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Creators/Authors contains: "Golovnev, Alexander"

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  1. Lysyanskaya, Anna ; Handschuh, Helena (Ed.)
    We study the black-box function inversion problem, which is the problem of finding x[N] such that f(x)=y, given as input some challenge point y in the image of a function f:[N][N], using T oracle queries to f and preprocessed advice 01S depending on f. We prove a number of new results about this problem, as follows. 1. We show an algorithm that works for any T and S satisfying TS2maxST=(N3) . In the important setting when ST, this improves on the celebrated algorithm of Fiat and Naor [STOC, 1991], which requires TS3N3. E.g., Fiat and Naor's algorithm is only non-trivial for SN23 , while our algorithm gives a non-trivial tradeoff for any SN12 . (Our algorithm and analysis are quite simple. As a consequence of this, we also give a self-contained and simple proof of Fiat and Naor's original result, with certain optimizations left out for simplicity.) 2. We show a non-adaptive algorithm (i.e., an algorithm whose ith query xi is chosen based entirely on and y, and not on the f(x1)f(xi−1)) that works for any T and S satisfying S=(Nlog(NT)) giving the first non-trivial non-adaptive algorithm for this problem. E.g., setting T=Npolylog(N) gives S=(NloglogN). This answers a question due to Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan [TCC, 2019], who asked whether it was possible for a non-adaptive algorithm to work with parameters T and S satisfying T+SlogNo(N) . We also observe that our non-adaptive algorithm is what we call a guess-and-check algorithm, that is, it is non-adaptive and its final output is always one of the oracle queries x1xT. For guess-and-check algorithms, we prove a matching lower bound, therefore completely characterizing the achievable parameters (ST) for this natural class of algorithms. (Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan showed that any such lower bound for arbitrary non-adaptive algorithms would imply new circuit lower bounds.) 3. We show equivalence between function inversion and a natural decision version of the problem in both the worst case and the average case, and similarly for functions f:[N][M] with different ranges. All of the above results are most naturally described in a model with shared randomness (i.e., random coins shared between the preprocessing algorithm and the online algorithm). However, as an additional contribution, we show (using a technique from communication complexity due to Newman [IPL, 1991]) how to generically convert any algorithm that uses shared randomness into one that does not. 
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  2. Servedio, Rocco (Ed.)
    We study the complexity of lattice problems in a world where algorithms, reductions, and protocols can run in superpolynomial time, revisiting four foundational results: two worst-case to average-case reductions and two protocols. We also show a novel protocol. 1. We prove that secret-key cryptography exists if O˜(n‾√)-approximate SVP is hard for 2εn-time algorithms. I.e., we extend to our setting (Micciancio and Regev's improved version of) Ajtai's celebrated polynomial-time worst-case to average-case reduction from O˜(n)-approximate SVP to SIS. 2. We prove that public-key cryptography exists if O˜(n)-approximate SVP is hard for 2εn-time algorithms. This extends to our setting Regev's celebrated polynomial-time worst-case to average-case reduction from O˜(n1.5)-approximate SVP to LWE. In fact, Regev's reduction is quantum, but ours is classical, generalizing Peikert's polynomial-time classical reduction from O˜(n2)-approximate SVP. 3. We show a 2εn-time coAM protocol for O(1)-approximate CVP, generalizing the celebrated polynomial-time protocol for O(n/logn‾‾‾‾‾‾‾√)-CVP due to Goldreich and Goldwasser. These results show complexity-theoretic barriers to extending the recent line of fine-grained hardness results for CVP and SVP to larger approximation factors. (This result also extends to arbitrary norms.) 4. We show a 2εn-time co-non-deterministic protocol for O(logn‾‾‾‾‾√)-approximate SVP, generalizing the (also celebrated!) polynomial-time protocol for O(n‾√)-CVP due to Aharonov and Regev. 5. We give a novel coMA protocol for O(1)-approximate CVP with a 2εn-time verifier. All of the results described above are special cases of more general theorems that achieve time-approximation factor tradeoffs. 
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  3. Megow, Nicole ; Smith, Adam (Ed.)
