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Creators/Authors contains: "Lavernia, Enrique"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 20, 2025
  2. Single-phase body-centered cubic (bcc) refractory medium- or high-entropy alloys can retain compressive strength at elevated temperatures but suffer from extremely low tensile ductility and fracture toughness. We examined the strength and fracture toughness of a bcc refractory alloy, NbTaTiHf, from 77 to 1473 kelvin. This alloy’s behavior differed from that of comparable systems by having fracture toughness over 253 MPa·m1/2, which we attribute to a dynamic competition between screw and edge dislocations in controlling the plasticity at a crack tip. Whereas the glide and intersection of screw and mixed dislocations promotes strain hardening controlling uniform deformation, the coordinated slip of <111> edge dislocations with {110} and {112} glide planes prolongs nonuniform strain through formation of kink bands. These bands suppress strain hardening by reorienting microscale bands of the crystal along directions of higher resolved shear stress and continually nucleate to accommodate localized strain and distribute damage away from a crack tip.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 11, 2025
  3. Refractory multi-principal element alloys exhibiting promising mechanical properties such as excellent strength retention at elevated temperatures have been attracting increasing attention. Although their inherent chemical complexity is considered a defining feature, a challenge arises in predicting local chemical ordering, particularly in grain boundary regions with an enhanced structural disorder. In this study, we use atomistic simulations of a large group of bicrystal models to sample a wide variety of interfacial sites (grain boundary) in NbMoTaW and explore emergent trends in interfacial segregation and the underlying structural and chemical driving factors. Sampling hundreds of bicrystals along the [001] symmetric tilt axis and analyzing more than one hundred and thirty thousand grain boundary sites with a variety of local atomic environments, we uncover segregation trends in NbMoTaW. While Nb is the dominant segregant, more notable are the segregation patterns that deviate from expected behavior and mark situations where local structural and chemical driving forces lead to interesting segregation events. For example, incomplete depletion of Ta in low-angle boundaries results from chemical pinning due to favorable local compositional environments associated with chemical short-range ordering. Finally, machine learning models capturing and comparing the structural and chemical features of interfacial sites are developed to weigh their relative importance and contributions to segregation tendency, revealing a significant increase in predictive capability when including local chemical information. Overall, this work, highlighting the complex interplay between the local grain boundary structure and chemical short-range ordering, suggests tunable segregation and chemical ordering by tailoring grain boundary structure in multi-principal element alloys. 
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  4. Interfacial segregation and chemical short-range ordering influence the behavior of grain boundaries in complex concentrated alloys. In this study, we use atomistic modeling of a NbMoTaW refractory complex concentrated alloy to provide insight into the interplay between these two phenomena. Hybrid Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations are performed on columnar grain models to identify equilibrium grain boundary structures. Our results reveal extended near-boundary segregation zones that are much larger than traditional segregation regions, which also exhibit chemical patterning that bridges the interfacial and grain interior regions. Furthermore, structural transitions pertaining to an A2-to-B2 transformation are observed within these extended segregation zones. Both grain size and temperature are found to significantly alter the widths of these regions. An analysis of chemical short-range order indicates that not all pairwise elemental interactions are affected by the presence of a grain boundary equally, as only a subset of elemental clustering types are more likely to reside near certain boundaries. The results emphasize the increased chemical complexity that is associated with near-boundary segregation zones and demonstrate the unique nature of interfacial segregation in complex concentrated alloys. 
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