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  1. Abstract

    Large-scale geological structures have controlled the long-term development of the bed and thus the flow of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS). However, complete ice cover has obscured the age and exact positions of faults and geological boundaries beneath Thwaites Glacier and Pine Island Glacier, two major WAIS outlets in the Amundsen Sea sector. Here, we characterize the only rock outcrop between these two glaciers, which was exposed by the retreat of slow-flowing coastal ice in the early 2010s to form the new Sif Island. The island comprises granite, zircon U-Pb dated to ~177–174 Ma and characterized by initial ɛNd,87Sr/86Sr and ɛHfisotope compositions of -2.3, 0.7061 and -1.3, respectively. These characteristics resemble Thurston Island/Antarctic Peninsula crustal block rocks, strongly suggesting that the Sif Island granite belongs to this province and placing the crustal block's boundary with the Marie Byrd Land province under Thwaites Glacier or its eastern shear margin. Low-temperature thermochronological data reveal that the granite underwent rapid cooling following emplacement, rapidly cooled again at ~100–90 Ma and then remained close to the Earth's surface until present. These data help date vertical displacement across the major tectonic structure beneath Pine Island Glacier to the Late Cretaceous.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 20, 2025
  2. Abstract Pine Island Ice Shelf (PIIS) buttresses the Pine Island Glacier, the key contributor to sea-level rise. PIIS has thinned owing to ocean-driven melting, and its calving front has retreated, leading to buttressing loss. PIIS melting depends primarily on the thermocline variability in its front. Furthermore, local ocean circulation shifts adjust heat transport within Pine Island Bay (PIB), yet oceanic processes underlying the ice front retreat remain unclear. Here, we report a PIB double-gyre that moves with the PIIS calving front and hypothesise that it controls ocean heat input towards PIIS. Glacial melt generates cyclonic and anticyclonic gyres near and off PIIS, and meltwater outflows converge into the anticyclonic gyre with a deep-convex-downward thermocline. The double-gyre migrated eastward as the calving front retreated, placing the anticyclonic gyre over a shallow seafloor ridge, reducing the ocean heat input towards PIIS. Reconfigurations of meltwater-driven gyres associated with moving ice boundaries might be crucial in modulating ocean heat delivery to glacial ice. 
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  3. Abstract

    To increase inclusivity, diversity, equity and accessibility in Antarctic science, we must build more positive and inclusive Antarctic field work environments. The International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC) has engaged in efforts to contribute to that goal through a variety of activities since 2018, including creating an open-access ‘Field and Ship Best Practices’ guide, engaging in pre-field season team dynamics meetings, and surveying post-field season reflections and experiences. We report specific actions taken by ITGC and their outcomes. We found that strong and supported early career researchers brought new and important perspectives regarding strategies for transforming culture. We discovered that engaged and involved senior leadership was also critical for expanding participation and securing funding to support efforts. Pre-field discussions involving all field team members were particularly helpful for setting expectations, improving sense of belonging, describing field work best practices, and co-creating a positive work culture.

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  4. Abstract

    Understanding the recent history of Thwaites Glacier, and the processes controlling its ongoing retreat, is key to projecting Antarctic contributions to future sea-level rise. Of particular concern is how the glacier grounding zone might evolve over coming decades where it is stabilized by sea-floor bathymetric highs. Here we use geophysical data from an autonomous underwater vehicle deployed at the Thwaites Glacier ice front, to document the ocean-floor imprint of past retreat from a sea-bed promontory. We show patterns of back-stepping sedimentary ridges formed daily by a mechanism of tidal lifting and settling at the grounding line at a time when Thwaites Glacier was more advanced than it is today. Over a duration of 5.5 months, Thwaites grounding zone retreated at a rate of >2.1 km per year—twice the rate observed by satellite at the fastest retreating part of the grounding zone between 2011 and 2019. Our results suggest that sustained pulses of rapid retreat have occurred at Thwaites Glacier in the past two centuries. Similar rapid retreat pulses are likely to occur in the near future when the grounding zone migrates back off stabilizing high points on the sea floor.

