The progenitor system(s) as well as the explosion mechanism(s) of thermonuclear (Type Ia) supernovae are long-standing issues in astrophysics. Here we present ejecta masses and other physical parameters for 28 recent Type Ia supernovae inferred from multiband photometric and optical spectroscopic data. Our results confirm that the majority of SNe Ia show
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Abstract observable ejecta masses below the Chandrasekhar-limit (having a meanM ej≈ 1.1 ± 0.3M ⊙), consistent with the predictions of recent sub-M Chexplosion models. They are compatible with models assuming either single- or double-degenerate progenitor configurations. We also recover a sub-sample of supernovae within 1.2M ⊙<M ej< 1.5M ⊙that are consistent with near-Chandrasekhar explosions. Taking into account the uncertainties of the inferred ejecta masses, about half of our SNe are compatible with both explosion models. We compare our results with those in previous studies, and discuss the caveats and concerns regarding the applied methodology.Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025 -
Abstract We present optical observations and analysis of the bright type Iax supernova SN 2020udy hosted by NGC 0812. The evolution of the light curve of SN 2020udy is similar to that of other bright type Iax SNe. Analytical modeling of the quasi-bolometric light curves of SN 2020udy suggests that 0.08 ± 0.01
M ⊙of56Ni would have been synthesized during the explosion. The spectral features of SN 2020udy are similar to those of the bright members of type Iax class, showing a weak Siii line. The late-time spectral sequence is mostly dominated by iron group elements with broad emission lines. Abundance tomography modeling of the spectral time series of SN 2020udy usingTARDIS indicates stratification in the outer ejecta; however, to confirm this, spectral modeling at a very early phase is required. After maximum light, uniform mixing of chemical elements is sufficient to explain the spectral evolution. Unlike in the case of normal type Ia SNe, the photospheric approximation remains robust until +100 days, requiring an additional continuum source. Overall, the observational features of SN 2020udy are consistent with the deflagration of a carbon–oxygen white dwarf.Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025 -
Abstract AT 2020mot is a typical UV/optical tidal disruption event (TDE) with no radio or X-ray signatures in a quiescent host. We find an
i -band excess and rebrightening along the decline of the light curve which could be due to two consecutive dust echoes from the TDE. We model our observations following van Velzen et al. and find that the near-infrared light curve can be explained by concentric rings of thin dust within ∼0.1 pc of a ∼6 × 106M ⊙supermassive black hole (SMBH), among the smallest scales at which dust has been inferred near SMBHs. We find dust covering factors of orderf c ≤ 2%, much lower than found for dusty tori of active galactic nuclei. These results highlight the potential of TDEs for uncovering the environments around black holes when including near-infrared observations in high-cadence transient studies. -
We present a comparative study of two nearby type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), 2018xx and 2019gbx, that exploded in NGC 4767 and MCG-02-33-017 at a distance of 48 Mpc and 60 Mpc, respectively. The B -band light curve decline rate for SN 2018xx is estimated to be 1.48 ± 0.07 mag and for SN 2019gbx it is 1.37 ± 0.07 mag. Despite the similarities in photometric evolution, quasi-bolometric luminosity, and spectroscopy between these two SNe Ia, SN 2018xx has been found to be fainter by about ∼0.38 mag in the B -band and has a lower 56 Ni yield. Their host galaxies have similar metallicities at the SN location, indicating that the differences between these two SNe Ia may be associated with the higher progenitor metallicity of SN 2018xx. Further inspection of the near-maximum-light spectra has revealed that SN 2018xx has relatively strong absorption features near 4300 Å relative to SN 2019gbx. The application of the code TARDIS fitting to the above features indicates that the absorption features near 4300 Å appear to be related to not only Fe II /Mg II abundance but possibly to the other element abundances as well. Moreover, SN 2018xx shows a weaker carbon absorption at earlier times, which is also consistent with higher ejecta metallicity.more » « less
