There is a growing need to characterize the engineering material properties of the shallow subsurface in three dimensions for advanced engineering analyses. However, imaging the near-surface in three dimensions at spatial resolutions required for such purposes remains in its infancy and requires further study before it can be adopted into practice. To enable and accelerate research in this area, we present a large subsurface imaging data set acquired using a dense network of three-component (3C) nodal stations acquired in 2019 at the Garner Valley Downhole Array (GVDA) site. Acquisition of this data set involved the deployment of 196 stations positioned on a 14 × 14 grid with a 5 m spacing. The array was used to acquire active-source data generated by a vibroseis truck and an instrumented sledgehammer, and passive-wavefield data containing ambient noise. The active-source acquisition included 66 vibroseis and 209 instrumented sledgehammer source locations. Multiple source impacts were recorded at each source location to enable stacking of the recorded signals. The active-source recordings are provided in terms of both raw, uncorrected units of counts and corrected engineering units of meters per second. For each source impact, the force output from the vibroseis or instrumented sledgehammer was recorded and is provided in both raw counts and engineering units of kilonewtons. The passive-wavefield data include 28 h of ambient noise recorded over two nighttime deployments. The data set is shown to be useful for active-source and passive-wavefield three-dimensional imaging and other subsurface characterization techniques, which include horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSRs), multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW), and microtremor array measurements (MAM).
Empirical transfer functions (ETFs) between seismic records observed at the surface and depth represent a powerful tool to estimate site effects for earthquake hazard analysis. However, conventional modeling of site amplification, with assumptions of horizontally polarized shear waves propagating vertically through 1D layered homogeneous media, often poorly predicts the ETFs, particularly, in which large lateral variations of velocity are present. Here, we test whether more accurate site effects can be obtained from theoretical transfer functions (TTFs) extracted from physics-based simulations that naturally incorporate the complex material properties. We select two well-documented downhole sites (the KiK-net site TKCH05 in Japan and the Garner Valley site, Garner Valley Downhole Array, in southern California) for our study. The 3D subsurface geometry at the two sites is estimated by means of the surface topography near the sites and information from the shear-wave profiles obtained from borehole logs. By comparing the TTFs to ETFs at the selected sites, we show how simulations using the calibrated 3D models can significantly improve site amplification estimates as compared to 1D model predictions. The primary reason for this improvement in 3D models is redirection of scattering from vertically propagating to more realistic obliquely propagating waves, which alleviates artificial amplification at nodes in the vertical-incidence response of corresponding 1D approximations, resulting in improvement of site effect estimation. The results demonstrate the importance of reliable calibration of subsurface structure and material properties in site response studies.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 1664203
- 10526791
- Publisher / Repository:
- Seismological Society of America
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
- Edition / Version:
- 4
- Volume:
- 111
- Issue:
- 4
- 0037-1106
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 2042 to 2056
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: 4.4MB Other: pdf
- Size(s):
- 4.4MB
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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SUMMARY A robust, in situ estimate of shear-wave velocity VS and the small-strain damping ratio DS (or equivalently, the quality factor QS) is crucial for the design of buildings and geotechnical systems subjected to vibrations or earthquake ground shaking. A promising technique for simultaneously obtaining both VS and DS relies on the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) method. MASW can be used to extract the Rayleigh wave phase velocity and phase attenuation data from active-source seismic traces recorded along linear arrays. Then, these data can be inverted to obtain VS and DS profiles. This paper introduces two novel methodologies for extracting the phase velocity and attenuation data. These new approaches are based on an extension of the beamforming technique which can be combined with a modal filter to isolate different Rayleigh propagation modes. Thus, the techniques return reliable phase velocity and attenuation estimates even in the presence of a multimode wavefield, which is typical of complex stratigraphic conditions. The reliability and effectiveness of the proposed approaches are assessed on a suite of synthetic wavefields and on experimental data collected at the Garner Valley Downhole Array and Mirandola sites. The results reveal that, under proper modelling of wavefield conditions, accurate estimates of Rayleigh wave phase velocity and attenuation can be extracted from active-source MASW wavefields over a broad frequency range. Eventually, the estimation of soil mechanical parameters also requires a robust inversion procedure to map the experimental Rayleigh wave parameters into soil models describing VS and DS with depth. The simultaneous inversion of phase velocity and attenuation data is discussed in detail in the companion paper.
SUMMARY This paper deals with in situ characterization of the small-strain shear-wave velocity VS and damping ratio DS from an advanced interpretation of Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) surveys. A new approach based on extracting Rayleigh wave data using the CFDBFa method has been discussed in the companion paper. This paper focuses on mapping the experimental Rayleigh wave phase velocity and attenuation into profiles of VS and DS versus depth, which is achieved through a joint inversion procedure. The joint inversion of phase velocity and attenuation data utilizes a newly developed Monte Carlo global search algorithm, which implements a smart sampling procedure. This scheme exploits the scaling properties of the solution of the Rayleigh eigenvalue problem to modify the trial earth models and improve the matching with the experimental data. Thus, a reliable result can be achieved with a limited number of trial ground models. The proposed algorithm is applied to the inversion of synthetic data and of experimental data collected at the Garner Valley Downhole Array site, as described in the companion paper. In general, inverted soil models exhibit well-defined VS profiles, whereas DS profiles are affected by larger uncertainties. Greater uncertainty in the inverted DS profiles is a direct result of higher variability in the experimental attenuation data, the limited wavelength range at which reliable values of attenuation parameters can be retrieved, and the sensitivity of attenuation data to both DS and VS. Nonetheless, the resulting inverted earth models agree well with alternative in situ estimates and geological data. The results stress the feasibility of retrieving both stiffness and attenuation parameters from active-source MASW testing and the effectiveness of extracting in situ damping ratio estimates from surface wave data.