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Title: GEOTRACES Reflections

GEOTRACES is an international program that has benefited from contributions by investigators in 35 nations. The program mission is to identify processes and quantify fluxes that control the distributions of key trace elements and isotopes in the ocean and to establish the sensitivity of these distributions to changing environmental conditions. This perspective first summarizes the historical motivation for the program, and then describes selected research highlights, focusing on recent findings related to iron. The patchy distribution of iron in the ocean indicates a short residence time, at the low end of the range of residence times estimated in models. Iron removal from the ocean must, therefore, be rapid. Recent results from the North Atlantic Ocean suggest that the formation of particulate authigenic iron phases may be a factor contributing to iron removal that is faster than previously thought. This article also identifies several areas where advancements are expected through modeling and synthesis efforts.

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The Oceanography Society
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Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  1. Abstract

    Although iron availability has been shown to limit ocean productivity and influence marine carbon cycling, the rates of processes driving iron's removal and retention in the upper ocean are poorly constrained. Using234Th‐ and sediment‐trap data, most of which were collected through international GEOTRACES efforts, we perform an unprecedented observation‐based assessment of iron export from and residence time in the upper ocean. The majority of these new residence time estimates for total iron in the surface ocean (0–250 m) fall between 10 and 100 days. The upper ocean residence time of dissolved iron, on the other hand, varies and cycles on sub‐annual to annual timescales. Collectively, these residence times are shorter than previously thought, and the rates and timescales presented here will contribute to ongoing efforts to integrate iron into global biogeochemical models predicting climate and carbon dioxide sequestration in the ocean in the 21st century and beyond.

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  2. Abstract

    Numerical models of ocean biogeochemistry are relied upon to make projections about the impact of climate change on marine resources and test hypotheses regarding the drivers of past changes in climate and ecosystems. In large areas of the ocean, iron availability regulates the functioning of marine ecosystems and hence the ocean carbon cycle. Accordingly, our ability to quantify the drivers and impacts of fluctuations in ocean ecosystems and carbon cycling in space and time relies on first achieving an appropriate representation of the modern marine iron cycle in models. When the iron distributions from 13 global ocean biogeochemistry models are compared against the latest oceanic sections from the GEOTRACES program, we find that all models struggle to reproduce many aspects of the observed spatial patterns. Models that reflect the emerging evidence for multiple iron sources or subtleties of its internal cycling perform much better in capturing observed features than their simpler contemporaries, particularly in the ocean interior. We show that the substantial uncertainty in the input fluxes of iron results in a very wide range of residence times across models, which has implications for the response of ecosystems and global carbon cycling to perturbations. Given this large uncertainty, iron fertilization experiments based on any single current generation model should be interpreted with caution. Improvements to how such models represent iron scavenging and also biological cycling are needed to raise confidence in their projections of global biogeochemical change in the ocean.

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  3. Ocean biogeochemical models have become critical tools for interpreting trace element and isotope (TEI) distributions observed during the GEOTRACES program and understanding their driving processes. Models stimulate new research questions that cannot be addressed with observations alone, for instance, concerning processes that occur over vast spatial scales and linkages between TEIs and other elemental cycles. A spectrum of modeling approaches has been applied to date, including (1) fully prognostic models that couple TEIs to broader biogeochemical frameworks, (2) simpler element-specific mechanistic models that allow for assimilation of observations, and (3) machine learning models that have no mechanistic underpinning but allow for skillful extrapolation of sparse data. Here, we evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches and review three sets of novel insights they have facilitated. First, models have advanced our understanding of global-scale micronutrient distributions, and their deviations from macronutrients, in terms of a “ventilation-regeneration-scavenging” balance. Second, models have yielded global-scale estimates of TEI inputs to and losses from the ocean, revealing, for instance, a rapid iron (Fe) cycle with an oceanic residence time on the order of decades. Third, models have identified novel links among various TEI cycling processes and the global ocean carbon cycle, such as tracing the supply of hydrothermally sourced Fe to iron-starved microbial communities in the Southern Ocean. We foresee additional important roles for modeling work in the next stages of trace element research, including synthesizing understanding from the GEOTRACES program in the form of TEI state estimates, and projecting the responses of TEI cycles to global climate change.

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  5. Abstract

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