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Creators/Authors contains: "Mei, Yang"

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  1. Abstract

    During active geomagnetic periods both electrons and protons in the outer radiation belt have been frequently observed to penetrate to lowL(<4). Previous studies have demonstrated systematic differences in the deep penetration of the two species of particles, most notably that the penetration of protons is observed less frequently than for electrons of the same energies. A recent study by Mei et al. (2023, showed that the time‐varying convection electric field contributes to the deeper penetration of low‐energy electrons and that a radial diffusion‐convection model can be used to reproduce the storm‐time penetration of lower‐energy electrons to lowerL. In this study, we analyze and provide physical explanations for the different behaviors of electrons and protons in terms of their penetration depth to lowL. A radial diffusion‐convection model is applied for the two species with coefficients that are adjusted according to the mass‐dependent relativistic effects on electron and proton drift velocity, and the different loss mechanisms included for each species. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave scattering losses for 100s of keV protons during a specific event are modeled and quantified; the results suggest that EMIC waves interacting with protons of lower energies than electrons can contribute to prevent the inward transport of the protons.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Deep penetration of outer radiation belt electrons to lowL(<3.5) has long been recognized as an energy‐dependent phenomenon but with limited understanding. The Van Allen Probes measurements have clearly shown energy‐dependent electron penetration during geomagnetically active times, with lower energy electrons penetrating to lowerL. This study aims to improve our ability to model this phenomenon by quantitatively considering radial transport due to large‐scale azimuthal electric fields (E‐fields) as an energy‐dependent convection term added to a radial diffusion Fokker‐Planck equation. We use a modified Volland‐Stern model to represent the enhanced convection field at lowerLto match the observations of storm time values ofE‐field. We model 10–400 MeV/G electron phase space density with an energy‐dependent radial diffusion coefficient and this convection term and show that the model reproduces the observed deep penetrations well, suggesting that time‐variant azimuthalE‐fields contribute preferentially to the deep penetration of lower‐energy electrons.

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  3. Abstract

    CIRBE (Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment), a 3U CubeSat, was launched on 15 April 2023 into a sun synchronous orbit (97.4° inclination and 509 km altitude). The sole science payload onboard is REPTile‐2 (Relativistic Electron and Proton Telescope integrated little experiment—2), an advanced version of REPTile which operated in space between 2012 and 2014. REPTile‐2 has 60 channels for electrons (0.25–6 MeV) and 60 channels for protons (6.5–100 MeV). It has been working well, capturing detailed dynamics of the radiation belt electrons, including several orders of magnitude enhancements of the outer belt electrons after an intense magnetic storm, multiple “wisps”‐ an electron precipitation phenomenon associated with human‐made very low frequency (VLF) waves in the inner belt, and “drift echoes” of 0.25–1.4 MeV electrons across the entire inner belt and part of the outer belt. These new observations provide opportunities to test the understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for these features.

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  4. Abstract

    Understanding local loss processes in Earth’s radiation belts is critical to understanding their overall structure. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves can cause rapid loss of multi‐MeV electrons in the radiation belts. These loss effects have been observed at a range ofL* values, recently as low asL* = 3.5. Here, we present a case study of an event where a local minimum develops in multi‐MeV electron phase space density (PSD) nearL* = 3.5 and evaluate the possibility of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves in contributing to the observed loss feature. Signatures of EMIC waves are shown including rapid local loss and pitch angle bite outs. Analysis of the wave power spectral density during the event shows EMIC wave occurrence at higherL* values. Using representative wave parameters, we calculate minimum resonant energies, diffusion coefficients, and simulate the evolution of electron PSD during this event. From these results, we find that O+ band EMIC waves could be contributing to the local loss feature during this event. O+ band EMIC waves are uncommon, but do occur in theseL* ranges, and therefore may be a significant driver of radiation belt dynamics under certain preconditioning of the radiation belts.

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  5. null (Ed.)
  6. null (Ed.)
    Abstract The final stages of mammalian erythropoiesis involve enucleation, membrane and proteome remodeling, and organelle clearance. Concomitantly, the erythroid membrane skeleton establishes a unique pseudohexagonal spectrin meshwork that is connected to the membrane through junctional complexes. The mechanism and signaling pathways involved in the coordination of these processes are unclear. The results of our study revealed an unexpected role of the membrane skeleton in the modulation of proteome remodeling and organelle clearance during the final stages of erythropoiesis. We found that diaphanous-related formin mDia2 is a master regulator of the integrity of the membrane skeleton through polymerization of actin protofilament in the junctional complex. The mDia2-deficient terminal erythroid cell contained a disorganized and rigid membrane skeleton that was ineffective in detaching the extruded nucleus. In addition, the disrupted skeleton failed to activate the endosomal sorting complex required for transport-III (ESCRT-III) complex, which led to a global defect in proteome remodeling, endolysosomal trafficking, and autophagic organelle clearance. Chmp5, a component of the ESCRT-III complex, is regulated by mDia2-dependent activation of the serum response factor and is essential for membrane remodeling and autophagosome-lysosome fusion. Mice with loss of Chmp5 in hematopoietic cells in vivo resembled the phenotypes in mDia2-knockout mice. Furthermore, overexpression of Chmp5 in mDia2-deficient hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells significantly restored terminal erythropoiesis in vivo. These findings reveal a formin-regulated signaling pathway that connects the membrane skeleton to proteome remodeling, enucleation, and organelle clearance during terminal erythropoiesis. 
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