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  5. Abstract

    Terrestrial climate records for Antarctica, beyond the age limit of ice cores, are restricted to the few unglaciated areas with exposed rock outcrops. Marine sediments on Antarctica's continental shelves contain records of past oceanic and terrestrial environments that can provide important insights into Antarctic climate evolution. The SHALDRIL II (Shallow Drilling on the Antarctic Continental Margin) expedition recovered sedimentary sequences from the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula of late Eocene, Oligocene, middle Miocene, and early Pliocene age that provides insights into Cenozoic Antarctic climate and ice sheet development. Here, we use biomarker data to assess atmospheric and oceanic temperatures and glacial reworking from the late Eocene to the early Pliocene. Analyses of hopanes andn‐alkanes indicate increased erosion of mature (thermally altered) soil biomarker components reworked by glacial erosion. Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers from soil bacteria suggest similar air temperatures of 12°C ± 1°C (1σ,n = 46) for months above freezing for Eocene, Oligocene, and Miocene timeslices but much colder (and likely shorter) periods of thaw during the Pliocene (5°C ± 1°C,n = 4) on the Antarctic Peninsula. TEX86‐based (Tetraether index of 86 carbons) sea surface temperature estimates indicate ocean cooling from 7°C ± 3°C (n = 10) in the Miocene to 3°C ± 1°C (n = 3) in the Pliocene, consistent with deep ocean cooling. Resulting temperature records provide useful constraints for ice sheet and climate model simulations seeking to improve understanding of ice sheet response under a range of climate conditions.

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  6. Abstract

    Three drivers of subsidence are recognized in the Western Interior Basin: Mesozoic–early Cenozoic flexure adjacent to the thin‐skinned, eastward propagating Sevier Orogeny, Late Cretaceous–Eocene flexure associated with thick‐skinned Laramide Uplifts and Late Cretaceous dynamic subsidence. This study combines outcrop lithofacies, palaeocurrent measurements, detrital zircon geochronology, biostratigraphy, stratigraphic correlations and isopach maps of Coniacian–Maastrichtian (89–66 Ma) units to identify these subsidence mechanisms impact on basin geometry and stratigraphic architecture in the northern Utah to southwestern Wyoming segment of the North American Cordillera. Detrital zircon maximum depositional ages and biostratigraphy support that the Maastrichtian Hams Fork Conglomerate was deposited above the Moxa unconformity in the wedgetop and foredeep depozones. The Moxa unconformity underlies the progradational Ericson Formation in the distal foredeep. The Hams Fork, however, is younger than the Ericson Formation, and instead equivalent to upper Almond Formation. Therefore, the hiatus associated with the Moxa unconformity continued for several million years longer in the fold belt and proximal basin than in the distal foredeep, with Ericson Formation‐equivalent strata onlapping the Moxa unconformity towards the west. Regional thickness patterns record and constrain the timing of the transition from Sevier to Laramide‐style tectonic regimes. From 88 to 83 Ma (upper Baxter Formation) a westward‐thickening stratigraphic wedge characterized the foredeep developed by lithospheric flexure by thrust‐belt loading. Nevertheless, the presence of >500 m of subsidence >200 km from the thrust front suggests a long‐wavelength subsidence mechanism consistent with dynamic subsidence. By 83 Ma (Blair Formation) the long‐wavelength depocentre shifted away from the thrust belt, with no evidence of a Sevier foredeep. This depocentre continued migrating eastward during the early‐mid Campanian (ca. 81–77 Ma). The late Campanian–Maastrichtian (ca. 74–66 Ma) is marked by narrow sedimentary wedges adjacent to the Wind River, Granite and Uinta Mountain uplifts and attributed to flexural loading by Laramide deformation.

