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This content will become publicly available on April 29, 2025

Title: Understanding students’ perceived need satisfaction, enjoyment, and participation intention in a leaderboard-based math practice game

Though many studies suggest the positive effects of leaderboard on participants’ learning and motivation, research also shows that not all students benefit from the use of leaderboard. Based on self-determination theory (SDT), this study examined how students’ actual competence, perceived competence, perceived autonomy, and perceived relatedness affected students’ enjoyment and intention for future participation in a leaderboard-based math practice game. The results showed that both perceived competence and perceived autonomy were closely related to students’ enjoyment and intention for future participation, while students’ actual competence and perceived relatedness were not related to their enjoyment or intention for future participation in such leaderboard-based math practice games. The findings of the study offer valuable insights and recommendations for both gamification research and practice.

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Award ID(s):
2142608 2225351
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Date Published:
Journal Name:
E-Learning and Digital Media
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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