Evaluating classification accuracy is a key component of the training and validation stages of thematic map production, and the choice of metric has profound implications for both the success of the training process and the reliability of the final accuracy assessment. We explore key considerations in selecting and interpreting loss and assessment metrics in the context of data imbalance, which arises when the classes have unequal proportions within the dataset or landscape being mapped. The challenges involved in calculating single, integrated measures that summarize classification success, especially for datasets with considerable data imbalance, have led to much confusion in the literature. This confusion arises from a range of issues, including a lack of clarity over the redundancy of some accuracy measures, the importance of calculating final accuracy from population-based statistics, the effects of class imbalance on accuracy statistics, and the differing roles of accuracy measures when used for training and final evaluation. In order to characterize classification success at the class level, users typically generate averages from the class-based measures. These averages are sometimes generated at the macro-level, by taking averages of the individual-class statistics, or at the micro-level, by aggregating values within a confusion matrix, and then, calculating the statistic. We show that the micro-averaged producer’s accuracy (recall), user’s accuracy (precision), and F1-score, as well as weighted macro-averaged statistics where the class prevalences are used as weights, are all equivalent to each other and to the overall accuracy, and thus, are redundant and should be avoided. Our experiment, using a variety of loss metrics for training, suggests that the choice of loss metric is not as complex as it might appear to be, despite the range of choices available, which include cross-entropy (CE), weighted CE, and micro- and macro-Dice. The highest, or close to highest, accuracies in our experiments were obtained by using CE loss for models trained with balanced data, and for models trained with imbalanced data, the highest accuracies were obtained by using weighted CE loss. We recommend that, since weighted CE loss used with balanced training is equivalent to CE, weighted CE loss is a good all-round choice. Although Dice loss is commonly suggested as an alternative to CE loss when classes are imbalanced, micro-averaged Dice is similar to overall accuracy, and thus, is particularly poor for training with imbalanced data. Furthermore, although macro-Dice resulted in models with high accuracy when the training used balanced data, when the training used imbalanced data, the accuracies were lower than for weighted CE. In summary, the significance of this paper lies in its provision of readers with an overview of accuracy and loss metric terminology, insight regarding the redundancy of some measures, and guidance regarding best practices.
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The challenges inherent in field validation data, and real-world light detection and ranging (lidar) collections make it difficult to assess the best algorithms for using lidar to characterize forest stand volume. Here, we demonstrate the use of synthetic forest stands and simulated terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) for the purpose of evaluating which machine learning algorithms, scanning configurations, and feature spaces can best characterize forest stand volume. The random forest (RF) and support vector machine (SVM) algorithms generally outperformed k-nearest neighbor (kNN) for estimating plot-level vegetation volume regardless of the input feature space or number of scans. Also, the measures designed to characterize occlusion using spherical voxels generally provided higher predictive performance than measures that characterized the vertical distribution of returns using summary statistics by height bins. Given the difficulty of collecting a large number of scans to train models, and of collecting accurate and consistent field validation data, we argue that synthetic data offer an important means to parameterize models and determine appropriate sampling strategies.
Many issues can reduce the reproducibility and replicability of deep learning (DL) research and application in remote sensing, including the complexity and customizability of architectures, variable model training and assessment processes and practice, inability to fully control random components of the modeling workflow, data leakage, computational demands, and the inherent nature of the process, which is complex, difficult to perform systematically, and challenging to fully document. This communication discusses key issues associated with convolutional neural network (CNN)-based DL in remote sensing for undertaking semantic segmentation, object detection, and instance segmentation tasks and offers suggestions for best practices for enhancing reproducibility and replicability and the subsequent utility of research results, proposed workflows, and generated data. We also highlight lingering issues and challenges facing researchers as they attempt to improve the reproducibility and replicability of their experiments.more » « less
Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data can offer a means to estimate subcanopy fuel characteristics to support site characterization, quantification of treatment or fire effects, and inform fire modeling. Using field and TLS data within the New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve (PNR), this study explores the impact of forest phenology and density of shrub height (i.e., shrub fuel bed depth) measurements on estimating average shrub heights at the plot-level using multiple linear regression and metrics derived from ground-classified and normalized point clouds. The results highlight the importance of shrub height sampling density when these data are used to train empirical models and characterize plot-level characteristics. We document larger prediction intervals (PIs), higher root mean square error (RMSE), and lower R-squared with reduction in the number of randomly selected field reference samples available within each plot. At least 10 random shrub heights collected in situ were needed to produce accurate and precise predictions, while 20 samples were ideal. Additionally, metrics derived from leaf-on TLS data generally provided more accurate and precise predictions than those calculated from leaf-off data within the study plots and landscape. This study highlights the importance of reference data sampling density and design and data characteristics when data will be used to train empirical models for extrapolation to new sites or plots.