    We study the question of when an approximate search optimization problem is harder than the associated decision problem. Specifically, we study a natural and quite general model of black-box search-to-decision reductions, which we call branch-and-bound reductions (in analogy with branch-and-bound algorithms). In this model, an algorithm attempts to minimize (or maximize) a function f: D → ℝ_{≥ 0} by making oracle queries to h_f : T → ℝ_{≥ 0} satisfying min_{x ∈ S} f(x) ≤ h_f(S) ≤ γ ⋅ min_{x ∈ S} f(x) (*) for some γ ≥ 1 and any subset S in some allowed class of subsets T; of the domain D. (When the goal is to maximize f, h_f instead yields an approximation to the maximal value of f over S.) We show tight upper and lower bounds on the number of queries q needed to find even a \gamma'-approximate minimizer (or maximizer) for quite large \gamma'; in a number of interesting settings, as follows. - For arbitrary functions f : {0,1}ⁿ → ℝ_{≥ 0}, where T; contains all subsets of the domain, we show that no branch-and-bound reduction can achieve γ' ≲ γ^{n/log q}, while a simple greedy approach achieves essentially γ^{n/log q}. - For a large class of MAX-CSPs, where T = {S_w} contains each set of assignments to the variables induced by a partial assignment w, we show that no branch-and-bound reduction can do significantly better than essentially a random guess, even when the oracle h_f guarantees an approximation factor of γ ≈ 1+√{log(q)/n}. - For the Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP), where T = {S_p} contains each set of tours extending a path p, we show that no branch-and-bound reduction can achieve γ' ≲ (γ-1) n/log q. We also prove a nearly matching upper bound in our model. These results show an oracle model in which approximate search and decision are strongly separated. (In particular, our result for TSP can be viewed as a negative answer to a question posed by Bellare and Goldwasser (SIAM J. Comput. 1994), though only in an oracle model.) We also note two alternative interpretations of our results. First, if we view h_f as a data structure, then our results unconditionally rule out black-box search-to-decision reductions for certain data structure problems. Second, if we view h_f as an efficiently computable heuristic, then our results show that any reasonably efficient branch-and-bound algorithm requires more guarantees from its heuristic than simply Eq. (*). Behind our results is a ``useless oracle lemma'' which allows us to argue that under certain conditions the oracle h_f is ``useless'' and which might be of independent interest. 
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  4. Chakrabarti, Amit ; Swamy, Chaitanya (Ed.)
    We analyze the sketching approximability of constraint satisfaction problems on Boolean domains, where the constraints are balanced linear threshold functions applied to literals. In particular, we explore the approximability of monarchy-like functions where the value of the function is determined by a weighted combination of the vote of the first variable (the president) and the sum of the votes of all remaining variables. The pure version of this function is when the president can only be overruled by when all remaining variables agree. For every k ≥ 5, we show that CSPs where the underlying predicate is a pure monarchy function on k variables have no non-trivial sketching approximation algorithm in o(√n) space. We also show infinitely many weaker monarchy functions for which CSPs using such constraints are non-trivially approximable by O(log(n)) space sketching algorithms. Moreover, we give the first example of sketching approximable asymmetric Boolean CSPs. Our results work within the framework of Chou, Golovnev, Sudan, and Velusamy (FOCS 2021) that characterizes the sketching approximability of all CSPs. Their framework can be applied naturally to get a computer-aided analysis of the approximability of any specific constraint satisfaction problem. The novelty of our work is in using their work to get an analysis that applies to infinitely many problems simultaneously. 
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  5. Leonardi, Stefano ; Gupta, Anupam (Ed.)
    We consider the approximability of constraint satisfaction problems in the streaming setting. For every constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) on n variables taking values in {0,…,q−1}, we prove that improving over the trivial approximability by a factor of q requires Ω(n) space even on instances with O(n) constraints. We also identify a broad subclass of problems for which any improvement over the trivial approximability requires Ω(n) space. The key technical core is an optimal, q−(k−1)-inapproximability for the Max k-LIN-mod q problem, which is the Max CSP problem where every constraint is given by a system of k−1 linear equations mod q over k variables. Our work builds on and extends the breakthrough work of Kapralov and Krachun (Proc. STOC 2019) who showed a linear lower bound on any non-trivial approximation of the MaxCut problem in graphs. MaxCut corresponds roughly to the case of Max k-LIN-mod q with k=q=2. For general CSPs in the streaming setting, prior results only yielded Ω(√n) space bounds. In particular no linear space lower bound was known for an approximation factor less than 1/2 for any CSP. Extending the work of Kapralov and Krachun to Max k-LIN-mod q to k>2 and q>2 (while getting optimal hardness results) is the main technical contribution of this work. Each one of these extensions provides non-trivial technical challenges that we overcome in this work. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
  7. null (Ed.)