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  7. The Perseverance Drift, located in the Joinville-D' Urville Trough, northwestern Weddell Sea, records changes in ocean and sea ice conditions throughout the middle to late Holocene, with a record extending back to ca. 3400 yr BP. The 2562-cm composite record collected from a water depth of 806 m, documents the uppermost section of the 90-m thick sediment drift. Spring-blooming diatoms (Chaetoceros subg. Hyalochaete) are abundant through the sedimentary record. The greater proportion of Chaetoceros vegetative valves compared to resting spores indicates that the marine environment is highly productive, and nutrients generally are not limiting. Epiphytic diatoms, dominated by Cocconeis spp., are observed throughout JKC36, suggesting transport of algal detritus from shallower regions to the benthos. Three foraminiferal assemblages (FAs): Miliammina spp., Globocassidulina spp., and Paratrochammina bartami/Paratrochammina lepida/Portatrochammina antarctica characterize the benthic foraminiferal fauna and reflect affinities with water masses circulating across the Perseverance Drift and tolerance to corrosive bottom waters. The interval 3400–1800yr BP is marked by high abundances of Globocassidulina spp., indicating incursions of Weddell Sea Transitional Water over the drift site. This interval implies a period of “freshening” of the water column, coinciding with an open-marine or seasonally open-marine environment during the middle-to-late Holocene Climatic Optimum. The interval 1800 yr BP to the present displays characteristics of slightly colder conditions, as indicated by the absence of the calcareous Globocassidulina spp. FA, and the pronounced presence of agglutinated P. bartami/P. lepida/P. antarctica FA, along with other agglutinated species that are indicative of the presence of sea ice. Therefore, this interval is interpreted to represent the onset of Neoglaciation at the northeastern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. The consistent presence of Miliammina spp. FA corroborates that the sedimentary record represents a productive, open-marine setting with seasonally variable sea ice extent. The Drift is a unique geologic archive that provides an excellent target for future coring based on the preservation of abundant carbonate material for radiocarbon dating and the potential to develop a multi-proxy data set that could offer a robust understanding of the Holocene depositional and paleoclimatic conditions of the northwestern Weddell Sea. 
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  8. null (Ed.)
    Abstract. The geometry of the sea floor immediately beyondAntarctica's marine-terminating glaciers is a fundamental control onwarm-water routing, but it also describes former topographic pinning pointsthat have been important for ice-shelf buttressing. Unfortunately, thisinformation is often lacking due to the inaccessibility of these areas forsurvey, leading to modelled or interpolated bathymetries being used asboundary conditions in numerical modelling simulations. At Thwaites Glacier(TG) this critical data gap was addressed in 2019 during the first cruise ofthe International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC) project. We present more than 2000 km2 of new multibeamecho-sounder (MBES) data acquired in exceptional sea-ice conditionsimmediately offshore TG, and we update existing bathymetric compilations.The cross-sectional areas of sea-floor troughs are under-predicted by up to40 % or are not resolved at all where MBES data are missing, suggesting thatcalculations of trough capacity, and thus oceanic heat flux, may besignificantly underestimated. Spatial variations in the morphology oftopographic highs, known to be former pinning points for the floating iceshelf of TG, indicate differences in bed composition that are supported bylandform evidence. We discuss links to ice dynamics for an overriding icemass including a potential positive feedback mechanism where erosion ofsoft erodible highs may lead to ice-shelf ungrounding even with littleor no ice thinning. Analyses of bed roughnesses and basal drag contributionsshow that the sea-floor bathymetry in front of TG is an analogue for extantbed areas. Ice flow over the sea-floor troughs and ridges would have beenaffected by similarly high basal drag to that acting at the grounding zonetoday. We conclude that more can certainly be gleaned from these 3Dbathymetric datasets regarding the likely spatial variability of bedroughness and bed composition types underneath TG. This work also addressesthe requirements of recent numerical ice-sheet and ocean modelling studiesthat have recognised the need for accurate and high-resolution bathymetry todetermine warm-water routing to the grounding zone and, ultimately, forpredicting glacier retreat behaviour. 
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