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Creators/Authors contains: "Khanal, Megh N"

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  1. Irvine, John (Ed.)

    Here, the radiation hardness of metal halide perovskite solar cells exposed to space conditions versus the effects of environmental degradation are assessed. The relative response of the constituent layers of the architecture to radiation is analyzed, revealing a general resilience of the structure when assessed across varying proton energy levels and fluences. However, despite the tolerance of the structure to irradiation, sensitivity to environmental degradation is observed during the transit of the device between the radiation and characterization facilities. Experimental evidence suggests the NiOx/perovskite interface is particularly sensitive to the effects of humidity and/or temperature exposure, while the irradiation of the devices appears to induce thermally activated annealing: improving the solar cells upon radiation exposure.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 12, 2025
  2. ACIGS solar cells are exposed to targeted radiation to probe the front and back interfaces of the absorber to assess the impact of space environments on these systems. These data suggest ACIGS cells are more radiation‐hard than early CIGS devices likely due to the lower defect densities and more ideal interfaces in the ACIGS system. A combination ofJVand external quantum efficiency measurements indicates some improvement in the performance of the device due to the effects of local heating in the dominant ionizing electronic energy loss regime of proton irradiation that anneal the upper CdS/ACIGS interface. However, nonionizing energy losses at the base of the solar cell also appear to inhibit minority carrier collection from the back of the cell at the ACIGS/Mo interface, which is discussed in terms of defect‐mediated changes in the doping profile, the Ga/Ga+In ratio, and impurity composition after proton irradiation.

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