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Creators/Authors contains: "Snavely, Noah"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  2. We present a method for joint alignment of sparse in-the-wild image collections of an object category. Most prior works assume either ground-truth keypoint annotations or a large dataset of images of a single object category. However, neither of the above assumptions hold true for the long-tail of the objects present in the world. We present a self-supervised technique that directly optimizes on a sparse collection of images of a particular object/object category to obtain consistent dense correspondences across the collection. We use pairwise nearest neighbors obtained from deep features of a pre-trained vision transformer (ViT) model as noisy and sparse keypoint matches and make them dense and accurate matches by optimizing a neural network that jointly maps the image collection into a learned canonical grid. Experiments on CUB, SPair-71k and PF-Willow benchmarks demonstrate that our method can produce globally consistent and higher quality correspondences across the image collection when compared to existing self-supervised methods. Code and other material will be made available at 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2024
  3. Abstract

    How can one visually characterize photographs of people over time? In this work, we describe theFaces Through Timedataset, which contains over a thousand portrait images per decade from the 1880s to the present day. Using our new dataset, we devise a framework for resynthesizing portrait images across time, imagining how a portrait taken during a particular decade might have looked like had it been taken in other decades. Our framework optimizes a family of per‐decade generators that reveal subtle changes that differentiate decades—such as different hairstyles or makeup—while maintaining the identity of the input portrait. Experiments show that our method can more effectively resynthesizing portraits across time compared to state‐of‐the‐art image‐to‐image translation methods, as well as attribute‐based and language‐guided portrait editing models. Our code and data will be available at

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  4. We propose a neural inverse rendering pipeline called IRON that operates on photometric images and outputs high-quality 3D content in the format of triangle meshes and material textures readily deployable in existing graphics pipelines. Our method adopts neural representations for geometry as signed distance fields (SDFs) and materials during optimization to enjoy their flexibility and compactness, and features a hybrid optimization scheme for neural SDFs: first, optimize using a volumetric radiance field approach to recover correct topology, then optimize further using edgeaware physics-based surface rendering for geometry refinement and disentanglement of materials and lighting. In the second stage, we also draw inspiration from mesh-based differentiable rendering, and design a novel edge sampling algorithm for neural SDFs to further improve performance. We show that our IRON achieves significantly better inverse rendering quality compared to prior works. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
    We present PhySG, an end-to-end inverse rendering pipeline that includes a fully differentiable renderer, and can reconstruct geometry, materials, and illumination from scratch from a set of images. Our framework represents specular BRDFs and environmental illumination using mix- tures of spherical Gaussians, and represents geometry as a signed distance function parameterized as a Multi-Layer Perceptron. The use of spherical Gaussians allows us to efficiently solve for approximate light transport, and our method works on scenes with challenging non-Lambertian reflectance captured under natural, static illumination. We demonstrate, with both synthetic and real data, that our re- constructions not only enable rendering of novel viewpoints, but also physics-based appearance editing of materials and illumination. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
  7. null (Ed.)
  8. null (Ed.)