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Creators/Authors contains: "DeRocco, William"

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    The abundance of protoplanetary bodies ejected from their parent star system is presently poorly constrained. With only two existing optical observations of interstellar objects in the 108–1010 kg mass range and a small number of robust microlensing observations of free-floating planets (FFPs) in the 1024–1025 kg mass range, there is a large range of masses for which there are no existing measurements of the unbound population. The three primary microlensing surveys currently searching for FFPs operate at a cadence greater than 15 min, which limits their ability to observe events associated with bodies with a mass much below an Earth mass. We demonstrate that existing high-cadence observations of M31 with the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam place constraints on the abundance of unbound objects at sub-terrestrial masses, with peak sensitivity at 10−4 M⊕ for Milky Way lenses and 10−1 M⊕ for lenses in M31. For a fiducial $\frac{dn}{dM}\propto M^{-2}$ mass distribution, we find that the abundance of unbound objects is constrained to $n_\text{unbound} \lt 1.4 \times 10^{7} ~\rm {pc}^{-3}$ for masses within 1 dex of 10−4 M⊕. Additionally, we compute limits on an artificial ‘monochromatic’ distribution of unbound objects and compare to existing literature, demonstrating that the assumed spatial distribution of lenses has very significant consequences for the sensitivity of microlensing surveys. While the observations ultimately do not probe abundances suggested by current models of planetary formation, our limits place direct observational constraints on the unbound population in the sub-terrestrial mass range and motivate new observational strategies for microlensing surveys.

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  2. Abstract It is well-known that stars have the potential to be excellent dark matter detectors. Infalling dark matter that scatters within stars could lead to a range of observational signatures, including stellar heating, black hole formation, and modified heat transport. To make robust predictions for such phenomena, it is necessary to calculate the scattering rate for dark matter inside the star. As we show in this paper, for small enough momentum transfers, this requires taking into account  collective effects within the dense stellar medium. These effects have been neglected in many previous treatments; we demonstrate how to incorporate them systematically, and show that they can parametrically enhance or suppress dark matter scattering rates depending on how dark matter couples to the Standard Model. We show that, as a result, collective effects can significantly modify the potential discovery or exclusion reach for observations of compact objects such as white dwarfs and neutron stars. While the effects are more pronounced for dark matter coupling through a light mediator, we show that even for dark matter coupling via a heavy mediator, scattering rates can differ by orders of magnitude from their naive values for dark matter masses ≲ 100 MeV. We also illustrate how collective effects can be important for dark matter scattering in more dilute media, such as the Solar core. Our results demonstrate the need to systematically incorporate collective effects in a wide range of astroparticle contexts; to facilitate this, we provide expressions for in-medium self-energies for a variety of different media, which are applicable to many other processes of interest (such as particle production). 
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  3. null (Ed.)
  4. null (Ed.)