- 10532457
- Author(s) / Creator(s):
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; more »
- Publisher / Repository:
- American Physical Society
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Physical Review D
- Volume:
- 108
- Issue:
- 9
- 2470-0010
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The nature of dark matter, the invisible substance making up over 80% of the matter in the universe, is one of the most fundamental mysteries of modern physics. Ultralight bosons such as axions, axion-like particles, or dark photons could make up most of the dark matter. Couplings between such bosons and nuclear spins may enable their direct detection via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: As nuclear spins move through the galactic dark-matter halo, they couple to dark matter and behave as if they were in an oscillating magnetic field, generating a dark-matter–driven NMR signal. As part of the cosmic axion spin precession experiment (CASPEr), an NMR-based dark-matter search, we use ultralow-field NMR to probe the axion-fermion “wind” coupling and dark-photon couplings to nuclear spins. No dark matter signal was detected above background, establishing new experimental bounds for dark matter bosons with masses ranging from 1.8 × 10 −16 to 7.8 × 10 −14 eV.more » « less
Abstract Galactic dark matter may consist of axionlike particles (ALPs) that can be described as an “ultralight bosonic field” oscillating at the ALP Compton frequency. The ALP field can be searched for using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), where resonant precession of spins of a polarized sample can be sensitively detected. The ALP mass to which the experiment is sensitive is scanned by sweeping the bias magnetic field. The scanning either results in detection of ALP dark matter or rules out ALP dark matter with sufficiently strong couplings to nuclear spins over the range of ALP masses corresponding to the covered span of Larmor frequencies. In this work, scanning strategies are analyzed with the goal of optimizing the parameter‐space coverage via a proper choice of experimental parameters (e.g., the effective transverse relaxation time).
A bstract Hidden sectors are ubiquitous in supergravity theories, in strings and in branes. Well motivated models such as the Stueckelberg hidden sector model could provide a candidate for dark matter. In such models, the hidden sector communicates with the visible sector via the exchange of a dark photon (dark Z ′) while dark matter is constituted of Dirac fermions in the hidden sector. Using data from collider searches and precision measurements of SM processes as well as the most recent limits from dark matter direct and indirect detection experiments, we perform a comprehensive scan over a wide range of the Z ′ mass and set exclusion bounds on the parameter space from sub-GeV to several TeV. We then discuss the discovery potential of an $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (TeV) scale Z ′ at HL-LHC and the ability of future forward detectors to probe very weakly interacting sub-GeV Z ′ bosons. Our analysis shows that the parameter space in which a Z ′ can decay to hidden sector dark matter is severely constrained whereas limits become much weaker for a Z ′ with no dark decays. The analysis also favors a self-thermalized dark sector which is necessary to satisfy the dark matter relic density.more » « less
A bstract We show that simultaneously explaining dark matter and the observed value of the muon’s magnetic dipole moment may lead to yet unexplored photon signals at the LHC. We consider the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with electroweakino masses in the few-to-several hundred GeV range, and opposite sign of the Bino mass parameter with respect to both the Higgsino and Wino mass parameters. In such region of parameter space, the spin-independent elastic scattering cross section of a Bino-like dark matter candidate in direct detection experiment is suppressed by cancellations between different amplitudes, and the observed dark matter relic density can be realized via Bino-Wino co-annihilation. Moreover, the observed value of the muon’s magnetic dipole moment can be explained by Bino and Wino loop contributions. Interestingly, “radiative” decays of Wino-like neutralinos into the lightest neutralino and a photon are enhanced, whereas decays into leptons are suppressed. While these decay patterns weaken the reach of multi-lepton searches at the LHC, the radiative decay opens a new window for probing dark matter at the LHC through the exploration of parameter space regions beyond those currently accessible. To complement the current electroweakino searches, we propose searching for a single (soft) photon plus missing transverse energy, accompanied by a hard initial state radiation jet.
A variety of supergravity and string models involve hidden sectors where the hidden sectors may couple feebly with the visible sectors via a variety of portals. While the coupling of the hidden sector to the visible sector is feeble its coupling to the inflaton is largely unknown. It could couple feebly or with the same strength as the visible sector which would result in either a cold or a hot hidden sector at the end of reheating. These two possibilities could lead to significantly different outcomes for observables. We investigate the thermal evolution of the two sectors in a cosmologically consistent hidden sector dark matter model where the hidden sector and the visible sector are thermally coupled. Within this framework we analyze several phenomena to illustrate their dependence on the initial conditions. These include the allowed parameter space of models, dark matter relic density, proton-dark matter cross section, effective massless neutrino species at BBN time, self-interacting dark matter cross-section, where self-interaction occurs via exchange of dark photon, and Sommerfeld enhancement. Finally fits to the velocity dependence of dark matter cross sections from galaxy scales to the scale of galaxy clusters is given. The analysis indicates significant effects of the initial conditions on the observables listed above. The analysis is carried out within the framework where dark matter is constituted of dark fermions and the mediation between the visible and the hidden sector occurs via the exchange of dark photons. The techniques discussed here may have applications for a wider class of hidden sector models using different mediations between the visible and the hidden sectors to explore the impact of Big Bang initial conditions on observable physics.more » « less