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Title: Element abundance patterns in stars indicate fission of nuclei heavier than uranium

The heaviest chemical elements are naturally produced by the rapid neutron-capture process (r-process) during neutron star mergers or supernovae. Ther-process production of elements heavier than uranium (transuranic nuclei) is poorly understood and inaccessible to experiments so must be extrapolated by using nucleosynthesis models. We examined element abundances in a sample of stars that are enhanced inr-process elements. The abundances of elements ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, and silver (atomic numbersZ= 44 to 47; mass numbersA= 99 to 110) correlate with those of heavier elements (63 ≤Z≤ 78,A> 150). There is no correlation for neighboring elements (34 ≤Z≤ 42 and 48 ≤Z≤ 62). We interpret this as evidence that fission fragments of transuranic nuclei contribute to the abundances. Our results indicate that neutron-rich nuclei with mass numbers >260 are produced inr-process events.

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Page Range / eLocation ID:
1177 to 1180
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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