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Title: Transient Absorption Microscopy Using Widefield Lock-in Camera Imaging
Over the past decade, the proliferation of pulsed laser sources with high repetition rates has facilitated a merger of ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy with imaging microscopy. In transient absorption microscopy (TAM), the excited-state dynamics of a system are tracked by measuring changes in the transmission of a focused probe pulse following photoexcitation of a sample. Typically, these experiments are done using a photodiode detector and lock-in amplifier synchronized with the laser and images highlighting spatial heterogeneity in the TAM signal are constructed by scanning the probe across a sample. Performing TAM by instead imaging a spatially defocused widefield probe with a multipixel camera could dramatically accelerate the acquisition of spatially resolved dynamics, yet approaches for such widefield imaging generally suffer from reduced signal-to-noise due to an incompatibility of multipixel cameras with high-frequency lock-in detection. Herein, we describe implementation of a camera capable of high-frequency lock-in detection, thereby enabling widefield TAM imaging at rates matching those of high repetition rate lasers. Transient images using a widefield probe and two separate pump pulse configurations are highlighted. In the first, a widefield probe was used to image changes in the spatial distribution of photoexcited molecules prepared by a tightly focused pump pulse, while in the second, a widefield probe detected spatial variations in photoexcited dynamics within a heterogeneous organic crystal excited by a defocused pump pulse. These results highlight the ability of high-sensitivity lock-in detection to enable widefield TAM imaging, which can be leveraged to further our understanding of excited-state dynamics and excitation transport within spatially heterogeneous systems.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
2413590 2019083
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
American Chemical Society
Date Published:
Journal Name:
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Page Range / eLocation ID:
11723 to 11731
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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