Land-surface parameters derived from digital land surface models (DLSMs) (for example, slope, surface curvature, topographic position, topographic roughness, aspect, heat load index, and topographic moisture index) can serve as key predictor variables in a wide variety of mapping and modeling tasks relating to geomorphic processes, landform delineation, ecological and habitat characterization, and geohazard, soil, wetland, and general thematic mapping and modeling. However, selecting features from the large number of potential derivatives that may be predictive for a specific feature or process can be complicated, and existing literature may offer contradictory or incomplete guidance. The availability of multiple data sources and the need to define moving window shapes, sizes, and cell weightings further complicate selecting and optimizing the feature space. This review focuses on the calculation and use of DLSM parameters for empirical spatial predictive modeling applications, which rely on training data and explanatory variables to make predictions of landscape features and processes over a defined geographic extent. The target audience for this review is researchers and analysts undertaking predictive modeling tasks that make use of the most widely used terrain variables. To outline best practices and highlight future research needs, we review a range of land-surface parameters relating to steepness, local relief, rugosity, slope orientation, solar insolation, and moisture and characterize their relationship to geomorphic processes. We then discuss important considerations when selecting such parameters for predictive mapping and modeling tasks to assist analysts in answering two critical questions: What landscape conditions or processes does a given measure characterize? How might a particular metric relate to the phenomenon or features being mapped, modeled, or studied? We recommend the use of landscape- and problem-specific pilot studies to answer, to the extent possible, these questions for potential features of interest in a mapping or modeling task. We describe existing techniques to reduce the size of the feature space using feature selection and feature reduction methods, assess the importance or contribution of specific metrics, and parameterize moving windows or characterize the landscape at varying scales using alternative methods while highlighting strengths, drawbacks, and knowledge gaps for specific techniques. Recent developments, such as explainable machine learning and convolutional neural network (CNN)-based deep learning, may guide and/or minimize the need for feature space engineering and ease the use of DLSMs in predictive modeling tasks.more » « less
Machine learning (ML) methods, such as artificial neural networks (ANN), k-nearest neighbors (kNN), random forests (RF), support vector machines (SVM), and boosted decision trees (DTs), may offer stronger predictive performance than more traditional, parametric methods, such as linear regression, multiple linear regression, and logistic regression (LR), for specific mapping and modeling tasks. However, this increased performance is often accompanied by increased model complexity and decreased interpretability, resulting in critiques of their “black box” nature, which highlights the need for algorithms that can offer both strong predictive performance and interpretability. This is especially true when the global model and predictions for specific data points need to be explainable in order for the model to be of use. Explainable boosting machines (EBM), an augmentation and refinement of generalize additive models (GAMs), has been proposed as an empirical modeling method that offers both interpretable results and strong predictive performance. The trained model can be graphically summarized as a set of functions relating each predictor variable to the dependent variable along with heat maps representing interactions between selected pairs of predictor variables. In this study, we assess EBMs for predicting the likelihood or probability of slope failure occurrence based on digital terrain characteristics in four separate Major Land Resource Areas (MLRAs) in the state of West Virginia, USA and compare the results to those obtained with LR, kNN, RF, and SVM. EBM provided predictive accuracies comparable to RF and SVM and better than LR and kNN. The generated functions and visualizations for each predictor variable and included interactions between pairs of predictor variables, estimation of variable importance based on average mean absolute scores, and provided scores for each predictor variable for new predictions add interpretability, but additional work is needed to quantify how these outputs may be impacted by variable correlation, inclusion of interaction terms, and large feature spaces. Further exploration of EBM is merited for geohazard mapping and modeling in particular and spatial predictive mapping and modeling in general, especially when the value or use of the resulting predictions would be greatly enhanced by improved interpretability globally and availability of prediction explanations at each cell or aggregating unit within the mapped or modeled extent.more » « less
Abstract Many studies of Earth surface processes and landscape evolution rely on having accurate and extensive data sets of surficial geologic units and landforms. Automated extraction of geomorphic features using deep learning provides an objective way to consistently map landforms over large spatial extents. However, there is no consensus on the optimal input feature space for such analyses. We explore the impact of input feature space for extracting geomorphic features from land surface parameters (LSPs) derived from digital terrain models (DTMs) using convolutional neural network (CNN)‐based semantic segmentation deep learning. We compare four input feature space configurations: (a) a three‐layer composite consisting of a topographic position index (TPI) calculated using a 50 m radius circular window, square root of topographic slope, and TPI calculated using an annulus with a 2 m inner radius and 10 m outer radius, (b) a single illuminating position hillshade, (c) a multidirectional hillshade, and (d) a slopeshade. We test each feature space input using three deep learning algorithms and four use cases: two with natural features and two with anthropogenic features. The three‐layer composite generally provided lower overall losses for the training samples, a higher F1‐score for the withheld validation data, and better performance for generalizing to withheld testing data from a new geographic extent. Results suggest that CNN‐based deep learning for mapping geomorphic features or landforms from LSPs is sensitive to input feature space. Given the large number of LSPs that can be derived from DTM data and the variety of geomorphic mapping tasks that can be undertaken using CNN‐based methods, we argue that additional research focused on feature space considerations is needed and suggest future research directions. We also suggest that the three‐layer composite implemented here can offer better performance in comparison to using hillshades or other common terrain visualization surfaces and is, thus, worth considering for different mapping and feature extraction tasks.