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Title: On the energy absorption in a novel CoFeSiB metallic‐glass fiber/epoxy resin composite under quasi‐static and dynamic compression conditions

Manufacturing and investigating metallic‐glass‐fiber‐reinforced epoxies is an important new attempt to present their potential to contribute to the aviation industry. In order to explore the energy absorption in novel CoFeSiB metallic‐glass‐fiber/epoxy resin composites, CoFeSiB/epoxy resin composite cylinders with different fiber volume fractions were prepared by a hot‐pressing method. The amorphism of the metal fibers was analyzed using x‐ray diffraction. The quasi‐static compression tests were performed on different fiber oriented samples with a diameter of 3.6 mm and a height of 7.2 mm. The sample with the fiber orientation [0°/90°] has a higher energy absorption capacity, compared to the one with the fiber orientation [0°/0°]. The dynamic‐ compression tests were performed on the [0°/0°] samples with a diameter of 3 mm and height of 6 mm at different air pressures. The compression fracture surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscope. Then the energy absorption mechanism of the composites was investigated. This study is of great significance for the energy absorption in amorphous metal fiber/epoxy composites.

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Journal Name:
Polymer Composites
Page Range / eLocation ID:
5290 to 5299
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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