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Creators/Authors contains: "McQuinn, Matthew"

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  1. Abstract

    Line-intensity mapping (IM) experiments seek to perform statistical measurements of large-scale structure with spectral lines such as 21 cm, CO, and Lyα. A challenge in these observations is to ensure that astrophysical foregrounds, such as galactic synchrotron emission in 21 cm measurements, are properly removed. One method that has the potential to reduce foreground contamination is to cross correlate with a galaxy survey that overlaps with the IM volume. However, telescopes sensitive to high-redshift galaxies typically have small field of views compared to IM surveys. Thus, a galaxy survey for cross correlation would necessarily consist of pencil beams that sparsely fill the IM volume. In this paper, we develop the formalism to forecast the sensitivity of cross correlations between IM experiments and pencil-beam galaxy surveys. We find that a random distribution of pencil beams leads to very similar overall sensitivity as a lattice spaced across the IM survey and derive a simple formula for random configurations that agrees with the Fisher matrix formalism. We explore examples of combining high-redshift James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations with both an SPHEREx-like LyαIM survey and a 21 cm experiment based on the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA). We find that the JWST-SPHEREx case is promising, leading to a total signal-to-noise ratio of ∼5 after 100 total hours of JWST (atz= 7). We find that HERA is not well-suited for this approach owing to its drift-scan strategy, but that a similar experiment that can integrate down on one field could be.

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  2. ABSTRACT A recent measurement of the Lyman-limit mean free path at z = 6 suggests it may have been very short, motivating a better understanding of the role that ionizing photon sinks played in reionization. Accurately modelling the sinks in reionization simulations is challenging because of the large dynamic range required if ∼104−108M⊙ gas structures contributed significant opacity. Thus, there is no consensus on how important the sinks were in shaping reionization’s morphology. We address this question with a recently developed radiative transfer code that includes a dynamical sub-grid model for the sinks based on radiative hydrodynamics simulations. Compared to assuming a fully pressure-smoothed intergalactic medium, our dynamical treatment reduces ionized bubble sizes by $10-20~{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ under typical assumptions about reionization’s sources. Near reionization’s midpoint, the 21 cm power at k ∼ 0.1 hMpc−1 is similarly reduced. These effects are more modest than the $30-60~{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ suppression resulting from the higher recombination rate if pressure smoothing is neglected entirely. Whether the sinks played a significant role in reionization’s morphology depends on the nature of its sources. For example, if reionization was driven by bright (MUV < −17) galaxies, the sinks reduce the large-scale 21 cm power by at most 20  per cent, even if pressure smoothing is neglected. Conveniently, when bright sources contribute significantly, the morphology in our dynamical treatment can be reproduced accurately with a uniform sub-grid clumping factor that yields the same ionizing photon budget. By contrast, if MUV ∼ −13 galaxies drove reionization, the uniform clumping model can err by up to 40  per cent. 
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  3. Abstract

    The distribution of gas in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of galaxies of all types is poorly constrained. Foreground CGMs contribute an extra amount to the dispersion measure (DM) of fast radio bursts (FRBs). We measure this DM excess for the CGMs of 1011–1013Mhalos using the CHIME/FRB first data release, a halo mass range that is challenging to probe in any other way. Because of the uncertainty in the FRBs’ angular coordinates, only for nearby galaxies is the localization sufficient to confidently associate them with intersecting any foreground halo. Thus we stack on galaxies within 80 Mpc, optimizing the stacking scheme to approximately minimize the stack’s variance and marginalize over uncertainties in FRB locations. The sample has 20–30 FRBs intersecting halos with masses of 1011–1012Mand also of 1012–1013M, and these intersections allow a marginal 1σ–2σdetection of the DM excess in both mass bins. The bin of 1011–1012Mhalos also shows a DM excess at 1–2 virial radii. By comparing data with different models for the CGM gas profile, we find that all models are favored by the data up to 2σlevel compared to the null hypothesis of no DM excess. With 3000 more bursts from a future CHIME data release, we project a 4σdetection of the CGM. Distinguishing between viable CGM models by stacking FRBs with CHIME-like localization would require tens of thousands of bursts.

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    Where the cosmic baryons lie in and around galactic dark matter haloes is only weakly constrained. We develop a method to quickly paint on models for their distribution. Our approach uses the statistical advantages of N-body simulations, while painting on the profile of gas around individual haloes in ways that can be motivated by semi-analytic models or zoom-in hydrodynamic simulations of galaxies. Possible applications of the algorithm include extragalactic dispersion measures to fast radio bursts (FRBs), the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect, baryonic effects on weak lensing, and cosmic metal enrichment. As an initial application, we use this tool to investigate how the baryonic profile of foreground galactic-mass haloes affects the statistics of the dispersion measure (DM) towards cosmological FRBs. We show that the distribution of DM is sensitive to the distribution of baryons in galactic haloes, with viable gas profile models having significantly different probability distributions for DM to a given redshift. We also investigate the requirements to statistically measure the circumgalactic electron profile for FRB analyses that stack DM with impact parameter to foreground galaxies, quantifying the size of the contaminating ‘two-halo’ term from correlated systems and the number of FRBs for a high significance detection. Publicly available python modules implement our CGMBrush algorithm.

