We found that temperature-dependent infrared spectroscopy measurements (i.e., reflectance or transmittance) using a Fourier-transform spectrometer can have substantial errors, especially for elevated sample temperatures and collection using an objective lens. These errors can arise as a result of partial detector saturation due to thermal emission from the measured sample reaching the detector, resulting in nonphysical apparent reduction of reflectance or transmittance with increasing sample temperature. Here, we demonstrate that these temperature-dependent errors can be corrected by implementing several levels of optical attenuation that enable convergence testing of the measured reflectance or transmittance as the thermal-emission signal is reduced, or by applying correction factors that can be inferred by looking at the spectral regions where the sample is not expected to have a substantial temperature dependence.
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A radiative vapor condenser sheds heat in the form of infrared radiation and cools itself to below the ambient air temperature to produce liquid water from vapor. This effect has been known for centuries, and is exploited by some insects to survive in dry deserts. Humans have also been using radiative condensation for dew collection. However, all existing radiative vapor condensers must operate during the nighttime. Here, we develop daytime radiative condensers that continue to operate 24 h a day. These daytime radiative condensers can produce water from vapor under direct sunlight, without active consumption of energy. Combined with traditional passive cooling via convection and conduction, radiative cooling can substantially increase the performance of passive vapor condensation, which can be used for passive water extraction and purification technologies.
Structural characterization of biologically formed materials is essential for understanding biological phenomena and their enviro-nment, and for generating new bio-inspired engineering concepts. For example, nacre—the inner lining of some mollusk shells—encodes local environmental conditions throughout its formation and has exceptional strength due to its nanoscale brick-and-mortar structure. This layered structure, comprising alternating transparent aragonite (CaCO3) tablets and thinner organic polymer layers, also results in stunning interference colors. Existing methods of structural characterization of nacre rely on some form of cross-sectional analysis, such as scanning or transmission electron microscopy or polarization-dependent imaging contrast (PIC) mapping. However, these techniques are destructive and too time- and resource-intensive to analyze large sample areas. Here, we present an all-optical, rapid, and nondestructive imaging technique—hyperspectral interference tomography (HIT)—to spatially map the structural parameters of nacre and other disordered layered materials. We combined hyperspectral imaging with optical-interference modeling to infer the mean tablet thickness and its disorder in nacre across entire mollusk shells from red and rainbow abalone (
Haliotis rufescens andHaliotis iris ) at various stages of development. We observed that in red abalone, unexpectedly, nacre tablet thickness decreases with age of the mollusk, despite roughly similar appearance of nacre at all ages and positions in the shell. Our rapid, inexpensive, and nondestructive method can be readily applied to in-field studies. -
Thermal emission is the process by which all objects at nonzero temperatures emit light and is well described by the Planck, Kirchhoff, and Stefan–Boltzmann laws. For most solids, the thermally emitted power increases monotonically with temperature in a one-to-one relationship that enables applications such as infrared imaging and noncontact thermometry. Here, we demonstrated ultrathin thermal emitters that violate this one-to-one relationship via the use of samarium nickel oxide (SmNiO3), a strongly correlated quantum material that undergoes a fully reversible, temperature-driven solid-state phase transition. The smooth and hysteresis-free nature of this unique insulator-to-metal phase transition enabled us to engineer the temperature dependence of emissivity to precisely cancel out the intrinsic blackbody profile described by the Stefan–Boltzmann law, for both heating and cooling. Our design results in temperature-independent thermally emitted power within the long-wave atmospheric transparency window (wavelengths of 8 to 14 µm), across a broad temperature range of ∼30 °C, centered around ∼120 °C. The ability to decouple temperature and thermal emission opens a gateway for controlling the visibility of objects to infrared cameras and, more broadly, opportunities for quantum materials in controlling heat transfer.