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Title: Polar Solomon rings in ferroelectric nanocrystals

Solomon rings, upholding the symbol of wisdom with profound historical roots, were widely used as decorations in ancient architecture and clothing. However, it was only recently discovered that such topological structures can be formed by self-organization in biological/chemical molecules, liquid crystals, etc. Here, we report the observation of polar Solomon rings in a ferroelectric nanocrystal, which consist of two intertwined vortices and are mathematically equivalent to a$${4}_{1}^{2}$$412link in topology. By combining piezoresponse force microscopy observations and phase-field simulations, we demonstrate the reversible switching between polar Solomon rings and vertex textures by an electric field. The two types of topological polar textures exhibit distinct absorption of terahertz infrared waves, which can be exploited in infrared displays with a nanoscale resolution. Our study establishes, both experimentally and computationally, the existence and electrical manipulation of polar Solomon rings, a new form of topological polar structures that may provide a simple way for fast, robust, and high-resolution optoelectronic devices.

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Publisher / Repository:
Nature Portfolio
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Journal Name:
Nature Communications
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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