within a run, transition velocity, and expression of functional systems. We further show that data-driven optimization of features that maximize fingerprinting metrics isolates multiple spatial patterns of system expression at specific moments in time. Selecting just 10% of the data can yield stronger fingerprints than are obtained from the full data set. Our findings support the idea that FC fingerprints are differentially expressed across time and suggest that multiple distinct fingerprints can be identified when spatial and temporal characteristics are considered simultaneously.
Many have predicted the future of the Web to be the integration of Web content with the real-world through technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR). This has led to the rise of Extended Reality (XR) Web Browsers used to shorten the long AR application development and deployment cycle of native applications especially across different platforms. As XR Browsers mature, we face new challenges related to collaborative and multi-user applications that span users, devices, and machines. These collaborative XR applications require: (1) networking support for scaling to many users, (2) mechanisms for content access control and application isolation, and (3) the ability to host application logic near clients or data sources to reduce application latency. In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of the AR Edge Networking Architecture (ARENA) which is a platform that simplifies building and hosting collaborative XR applications on WebXR capable browsers. ARENA provides a number of critical components including: a hierarchical geospatial directory service that connects users to nearby servers and content, a token-based authentication system for controlling user access to content, and an application/service runtime supervisor that can dispatch programs across any network connected device. All of the content within ARENA exists as endpoints in a PubSub scene graph model that is synchronized across all users. We evaluate ARENA in terms of client performance as well as benchmark end-to-end response-time as load on the system scales. We show the ability to horizontally scale the system to Internet-scale with scenes containing hundreds of users and latencies on the order of tens of milliseconds. Finally, we highlight projects built using ARENA and showcase how our approach dramatically simplifies collaborative multi-user XR development compared to monolithic approaches.more » « less
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