- Award ID(s):
- 1750511
- 10470161
- Publisher / Repository:
- arXiv
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- arXivorg
- Edition / Version:
- 1
- 2331-8422
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 2308.08671
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The accurate prediction of protein-ligand binding affinities is crucial for drug discovery. Alchemical free energy calculations have become a popular tool for this purpose. However, the accuracy and reliability of these methods can vary depending on the methodology. In this study, we evaluate the performance of a relative binding free energy protocol based on the alchemical transfer method (ATM), a novel approach based on a coordinate transformation that swaps the positions of two ligands. The results show that ATM matches the performance of more complex free energy perturbation (FEP) methods in terms of Pearson correlation, but with marginally higher mean absolute errors. This study shows that the ATM method is competitive compared to more traditional methods in speed and accuracy and offers the advantage of being applicable with any potential energy function.more » « less
We present an analytical description of the Alchemical Transfer Method (ATM) for molecular binding using the Potential Distribution Theory (PDT) formalism. ATM models the binding free energy by mapping the bound and unbound states of the complex by translating the ligand coordinates. PDT relates the free energy and the probability densities of the perturbation energy along the alchemical path to the probability density at the initial state, which is the unbound state of the complex in the case of a binding process. Hence, the ATM probability density of the transfer energy at the unbound state is first related by a convolution operation of the probability densities for coupling the ligand to the solvent and coupling it to the solvated receptor—for which analytical descriptions are available—with parameters obtained from maximum likelihood analysis of data from double-decoupling alchemical calculations. PDT is then used to extend this analytical description along the alchemical transfer pathway. We tested the theory on the alchemical binding of five guests to the tetramethyl octa-acid host from the SAMPL8 benchmark set. In each case, the probability densities of the perturbation energy for transfer along the alchemical transfer pathway obtained from numerical calculations match those predicted from the theory and double-decoupling simulations. The work provides a solid theoretical foundation for alchemical transfer, offers physical insights on the form of the probability densities observed in alchemical transfer calculations, and confirms the conceptual and numerical equivalence between the alchemical transfer and double-decoupling processes.
Abstract Computation of the thermodynamic consequences of protein mutations holds great promise in protein biophysics and design. Alchemical free energy methods can give improved estimates of mutational free energies, and are already widely used in calculations of relative and absolute binding free energies in small molecule design problems. In principle, alchemical methods can address any amino acid mutation with an appropriate alchemical pathway, but identifying a strategy that produces such a path for proline and glycine mutations is an ongoing challenge. Most current strategies perturb only side chain atoms, while proline and glycine mutations also alter the backbone parameters and backbone ring topology. Some strategies also perturb backbone parameters and enable glycine mutations. This work presents a strategy that enables both proline and glycine mutations and comprises two key elements: a dual backbone with restraints and scaling of bonded terms, facilitating backbone parameter changes, and a soft bond in the proline ring, enabling ring topology changes in proline mutations. These elements also have utility for core hopping and macrocycle studies in computer‐aided drug design. This new strategy shows slight improvements over an alternative side chain perturbation strategy for a set T4 lysozyme mutations lacking proline and glycine, and yields good agreement with experiment for a set of T4 lysozyme proline and glycine mutations not previously studied. To our knowledge this is the first report comparing alchemical predictions of proline mutations with experiment. With this strategy in hand, alchemical methods now have access to the full palette of amino acid mutations.
We introduce the self-Relative Binding Free Energy (self-RBFE) approach to evaluate the intrinsic statistical variance of dual-topology alchemical binding free energy estimators. The self-RBFE is the relative binding free energy between a ligand and a copy of the same ligand, and its true value is zero. Nevertheless, because the two copies of the ligand move independently, the self-RBFE value produced by a finite-length simulation fluctuates and can be used to measure the variance of the model. The results of this validation provide evidence that a significant fraction of the errors observed in benchmark studies reflect the statistical fluctuations of unconverged estimates rather than the models' accuracy. Furthermore, we find that ligand reorganization is a significant contributing factor to the statistical variance of binding free energy estimates and that metadynamics-accelerated conformational sampling of torsional degrees of freedom of the ligand can drastically reduce the time to convergence.more » « less
We propose a free energy calculation method for receptor–ligand binding, which have multiple binding poses that avoids exhaustive enumeration of the poses. For systems with multiple binding poses, the standard procedure is to enumerate orientations of the binding poses, restrain the ligand to each orientation, and then, calculate the binding free energies for each binding pose. In this study, we modify a part of the thermodynamic cycle in order to sample a broader conformational space of the ligand in the binding site. This modification leads to more accurate free energy calculation without performing separate free energy simulations for each binding pose. We applied our modification to simple model host–guest systems as a test, which have only two binding poses, by using a single decoupling method (SDM) in implicit solvent. The results showed that the binding free energies obtained from our method without knowing the two binding poses were in good agreement with the benchmark results obtained by explicit enumeration of the binding poses. Our method is applicable to other alchemical binding free energy calculation methods such as the double decoupling method (DDM) in explicit solvent. We performed a calculation for a protein–ligand system with explicit solvent using our modified thermodynamic path. The results of the free energy simulation along our modified path were in good agreement with the results of conventional DDM, which requires a separate binding free energy calculation for each of the binding poses of the example of phenol binding to T4 lysozyme in explicit solvent. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.