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High-entropy alloys (HEAs) with significant magnetocaloric effects (MCEs) have attracted widespread attention due to their potential magnetic refrigeration applications over a much more comprehensive temperature range with large refrigerant capacity (RC). However, most of them are metallic glasses (MGs) with problems of limited size, resulting in the difficulty of further applications. Therefore, research on HEAs with crystalline structures and giant MCE is urgently needed. In this paper, GdErHoCoM (M = Cr and Mn) rare-earth HEA ingots with orthorhombic structures are developed, and their magnetic behavior and MCE are studied in detail. Phase investigations find that the main phase of GdErHoCoM ingots is probably (GdErHo)Co with an orthorhombic Ho3Co-type structure of a space group of Pnma. The secondary phases in GdErHoCoCr and GdErHoCoMn are body-center-cubic Cr and Mn-rich HoCo2-type phases, respectively. Magnetic investigations reveal that both ingots undergo a first-order magnetic phase transition below their respective Neel temperatures. Above their respective Neel temperatures, a second-order transition is observed. The Neel temperatures are 40 and 56 K for GdErHoCoCr and GdErHoCoMn, respectively. Additionally, the GdErHoCoCr and GdErHoCoMn ingots exhibit maximum magnetic entropy changes and RC values of 12.29 J/kg/K and 746 J/kg and 10.13 J/kg/K and 606 J/kg, respectively, under a magnetic field of 5 T. The ingots GdErHoCoM (M = Cr and Mn) show excellent MEC properties and can be manufactured easily, making them promising for magnetic refrigerant applications.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 2226508
- 10555884
- Publisher / Repository:
- Applied Physics Letters
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Applied Physics Letters
- Volume:
- 124
- Issue:
- 12
- 0003-6951
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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