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Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
Abstract Comparative studies of aging are a promising approach to identifying general properties of and processes leading to aging. While to date, many comparative studies of aging in animals have focused on relatively narrow species groups, methodological innovations now allow for studies that include evolutionary distant species. However, comparative studies of aging across a wide range of species that have distinct life histories introduce additional challenges in experimental design. Here, we discuss these challenges, highlight the most pressing problems that need to be solved, and provide suggestions based on current approaches to successfully carry out comparative aging studies across the animal kingdom.
Abstract Sex chromosomes frequently differ from the autosomes in the frequencies of genes with sexually dimorphic or tissue-specific expression. Multiple hypotheses have been put forth to explain the unique gene content of the X chromosome, including selection against male-beneficial X-linked alleles, expression limits imposed by the haploid dosage of the X in males, and interference by the dosage compensation complex on expression in males. Here, we investigate these hypotheses by examining differential gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster following several treatments that have widespread transcriptomic effects: bacterial infection, viral infection, and abiotic stress. We found that genes that are induced (upregulated) by these biotic and abiotic treatments are frequently under-represented on the X chromosome, but so are those that are repressed (downregulated) following treatment. We further show that whether a gene is bound by the dosage compensation complex in males can largely explain the paucity of both up- and downregulated genes on the X chromosome. Specifically, genes that are bound by the dosage compensation complex, or close to a dosage compensation complex high-affinity site, are unlikely to be up- or downregulated after treatment. This relationship, however, could partially be explained by a correlation between differential expression and breadth of expression across tissues. Nonetheless, our results suggest that dosage compensation complex binding, or the associated chromatin modifications, inhibit both up- and downregulation of X chromosome gene expression within specific contexts, including tissue-specific expression. We propose multiple possible mechanisms of action for the effect, including a role of Males absent on the first, a component of the dosage compensation complex, as a dampener of gene expression variance in both males and females. This effect could explain why the Drosophila X chromosome is depauperate in genes with tissue-specific or induced expression, while the mammalian X has an excess of genes with tissue-specific expression.
null (Ed.)Abstract X and Y chromosomes are usually derived from a pair of homologous autosomes, which then diverge from each other over time. Although Y-specific features have been characterized in sex chromosomes of various ages, the earliest stages of Y chromosome evolution remain elusive. In particular, we do not know whether early stages of Y chromosome evolution consist of changes to individual genes or happen via chromosome-scale divergence from the X. To address this question, we quantified divergence between young proto-X and proto-Y chromosomes in the house fly, Musca domestica. We compared proto-sex chromosome sequence and gene expression between genotypic (XY) and sex-reversed (XX) males. We find evidence for sequence divergence between genes on the proto-X and proto-Y, including five genes with mitochondrial functions. There is also an excess of genes with divergent expression between the proto-X and proto-Y, but the number of genes is small. This suggests that individual proto-Y genes, but not the entire proto-Y chromosome, have diverged from the proto-X. We identified one gene, encoding an axonemal dynein assembly factor (which functions in sperm motility), that has higher expression in XY males than XX males because of a disproportionate contribution of the proto-Y allele to gene expression. The upregulation of the proto-Y allele may be favored in males because of this gene’s function in spermatogenesis. The evolutionary divergence between proto-X and proto-Y copies of this gene, as well as the mitochondrial genes, is consistent with selection in males affecting the evolution of individual genes during early Y chromosome evolution.more » « less
Lott, S (Ed.)Abstract In species with polygenic sex determination (PSD), multiple male- and female-determining loci on different proto-sex chromosomes segregate as polymorphisms within populations. The extent to which these polymorphisms are at stable equilibria is not yet resolved. Previous work demonstrated that PSD is most likely to be maintained as a stable polymorphism when the proto-sex chromosomes have opposite (sexually antagonistic) fitness effects in males and females. However, these models usually consider PSD systems with only two proto-sex chromosomes, or they do not broadly consider the dominance of the alleles under selection. To address these shortcomings, I used forward population genetic simulations to identify selection pressures that can maintain PSD under different dominance scenarios in a system with more than two proto-sex chromosomes (modeled after the house fly). I found that overdominant fitness effects of male-determining proto-Y chromosomes are more likely to maintain PSD than dominant, recessive, or additive fitness effects. The overdominant fitness effects that maintain PSD tend to have proto-Y chromosomes with sexually antagonistic effects (male-beneficial and female-detrimental). In contrast, dominant fitness effects that maintain PSD tend to have sexually antagonistic multi-chromosomal genotypes, but the individual proto-sex chromosomes do not have sexually antagonistic effects. These results demonstrate that sexual antagonism can be an emergent property of the multi-chromosome genotype without individual sexually antagonistic chromosomes. My results further illustrate how the dominance of fitness effects has consequences for both the likelihood that PSD will be maintained as well as the role sexually antagonistic selection is expected to play in maintaining the polymorphism.more » « less
A major goal in evolutionary biology is to understand how natural variation is maintained in sexually selected and sexually dimorphic traits. Hypotheses to explain genetic variation in sexually selected traits include context-dependent fitness effects, epistatic interactions, and pleiotropic constraints. The house fly, Musca domestica, is a promising system to investigate how these factors affect polymorphism in sexually selected traits. Two common Y chromosomes (YM and IIIM) segregate as stable polymorphisms in natural house fly populations, appear to be locally adapted to different thermal habitats, and differentially affect male mating success. Here, we perform a meta-analysis of RNA-seq data which identifies genes encoding odorant binding proteins (in the Obp56h family) as differentially expressed between the heads of males carrying YM and IIIM Differential expression of Obp56h has been associated with variation in male mating behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. We find differences in male mating behavior between house flies carrying the Y chromosomes that are consistent with the relationship between male mating behavior and expression of Obp56h in D. melanogaster. We also find that male mating behaviors in house fly are affected by temperature, and the same temperature differentials further affect the expression of Obp56h genes. However, we show that temperature-dependent effects cannot explain the maintenance of genetic variation for male mating behavior in house fly. Using a network analysis and allele-specific expression measurements, we find evidence that the house fly IIIM chromosome is a trans regulator of Obp56h gene expression. Moreover, we find that Obp56h disproportionately affects the expression of genes on the D. melanogaster chromosome that is homologous to the house fly IIIM chromosome. This provides evidence for a conserved trans regulatory loop involving Obp56h expression that affects male mating behavior in flies. The complex regulatory architecture controlling Obp56h expression suggests that variation in male mating behavior could be maintained by epistasis or pleiotropic constraints.more » « less
Abstract Sex chromosomes can differ between species as a result of evolutionary turnover, a process that can be driven by evolution of the sex determination pathway. Canonical models of sex chromosome turnover hypothesize that a new master sex determining gene causes an autosome to become a sex chromosome or an XY chromosome pair to switch to a ZW pair (or vice versa). Here, a novel paradigm for the evolution of sex determination and sex chromosomes is presented, in which there is an evolutionary transition in the master sex determiner, but the X chromosome remains unchanged. There are three documented examples of the novel paradigm, and it is hypothesized that a similar process could happen in a ZW sex chromosome system. Three other taxa are also identified where the novel paradigm may have occurred, and how it could be distinguished from canonical trajectories in these and additional taxa is also described.