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Creators/Authors contains: "Dunlap, Lisa"

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  1. Hyperparameter tuning is a necessary step in training and deploying machine learning models. Most prior work on hyperparameter tuning has studied methods for maximizing model accuracy under a time constraint, assuming a fixed cluster size. While this is appropriate in data center environments, the increased deployment of machine learning workloads in cloud settings necessitates studying hyperparameter tuning with an elastic cluster size and time and monetary budgets. While recent work has leveraged the elasticity of the cloud to minimize the execution cost of a pre-determined hyperparameter tuning job originally designed for fixed-cluster sizes, they do not aim to maximize accuracy. In this work, we aim to maximize accuracy given time and cost constraints. We introduce SEER---Sequential Elimination with Elastic Resources, an algorithm that tests different hyperparameter values in the beginning and maintains varying degrees of parallelism among the promising configurations to ensure that they are trained sufficiently before the deadline. Unlike fixed cluster size methods, it is able to exploit the flexibility in resource allocation the elastic setting has to offer in order to avoid undesirable effects of sublinear scaling. Furthermore, SEER can be easily integrated into existing systems and makes minimal assumptions about the workload. On a suite of benchmarks, we demonstrate that SEER outperforms both existing methods for hyperparameter tuning on a fixed cluster as well as naive extensions of these algorithms to the cloud setting. 
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  2. Hyperparameter tuning is essential to achieving state-of-the-art accuracy in machine learning (ML), but requires substantial compute resources to perform. Existing systems primarily focus on effectively allocating resources for a hyperparameter tuning job under fixed resource constraints. We show that the available parallelism in such jobs changes dynamically over the course of execution and, therefore, presents an opportunity to leverage the elasticity of the cloud. In particular, we address the problem of minimizing the financial cost of executing a hyperparameter tuning job, subject to a time constraint. We present RubberBand---the first framework for cost-efficient, elastic execution of hyperparameter tuning jobs in the cloud. RubberBand utilizes performance instrumentation and cloud pricing to model job completion time and cost prior to runtime, and generate a cost-efficient, elastic resource allocation plan. RubberBand is able to efficiently execute this plan and realize a cost reduction of up to 2x in comparison to static allocation baselines. 
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  3. Larger networks generally have greater representational power at the cost of increased computational complexity. Sparsifying such networks has been an active area of research but has been generally limited to static regularization or dynamic approaches using reinforcement learning. We explore a mixture of experts (MoE) approach to deep dynamic routing, which activates certain experts in the network on a per-example basis. Our novel DeepMoE architecture increases the representational power of standard convolutional networks by adaptively sparsifying and recalibrating channel-wise features in each convolutional layer. We employ a multi-headed sparse gating network to determine the selection and scaling of channels for each input, leveraging exponential combinations of experts within a single convolutional network. Our proposed architecture is evaluated on four benchmark datasets and tasks, and we show that Deep-MoEs are able to achieve higher accuracy with lower computation than standard convolutional networks. 
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