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Title: A deterministic near-linear time approximation scheme for geometric transportation
Given a set of points $P = (P^+ \sqcup P^-) \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ for some constant $d$ and a supply function $\mu:P\to \mathbb{R}$ such that $\mu(p) > 0~\forall p \in P^+$, $\mu(p) < 0~\forall p \in P^-$, and $\sum_{p\in P}{\mu(p)} = 0$, the geometric transportation problem asks one to find a transportation map $\tau: P^+\times P^-\to \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$ such that $\sum_{q\in P^-}{\tau(p, q)} = \mu(p)~\forall p \in P^+$, $\sum_{p\in P^+}{\tau(p, q)} = -\mu(q) \forall q \in P^-$, and the weighted sum of Euclidean distances for the pairs $\sum_{(p,q)\in P^+\times P^-}\tau(p, q)\cdot ||q-p||_2$ is minimized. We present the first deterministic algorithm that computes, in near-linear time, a transportation map whose cost is within a $(1 + \varepsilon)$ factor of optimal. More precisely, our algorithm runs in $O(n\varepsilon^{-(d+2)}\log^5{n}\log{\log{n}})$ time for any constant $\varepsilon > 0$. While a randomized $n\varepsilon^{-O(d)}\log^{O(d)}{n}$ time algorithm for this problem was discovered in the last few years, all previously known deterministic $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximation algorithms run in~$\Omega(n^{3/2})$ time. A similar situation existed for geometric bipartite matching, the special case of geometric transportation where all supplies are unit, until a deterministic $n\varepsilon^{-O(d)}\log^{O(d)}{n}$ time $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximation algorithm was presented at STOC 2022. Surprisingly, our result is not only a generalization of the bipartite matching one to arbitrary instances of geometric transportation, but it also reduces the running time for all previously known $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximation algorithms, randomized or deterministic, even for geometric bipartite matching. In particular, we give the first $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximate deterministic algorithm for geometric bipartite matching and the first $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximate deterministic or randomized algorithm for geometric transportation with no dependence on $d$ in the exponent of the running time's polylog. As an additional application of our main ideas, we also give the first randomized near-linear $O(\varepsilon^{-2} m \log^{O(1)} n)$ time $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximation algorithm for the uncapacitated minimum cost flow (transshipment) problem in undirected graphs with arbitrary \emph{real} edge costs.  more » « less
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1301 to 1315
Medium: X
Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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