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Title: A case study of SMEFT $$ \mathcal{O}\left(1/{\Lambda}^4\right) $$ effects in diboson processes: pp → W±(ℓ±ν)γ

In this paper we exploreppW±(±ν)γto$$ \mathcal{O}\left(1/{\Lambda}^4\right) $$O1/Λ4in the SMEFT expansion. Calculations to this order are necessary to properly capture SMEFT contributions that grow with energy, as the interference between energy-enhanced SMEFT effects at$$ \mathcal{O}\left(1/{\Lambda}^2\right) $$O1/Λ2and the Standard Model is suppressed. We find that there are several dimension eight operators that interfere with the Standard Model and lead to the same energy growth, ~$$ \mathcal{O}\left({E}^4/{\Lambda}^4\right) $$OE4/Λ4, as dimension six squared. While energy-enhanced SMEFT contributions are a main focus, our calculation includes the complete set of$$ \mathcal{O}\left(1/{\Lambda}^4\right) $$O1/Λ4SMEFT effects consistent with U(3)5flavor symmetry. Additionally, we include the decay of theW±→ ℓ±ν, making the calculation actually$$ \overline{q}{q}^{\prime}\to {\ell}^{\pm}\nu \gamma $$q¯q±νγ. As such, we are able to study the impact of non-resonant SMEFT operators, such as$$ \left({L}^{\dagger }{\overline{\sigma}}^{\mu }{\tau}^IL\right)\left({Q}^{\dagger }{\overline{\sigma}}^{\nu }{\tau}^IQ\right) $$Lσ¯μτILQσ¯ντIQBμν, which contribute to$$ \overline{q}{q}^{\prime}\to {\ell}^{\pm}\nu \gamma $$q¯q±νγdirectly and not to$$ \overline{q}{q}^{\prime}\to {W}^{\pm}\gamma $$q¯qW±γ. We show several distributions to illustrate the shape differences of the different contributions.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
Publisher / Repository:
Journal of High Energy Physics
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of High Energy Physics
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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