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    Motivated by integral field units (IFUs) on large ground telescopes and proposals for ultraviolet-sensitive space telescopes to probe circumgalactic medium (CGM) emission, we survey the most promising emission lines and how such observations can inform our understanding of the CGM and its relation to galaxy formation. We tie our emission estimates to both HST/COS absorption measurements of ions around z ≈ 0.2 Milky Way mass haloes and models for the density and temperature of gas. We also provide formulas that simplify extending our estimates to other samples and physical scenarios. We find that O iii 5007 Å and N ii 6583 Å, which at fixed ionic column density are primarily sensitive to the thermal pressure of the gas they inhabit, may be detectable with KCWI and especially IFUs on 30 m telescopes out to half a virial radius. O v 630 Å and O vi 1032,1038 Å are perhaps the most promising ultraviolet lines, with models predicting intensities >100 γ cm−2 s−1 sr−1 in the inner 100 kpc of Milky Way-like systems. A detection of O vi would confirm the collisionally ionized picture and constrain the density profile of the CGM. Other ultraviolet metal lines constrain the amount of gas that is actively cooling and mixing. We find that C iii 978 Å and C iv 1548 Å may be detectable if an appreciable fraction of the observed O vi column is associated with mixing or cooling gas. H α emission within $100\,$ kpc of Milky Way-like galaxies is within reach of current IFUs even for the minimum signal from ionizing background fluorescence, while hydrogen n > 2 Ly-series lines are too weak to be detectable.

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  6. Abstract The Ly-α forest is the large-scale structure probe for which we appear to have modeling control to the highest wavenumbers. This makes the Ly-α forest of great interest for constraining the warmness/fuzziness of dark matter and the timing of reionization processes. However, the standard statistic, the Ly-α forest power spectrum, is unable to strongly constrain the IGM temperature-density relation, and this inability further limits how well other high wavenumber-sensitive parameters can be constrained. With the aim of breaking these degeneracies, we measure the power spectrum of the Ly-β forest and its cross correlation with the coeval Ly-α forest using the one hundred spectra of z = 3.5 − 4.5 quasars in the VLT/X-Shooter XQ-100 Legacy Survey, motivated by the Ly-β transition’s smaller absorption cross section that makes it sensitive to somewhat higher densities relative to the Ly-α transition. Our inferences from this measurement for the IGM temperature-density relation appear to latch consistently onto the recent tight lower-redshift Ly-α forest constraints. The z = 3.4 − 4.7 trends we find using the Ly-α–Ly-β cross correlation show a flattening of the slope of the temperature-density relation with decreasing redshift. This is the trend anticipated from ongoing He ii reionization and there being sufficient time to reach the asymptotic temperature-density slope after hydrogen reionization completes. Furthermore, our measurements provide a consistency check on IGM models that explain the Ly-α forest, with the cross correlation being immune to systematics that are uncorrelated between the two forests, such as metal line contamination. 
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  7. Abstract Becker et al. measured the mean free path of Lyman-limit photons in the intergalactic medium (IGM) at z = 6. The short value suggests that absorptions may have played a prominent role in reionization. Here we study physical properties of ionizing photon sinks in the wake of ionization fronts (I-fronts) using radiative hydrodynamic simulations. We quantify the contributions of gaseous structures to the Lyman-limit opacity by tracking the column-density distributions in our simulations. Within Δ t = 10 Myr of I-front passage, we find that self-shielding systems ( N H I > 10 17.2 cm −2 ) are comprised of two distinct populations: (1) overdensity Δ ∼ 50 structures in photoionization equilibrium with the ionizing background, and (2) Δ ≳ 100 density peaks with fully neutral cores. The self-shielding systems contribute more than half of the opacity at these times, but the IGM evolves considerably in Δ t ∼ 100 Myr as structures are flattened by pressure smoothing and photoevaporation. By Δ t = 300 Myr, they contribute ≲10% to the opacity in an average 1 Mpc 3 patch of the universe. The percentage can be a factor of a few larger in overdense patches, where more self-shielding systems survive. We quantify the characteristic masses and sizes of self-shielding structures. Shortly after I-front passage, we find M = 10 4 –10 8 M ⊙ and effective diameters d eff = 1–20 ckpc h −1 . These scales increase as the gas relaxes. The picture herein presented may be different in dark matter models with suppressed small-scale power. 
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  8. Abstract Traditional large-scale models of reionization usually employ simple deterministic relations between halo mass and luminosity to predict how reionization proceeds. We here examine the impact on modeling reionization of using more detailed models for the ionizing sources as identified within the 100 h −1 Mpc cosmological hydrodynamic simulation S imba , coupled with postprocessed radiative transfer. Comparing with simple (one-to-one) models, the main difference with using S imba sources is the scatter in the relation between dark matter halos and star formation, and hence ionizing emissivity. We find that, at the power spectrum level, the ionization morphology remains mostly unchanged, regardless of the variability in the number of sources or escape fraction. In particular, the power spectrum shape remains unaffected and its amplitude changes slightly by less than 5%–10%, throughout reionization, depending on the scale and neutral fraction. Our results show that simplified models of ionizing sources remain viable to efficiently model the structure of reionization on cosmological scales, although the precise progress of reionization requires accounting for the scatter induced by astrophysical effects. 
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