Abstract Dust associated with various stellar sources in galaxies at all cosmic epochs remains a controversial topic, particularly whether supernovae play an important role in dust production. We report evidence of dust formation in the cold, dense shell behind the ejecta–circumstellar medium (CSM) interaction in the Type Ia-CSM supernova (SN) 2018evt three years after the explosion, characterized by a rise in mid-infrared emission accompanied by an accelerated decline in the optical radiation of the SN. Such a dust-formation picture is also corroborated by the concurrent evolution of the profiles of the Hα emission line. Our model suggests enhanced CSM dust concentration at increasing distances from the SN as compared to what can be expected from the density profile of the mass loss from a steady stellar wind. By the time of the last mid-infrared observations at day +1,041, a total amount of 1.2 ± 0.2 × 10−2
M ⊙of new dust has been formed by SN 2018evt, making SN 2018evt one of the most prolific dust factories among supernovae with evidence of dust formation. The unprecedented witness of the intense production procedure of dust may shed light on the perceptions of dust formation in cosmic history.Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025 -
Abstract Type Ibn supernovae (SNe) are a rare class of stellar explosions whose progenitor systems are not yet well determined. We present and analyze observations of the Type Ibn SN 2019kbj, and model its light curve in order to constrain its progenitor and explosion parameters. SN 2019kbj shows roughly constant temperature during the first month after peak, indicating a power source (likely circumstellar material interaction) that keeps the continuum emission hot at ∼15,000 K. Indeed, we find that the radioactive decay of56Ni is disfavored as the sole power source of the bolometric light curve. A radioactive decay + circumstellar material (CSM) interaction model, on the other hand, does reproduce the bolometric emission well. The fits prefer a uniform-density CSM shell rather than CSM due to a steady mass-loss wind, similar to what is seen in other Type Ibn SNe. The uniform-density CSM shell model requires ∼0.1
M ⊙of56Ni and ∼1M ⊙total ejecta mass to reproduce the light curve. SN 2019kbj differs in this manner from another Type Ibn SN with derived physical parameters, SN 2019uo, for which an order of magnitude lower56Ni mass and larger ejecta mass were derived. This points toward a possible diversity in SN Ibn progenitor systems and explosions. -
Photometry shown in Figure Extended Data 4 (a) of Wang, Lingzhi, et al. 2024, Nature Astronomy, is days since B-band maximum MJD 58352.BVgri-band photometry from 1-m network at Las Cumbres Observatory.SN2018evt_lcogt_lc.datBVgri-band photometry from 2.4-m LiJiang Telescope (LJT) and 60/90-cm XingLong Schmidt Telescope (XLST)SN2018evt_xlt_ljt_lc.datOptical and NIR spectra data shown in Figures Extended Data 2, 3, and Table Extended Data 2 of Wang, Lingzhi, et al. 2024, Nature Astronomy, NIR spectraSN2018evt_181224_spex.txt SN2018evt_190511_spex.txtSN2018evt_190617_spex.txtSN2018evt_200119_spex.txtSN2018evt_20190101_gnirs.txtSN2018evt_20190108_gnirs.txtSN2018evt_20190516_fire.datSN2018evt_20190712_fire.datOptical spectraOptical spectra observed with 2.4-m LiJiang Telescope (LJT)SN2018evt_190104_LJT_G3.datSN2018evt_190131_LJT_G3.datSN2018evt_190328_LJT_G3.datSN2018evt_190520_LJT_G3.datOptical spectra observed with 2.16-m XingLong Telescope (XLT)SN2018evt_20190208_2458551.3570_bao_bfosc.txtSN2018evt_20190220_2458563.3588_bao-bfosc.txtSN2018evt_20190413_2458587.2169_bao-bfosc.txtOptical spectra observed with 3.6-m ESO New Technology Telescope (NTT)SN2018evt_20180812_NTT_Gr13_Free_slit1.0_58346_1_e.asciSN2018evt_20190425_NTT_Gr13_Free_slit1.0_58599_1_e.asciSN2018evt_20190512_NTT_Gr13_Free_slit1.0_58616_1_e.asciSN2018evt_20190608_NTT_Gr13_Free_slit1.0_58643_1_e.asciSN2018evt_20200218_NTT_Gr13_Free_slit1.0_58899_1_e.asciSN2018evt_20200322_NTT_Gr13_Free_slit1.0_58931_1_e.asciOptical spectrum observed with WiFes mounted on 2.3-m telescope at the Siding Spring Observatory (WiFeS)SN2018evt_20190624_ANU_Wifes.datOptical spectrum observed with 2.0-m Faulkes Telescope North (FTN)/FLOYDSSN2018evt_20191224_FTN-floyds-redblu_145742.306.asciiSN2018evt_20200119_FTN-floyds-redblu_133856.906.asciiSN2018evt_20200203_FTN-floyds-redblu_125905.990.asciimore » « less
