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  1. This dataset contains data and analysis code for the paper entitled “Acclimation of the nitrogen cycle to changes in precipitation" by Currier et al. As the frequency of precipitation extremes are expected to increase, especially in arid regions, we asked how prolonged shifts in water availability facilitate acclimation of the N cycle in a semiarid grassland. Using natural abundances of stable nitrogen isotopes for dominant plants and soils and rainfall manipulation experiments, we tested the hypothesis that N cycling will interact with water availability further amplifying the openness of the N cycle through time. For the dominant plant species, we found the relationship for N availability vs. ambient annual precipitation to be significantly positive, contrary to global spatial models. We also considered the temporal dynamics of our experiments, which imposed directional rainfall manipulations in duration ranging from 5 to 14 years. The slopes of these relationships decreased (became less positive) with more time since the onset of the directional precipitation extremes. These data and metadata supplement long-term foliar and soil isotope data from the Jornada LTER (Dataset ID: knb-lter-jrn.210586001) with a large spatial dataset from NEON data package DP1.10026.001 and Craine et al. 2018 ( 
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  2. As rainfall extremes are expected to increase in novel magnitude and frequency, especially in dryland regions, we asked how prolonged and directional shifts to water availability may affect ecosystem carbon and nitrogen dynamics. This data set includes foliar and soil carbon and nitrogen stable isotope and concentration data collected from multiple long-term rainfall manipulation experiments at the Jornada Basin LTER. Datasets also include rainfall data adjusted to rainfall manipulation intensities. Collection dates range from 5 to 14 years since the onset of experimental treatments. The primary plant species targeted for this study were the dominant grass, Bouteloua eriopoda, and the dominant shrub, Prosopis glandulosa. 
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  3. This dataset contains soil volumetric water content data collected starting in 2011 for a long-term precipitation and nutrient manipulation experiment at the Jornada Basin LTER site in southern New Mexico, U.S.A. This experiment uses precipitation shelters and irrigation treatments to manipulate water inputs, and fertilization treatments to alter nitrogen input to 2.5 x 2.5 meter plots in a desert grassland. Soil sensors are installed at surface and deep soil layers in each plot and collect hourly averages of volumetric water content using a time-domain reflectometry method. This dataset contains daily averages. This is an ongoing study and the dataset will be updated yearly. 
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  4. This dataset contains cover and biomass data collected starting in 2006 for a long-term precipitation and nutrient manipulation experiment at the Jornada Basin LTER site in southern New Mexico, U.S.A. This experiment uses precipitation shelters and irrigation treatments to manipulate water inputs, and fertilization treatments to alter nitrogen input to 2.5 x 2.5 meter plots in a desert grassland. Plant cover measurements are made annually in each plot, from which biomass or net primary production are derived. This is an ongoing study and the dataset will be updated yearly. 
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  5. This dataset contains perennial grass tiller and stolon counts collected starting in 2012 for a long-term precipitation and nutrient manipulation experiment at the Jornada Basin LTER site in southern New Mexico, U.S.A. This experiment uses precipitation shelters and irrigation treatments to manipulate water inputs, and fertilization treatments to alter nitrogen input to 2.5 x 2.5 meter plots in a desert grassland. Tillers and stolons of perennial grasses were counted in each plot in 2012, 2013 and 2014. This is an ongoing study and the dataset will be updated as needed. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
    Terrestrial ecosystems are increasingly enriched with resources such as atmospheric CO 2 that limit ecosystem processes. The consequences for ecosystem carbon cycling depend on the feedbacks from other limiting resources and plant community change, which remain poorly understood for soil CO 2 efflux, J CO2 , a primary carbon flux from the biosphere to the atmosphere. We applied a unique CO 2 enrichment gradient (250 to 500 µL L −1 ) for eight years to grassland plant communities on soils from different landscape positions. We identified the trajectory of J CO2 responses and feedbacks from other resources, plant diversity [effective species richness, exp(H)], and community change (plant species turnover). We found linear increases in J CO2 on an alluvial sandy loam and a lowland clay soil, and an asymptotic increase on an upland silty clay soil. Structural equation modeling identified CO 2 as the dominant limitation on J CO2 on the clay soil. In contrast with theory predicting limitation from a single limiting factor, the linear J CO2 response on the sandy loam was reinforced by positive feedbacks from aboveground net primary productivity and exp(H), while the asymptotic J CO2 response on the silty clay arose from a net negative feedback among exp(H), species turnover, and soil water potential. These findings support a multiple resource limitation view of the effects of global change drivers on grassland ecosystem carbon cycling and highlight a crucial role for positive or negative feedbacks between limiting resources and plant community structure. Incorporating these feedbacks will improve models of terrestrial carbon sequestration and ecosystem services. 
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  7. Abstract

    Continuing enrichment of atmospheric CO2may change plant community composition, in part by altering the availability of other limiting resources including soil water, nutrients, or light. The combined effects of CO2enrichment and altered resource availability on species flowering remain poorly understood. We quantified flowering culm and ramet production and biomass allocation to flowering culms/ramets for 10 years in C4‐dominated grassland communities on contrasting soils along a CO2concentration gradient spanning pre‐industrial to expected mid‐21st century levels (250–500 μl/L). CO2enrichment explained up to 77% of the variation in flowering culm count across soils for three of the five species, and was correlated with flowering culm count on at least one soil for four of five species. In contrast, allocation to flowering culms was only weakly correlated with CO2enrichment for two species. Flowering culm counts were strongly correlated with species aboveground biomass (AGB;R2 = .34–.74), a measure of species abundance. CO2enrichment also increased soil moisture and decreased light levels within the canopy but did not affect soil inorganic nitrogen availability. Structural equation models fit across the soils suggested species‐specific controls on flowering in two general forms: (1) CO2effects on flowering culm count mediated by canopy light level and relative species AGB (species AGB/total AGB) or by soil moisture effects on flowering culm count; (2) effects of canopy light level or soil inorganic nitrogen on flowering and/or relative species AGB, but with no significant CO2effect. Understanding the heterogeneity in species responses to CO2enrichment in plant communities across soils in edaphically variable landscapes is critical to predict CO2effects on flowering and other plant fitness components, and species potential to adapt to future environmental changes.

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