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Creators/Authors contains: "Chen, Hongyi"

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  1. We propose an improved keypoint approach for 6-DoF grasp pose synthesis from RGB-D input. Keypoint-based grasp detection from image input demonstrated promising results in a previous study, where the visual information provided by color imagery compensates for noisy or imprecise depth measurements. However, it relies heavily on accurate keypoint prediction in image space. We devise a new grasp generation network that reduces the dependency on precise keypoint estimation. Given an RGB-D input, the network estimates both the grasp pose and the camera-grasp length scale. Re-design of the keypoint output space mitigates the impact of keypoint prediction noise on Perspective-n-Point (PnP) algorithm solutions. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the baseline by a large margin, validating its design. Though trained only on simple synthetic objects, our method demonstrates sim-to-real capacity through competitive results in real-world robot experiments. 
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  2. This paper describes a hierarchical solution consisting of a multi-phase planner and a low-level safe controller to jointly solve the safe navigation problem in crowded, dynamic, and uncertain environments. The planner employs dynamic gap analysis and trajectory optimization to achieve collision avoidance with respect to the predicted trajectories of dynamic agents within the sensing and planning horizon and with robustness to agent uncertainty. To address uncertainty over the planning horizon and real-time safety, a fast reactive safe set algorithm (SSA) is adopted, which monitors and modifies the unsafe control during trajectory tracking. Compared to other existing methods, our approach offers theoretical guarantees of safety and achieves collision-free navigation with higher probability in uncertain environments, as demonstrated in scenarios with 20 and 50 dynamic agents. 
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  3. Abstract

    The strong and counterproductive interrelationship of thermoelectric parameters remains a bottleneck to improving thermoelectric performance, especially in polymer‐based materials. In this paper, a compositional range is investigated over which there is decoupling of the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient, achieving increases in at least one of these two parameters while the other is maintained or slightly increased as well. This is done using an alkylthio‐substituted polythiophene (PQTS12) as additive in poly(bisdodecylquaterthiophene) (PQT12) with tetrafluorotetracyanoquinodimethane (F4TCNQ) and nitrosyl tetrafluoroborate (NOBF4) as dopants. The power factor increases two orders of magnitude with the PQTS12 additive at constant doping level. Using a second pair of polymers, poly(2,5‐bis(3‐dodecylthiophen‐2‐yl)thieno[3,2‐b]thiophene (PBTTTC12) and poly(2,5‐bis(3‐dodecylthiothiophen‐2‐yl)thieno[3,2‐b]thiophene, (PBTTTSC12), with higher mobilities, decoupling of the Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity is also observed and higher power factor is achieved. Distinguished from recently reported works, these two sets of polymers possess very closely offset carrier energy levels (0.05–0.07 eV), and the microstructure, assessed using grazing incidence X‐ray scattering, and mobility evaluated in field‐effect transistors, are not adversely affected by the blending. Experiments, calculations, and simulations are consistent with the idea that blending and doping polymers with closely spaced energy levels and compatible morphologies to promote carrier mobility favors increased power factors.

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