ABSTRACT A growing number of supernovae (SNe) are now known to exhibit evidence for significant interaction with a dense, pre-existing, circumstellar medium (CSM). SNe Ibn comprise one such class that can be characterized by both rapidly evolving light curves and persistent narrow He i lines. The origin of such a dense CSM in these systems remains a pressing question, specifically concerning the progenitor system and mass-loss mechanism. In this paper, we present multiwavelength data of the Type Ibn SN 2020nxt, including HST/STIS ultraviolet spectra. We fit the data with recently updated CMFGEN models designed to handle configurations for SNe Ibn. The UV coverage yields strong constraints on the energetics and, when combined with the CMFGEN models, offer new insight on potential progenitor systems. We find the most successful model is a ≲4 M⊙ helium star that lost its $\sim 1\, {\rm M}_\odot$ He-rich envelope in the years preceding core collapse. We also consider viable alternatives, such as a He white dwarf merger. Ultimately, we conclude at least some SNe Ibn do not arise from single, massive (>30 M⊙) Wolf–Rayet-like stars.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 6, 2025 -
Abstract We present the optical photometric and spectroscopic analysis of two Type Iax supernovae (SNe), 2018cni and 2020kyg. SN 2018cni is a bright Type Iax SN ( M V ,peak = −17.81 ± 0.21 mag), whereas SN 2020kyg ( M V ,peak = −14.52 ± 0.21 mag) is a faint one. We derive 56 Ni mass of 0.07 and 0.002 M ⊙ and ejecta mass of 0.48 and 0.14 M ⊙ for SNe 2018cni and 2020kyg, respectively. A combined study of the bright and faint Type Iax SNe in R / r -band reveals that the brighter objects tend to have a longer rise time. However, the correlation between the peak luminosity and decline rate shows that bright and faint Type Iax SNe exhibit distinct behavior. Comparison with standard deflagration models suggests that SN 2018cni is consistent with the deflagration of a CO white dwarf, whereas the properties of SN 2020kyg can be better explained by the deflagration of a hybrid CONe white dwarf. The spectral features of both the SNe point to the presence of similar chemical species but with different mass fractions. Our spectral modeling indicates stratification at the outer layers and mixed inner ejecta for both of the SNe.more » « less
Abstract We present the photometry of 16 91T/99aa-like Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) observed by the Las Cumbres Observatory. We also use an additional set of 21 91T/99aa-like SNe Ia and 87 normal SNe Ia from the literature for an analysis of the standardizability of the luminosity of 91T/99aa-like SNe. We find that 91T/99aa-like SNe are 0.2 mag brighter than normal SNe Ia, even when fully corrected by the light-curve shapes and colors. The weighted rms of the 91T/99aa-like SNe (with z CMB > 0.01) Hubble residuals is 0.25 ± 0.03 mag, suggesting that 91T/99aa-like SNe are also excellent relative distance indicators to ±12%. We compare the Hubble residuals with the pseudo-equivalent width (pEW) of Si ii λλ 6355 around the date of maximum brightness. We find that there is a broken linear correlation between those two measurements for our sample including both 91T/99aa-like and normal SNe Ia. As the pEW max (Si ii λλ 6355) increases, the Hubble residual increases when pEW max (Si ii λλ 6355) < 55.6 Å. However, the Hubble residual stays constant beyond this. Given that 91T/99aa-like SNe possess shallower Si ii lines than normal SNe Ia, the linear correlation at pEW max (Si ii λλ 6355) < 55.6 Å can account for the overall discrepancy of Hubble residuals derived from the two subgroups. Such a systematic effect needs to be taken into account when using SNe Ia to measure luminosity distances.more » « less