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Title: The stable exotic Cuntz algebras are higher-rank graph algebras

For each odd integern≥<#comment/>3n \geq 3, we construct a rank-3 graphΛ<#comment/>n\Lambda _nwith involutionγ<#comment/>n\gamma _nwhose realC∗<#comment/>C^*-algebraCR∗<#comment/>(Λ<#comment/>n,γ<#comment/>n)C^*_{\scriptscriptstyle \mathbb {R}}(\Lambda _n, \gamma _n)is stably isomorphic to the exotic Cuntz algebraEn\mathcal E_n. This construction is optimal, as we prove that a rank-2 graph with involution(Λ<#comment/>,γ<#comment/>)(\Lambda ,\gamma )can never satisfyCR∗<#comment/>(Λ<#comment/>,γ<#comment/>)∼<#comment/>MEEnC^*_{\scriptscriptstyle \mathbb {R}}(\Lambda , \gamma )\sim _{ME} \mathcal E_n, and Boersema reached the same conclusion for rank-1 graphs (directed graphs) in [Münster J. Math.10(2017), pp. 485–521, Corollary 4.3]. Our construction relies on a rank-1 graph with involution(Λ<#comment/>,γ<#comment/>)(\Lambda , \gamma )whose realC∗<#comment/>C^*-algebraCR∗<#comment/>(Λ<#comment/>,γ<#comment/>)C^*_{\scriptscriptstyle \mathbb {R}}(\Lambda , \gamma )is stably isomorphic to the suspensionSRS \mathbb {R}. In the Appendix, we show that theii-fold suspensionSiRS^i \mathbb {R}is stably isomorphic to a graph algebra iff−<#comment/>2≤<#comment/>i≤<#comment/>1-2 \leq i \leq 1.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Publisher / Repository:
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B
Medium: X Size: p. 47-62
p. 47-62
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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