Sound can exert forces on objects of any material and shape. This has made the contactless manipulation of objects by intense ultrasound a fascinating area of research with wide-ranging applications. While much is understood for acoustic forcing of individual objects, sound-mediated interactions among multiple objects at close range gives rise to a rich set of structures and dynamics that are less explored and have been emerging as a frontier for research. We introduce the basic mechanisms giving rise to sound-mediated interactions among rigid as well as deformable particles, focusing on the regime where the particles’ size and spacing are much smaller than the sound wavelength. The interplay of secondary acoustic scattering, Bjerknes forces, and micro-streaming is discussed and the role of particle shape is highlighted. Furthermore, we present recent advances in characterizing non-conservative and non-pairwise additive contributions to the particle interactions, along with instabilities and active fluctuations. These excitations emerge at sufficiently strong sound energy density and can act as an effective temperature in otherwise athermal systems.
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Abstract -
Designing robotic systems that can change their physical form factor as well as their compliance to adapt to environmental constraints remains a major conceptual and technical challenge. To address this, we introduce the Granulobot, a modular system that blurs the distinction between soft, modular, and swarm robotics. The system consists of gear-like units that each contain a single actuator such that units can self-assemble into larger, granular aggregates using magnetic coupling. These aggregates can reconfigure dynamically and also split into subsystems that might later recombine. Aggregates can self-organize into collective states with solid- and liquid-like properties, thus displaying widely differing compliance. These states can be perturbed locally via actuators or externally via mechanical feedback from the environment to produce adaptive shape-shifting in a decentralized manner. This, in turn, can generate locomotion strategies adapted to different conditions. Aggregates can move over obstacles without using external sensors or coordinates to maintain a steady gait over different surfaces without electronic communication among units. The modular design highlights a physical, morphological form of control that advances the development of resilient robotic systems with the ability to morph and adapt to different functions and conditions.
Weitz, David (Ed.)
A hallmark of concentrated suspensions is non-Newtonian behavior, whereby the viscosity increases dramatically once a characteristic shear rate or stress is exceeded. Such strong shear thickening is thought to originate from a network of frictional particle–particle contact forces, which forms under sufficiently large stress, evolves dynamically, and adapts to changing loads. While there is much evidence from simulations for the emergence of this network during shear thickening, experimental confirmation has been difficult. Here, we use suspensions of piezoelectric nanoparticles and exploit the strong local stress focusing within the network to activate charge generation. This charging can then be detected in the measured ac conductance and serve as a signature of frictional contact formation. The direct link between stress-activated frictional particle interactions and piezoelectric suspension response is further demonstrated by tracking the emergence of structural memory in the contact network under oscillatory shear and by showing how stress-activated friction can drive mechano-transduction of chemical reactions with nonlinear reaction kinetics. Taken together, this makes the ac conductance of piezoelectric suspensions a sensitive in-situ reporter of the micromechanics associated with frictional interactions.
Going beyond the manipulation of individual particles, first steps have recently been undertaken with acoustic levitation in air to investigate the collective dynamical properties of many-body systems self-assembled within the levitation plane. However, these assemblies have been limited to two-dimensional, close-packed rafts where forces due to scattered sound pull particles into direct frictional contact. Here, we overcome this restriction using particles small enough that the viscosity of air establishes a repulsive streaming flow at close range. By tuning the particle size relative to the characteristic length scale for viscous streaming, we control the interplay between attractive and repulsive forces and show how particles can be assembled into monolayer lattices with tunable spacing. While the strength of the levitating sound field does not affect the particles’ steady-state separation, it controls the emergence of spontaneous excitations that can drive particle rearrangements in an effectively dissipationless, underdamped environment. Under the action of these excitations, a quiescent particle lattice transitions from a predominantly crystalline structure to a two-dimensional liquid-like state. We find that this transition is characterized by dynamic heterogeneity and intermittency, involving cooperative particle movements that remove the timescale associated with caging for the crystalline lattice. These results shed light on the nature of athermal excitations and instabilities that can arise from strong hydrodynamic coupling among interacting particles.
Abstract Mineralization is a long-lasting method commonly used by biological materials to selectively strengthen in response to site specific mechanical stress. Achieving a similar form of toughening in synthetic polymer composites remains challenging. In previous work, we developed methods to promote chemical reactions via the piezoelectrochemical effect with mechanical responses of inorganic, ZnO nanoparticles. Herein, we report a distinct example of a mechanically-mediated reaction in which the spherical ZnO nanoparticles react themselves leading to the formation of microrods composed of a Zn/S mineral inside an organogel. The microrods can be used to selectively create mineral deposits within the material resulting in the strengthening of the overall resulting composite.