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In this paper, we introduce a new nonlocal modal hydrodynamic theory for fluid–structure interactions (FSI) of light, flexible cantilever beams and plates undergoing small amplitude vibrations in Newtonian, incompressible, viscous, heavy fluids otherwise at rest. For low aspect ratio flexible structures and high mode numbers, three dimensional (3D) and nonlocal fluid effects become prominent drivers of the coupled dynamics, to the point that existing local hydrodynamic theories based on two dimensional (2D) fluid approximations become inadequate to predict the system response. On the other hand, our approach is based on a rigorous, yet efficient, 3D treatment of the hydrodynamic loading on cantilevered thin structures. The off-line solution of the FSI problem results in the so-called nonlocal modal hydrodynamic function matrix, that is, the representation of the nonlocal hydrodynamic load operator on a basis formed by the structural modes. Our theory then integrates the nonlocal hydrodynamics within a fully coupled structural modal model in the frequency domain. We compare and discuss our theory predictions in terms of frequency response functions, mode shapes, hydrodynamic loads, quality factors, added mass ratios with the predictions of the classical local approaches, for different actuation scenarios, identifying the limitations of the hypotheses underlying existing treatments. Importantly, we also validate our new model with experiments conducted on flexible square plates. While computationally efficient, our fully coupled theory is exact up to numerical truncation and can bridge knowledge gaps in the design and analysis of FSI systems based on low aspect ratio flexible beams and plates.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
We propose a new theory for fluid–structure interactions of cantilever microbeams undergoing small amplitude vibrations in viscous fluids. The method is based on the concept of nonlocal modal hydrodynamic functions that accurately capture three-dimensional (3D) fluid loading on the structure. For short beams for which 3D effects become prominent, existing local theories based on two-dimensional (2D) fluid approximations are inadequate to predict the dynamic response. We discuss and compare model predictions in terms of frequency response functions, modal shapes, quality factors, and added mass ratios with the predictions of the local theory, and we validate our new model with experimental results.more » « less
In this work, we present a comprehensive experimental study on the problem of harmonic oscillations of rigid plates with H-shaped cross sections submerged in a quiescent, Newtonian, incompressible, viscous fluid environment. Motivated by recent results on the minimization of hydrodynamic damping for transversely oscillating flat plates, we conduct a detailed qualitative and quantitative experimental investigation of the flow physics created by the presence of the flanges, that is, the vertical segments in the plate cross section. Specifically, the main goal is to elucidate the effect of flange size on various aspects of fluid–structure interaction, by primarily investigating the dynamics of vortex shedding and convection. We perform particle image velocimetry experiments over a broad range of oscillation amplitudes, frequencies, and flange size-to-width ratios by leveraging the identification of pathlines, vortex shedding and dynamics, distinctive hydrodynamic regimes, and steady streaming. The fundamental contributions of this work include novel hydrodynamic regime phase diagrams demonstrating the effect of flange ratio on regime transitions, and in the investigation of their relation to qualitatively distinct patterns of vortex–vortex and vortex–structure interactions. Finally, we discuss steady streaming, identifying primary, and secondary structures as a function of the governing parameters.more » « less
null (Ed.)Abstract Numerous nanometrology techniques concerned with probing a wide range of frequency-dependent properties would benefit from a cantilevered sensor with tunable natural frequencies. In this work, we propose a method to arbitrarily tune the stiffness and natural frequencies of a microplate sensor for atomic force microscope applications, thereby allowing resonance amplification at a broad range of frequencies. This method is predicated on the principle of curvature-based stiffening. A macroscale experiment is conducted to verify the feasibility of the method. Next, a microscale finite element analysis is conducted on a proof-of-concept device. We show that both the stiffness and various natural frequencies of the device can be controlled through applied transverse curvature. Dynamic phenomena encountered in the method, such as eigenvalue curve veering, are discussed and methods are presented to accommodate these phenomena. We believe that this study will facilitate the development of future curvature-based microscale sensors for atomic force microscopy applications.more » « less
null (Ed.)In this study, we propose a novel plate-like sensor which utilizes curvature-based stiffening effects for enhanced nanometrology. In the proposed concept, the stiffness and natural frequencies of the sensor can be arbitrarily adjusted by applying a transverse curvature via piezoelectric actuators, thereby enabling resonance amplification over a broad range of frequencies. The concept is validated using a macroscale experiment. Then, a microscale finite element analysis is used to study the effect of applied curvature on the microplate static stiffness and natural frequencies. We show that imposed transverse curvature is an effective way to tune the in-situ static stiffness and natural frequencies of the plate sensor system. These findings will form the basis of future curvature-based stiffening microscale studies for novel scenarios in atomic force microscopy.more » « less