We present an analysis of Hubble Space Telescope COS/G160M observations of C
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Abstract IV in the inner circumgalactic medium (CGM) of a novel sample of eightz ∼ 0,L ≈L ⋆galaxies, paired with UV-bright QSOs at impact parameters (R proj) between 25 and 130 kpc. The galaxies in this stellar-mass-controlled sample (log10M ⋆/M ⊙∼ 10.2–10.9M ⊙) host supermassive black holes (SMBHs) with dynamically measured masses spanning log10M BH/M ⊙∼ 6.8–8.4; this allows us to compare our results with models of galaxy formation where the integrated feedback history from the SMBH alters the CGM over long timescales. We find that the CIV column density measurements (N C IV; average log10N C IV,CH= 13.94 ± 0.09 cm−2) are largely consistent with existing measurements from other surveys ofN C IVin the CGM (average log10N C IV,Lit= 13.90 ± 0.08 cm−2), but do not show obvious variation as a function of the SMBH mass. By contrast, specific star formation rate (sSFR) is highly correlated with the ionized content of the CGM. We find a large spread in sSFR for galaxies with log10M BH/M ⊙> 7.0, where the CGM CIV content shows a clear dependence on galaxy sSFR but notM BH. Our results do not indicate an obvious causal link between CGM CIV and the mass of the galaxy’s SMBH; however, through comparisons to the EAGLE, Romulus25, and IllustrisTNG simulations, we find that our sample is likely too small to constrain such causality.Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 24, 2025 -
Abstract The interaction between supermassive black hole (SMBH) feedback and the circumgalactic medium (CGM) continues to be an open question in galaxy evolution. In our study, we use smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations to explore the impact of SMBH feedback on galactic metal retention and the motion of metals and gas into and through the CGM of L*galaxies. We examine 140 galaxies from the 25 Mpc cosmological volume
Romulus25 , with stellar masses between log(M */M ⊙) = 9.5–11.5. We measure the fraction of metals remaining in the interstellar medium (ISM) and CGM of each galaxy and calculate the expected mass of each SMBH based on theM BH–σ relation (Kormendy & Ho 2013). The deviation of each SMBH from its expected mass, ΔM BH, is compared to the potential of its host viaσ . We find that SMBHs with accreted mass aboveM BH–σ are more effective at removing metals from the ISM than undermassive SMBHs in star-forming galaxies. Overall, overmassive SMBHs suppress the total star formation of their host galaxies and more effectively move metals from the ISM into the CGM. However, we see little to no evacuation of gas from the CGM out of their halos, in contrast with other simulations. Finally, we predict that Civ column densities in the CGM of L*galaxies are unlikely to depend on host galaxy SMBH mass. Our results show that the scatter in the low-mass end of theM BH–σ relation may indicate how effective an SMBH is in the local redistribution of mass in its host galaxy.Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 22, 2025 -
Abstract We present an analytic model for the cool,
T ∼ 104K, circumgalactic medium (CGM), describing the gas distribution, and thermal and ionization states. Our model assumes (total) pressure equilibrium with the ambient warm/hot CGM, photoionization by the metagalactic radiation, and allows for nonthermal pressure support, parameterized by the ratio of thermal pressures,η =P hot,th/P cool,th. We apply the model to the COS-Halos measurements and find that a nominal model withη = 3, gas distribution out tor ≈ 0.6R vir, andM cool= 3 × 109M ⊙, corresponding to a volume filling fraction off V,cool≈ 1%, reproduces the Hi and low/intermediate metal ions (Cii , Ciii , Siii , Siiii , and Mgii ) mean column densities. Variation of ±0.5 dex inη orM coolencompasses ∼2/3 of the scatter between objects. Our nominal model underproduces the measured Civ and Siiv columns, and these can be reproduced with (i) a cool phase withM cool∼ 1010M ⊙andη ≈ 5, or (ii) cooling or mixing gas at intermediate temperatures, withM ∼ 1.5 × 1010M ⊙and occupying ∼1/2 of the total CGM volume. For cool gas withf V,cool≈ 1%, we estimate an upper limit on the cloud sizes,R cl≲ 0.5 kpc. Our results suggest that for the average galaxy CGM, the mass and nonthermal support in the cool phase are lower than previously estimated, and extreme scenarios are not necessary. We estimate the rates of cool gas depletion and replenishment, and find accretion onto the galaxy can be offset, allowing over long timescales. -
The interaction between supermassive black hole (SMBH) feedback and the circumgalactic medium (CGM) continues to be an open question in galaxy evolution. In our study, we use SPH simulations to explore the impact of SMBH feedback on galactic metal retention and the motion of metals and gas into and through the CGM of L ∗ galaxies. We examine 140 galaxies from the 25 Mpc cosmological volume, Romulus25, with stellar masses between 3 × 10 9 - 3 × 10 11 M ⊙ . We measure the fraction of metals remaining in the ISM and CGM of each galaxy, and calculate the expected mass of its SMBH based on the M−σ relation. The deviation of each SMBH from its expected mass, ΔMBH is compared to the potential of its host via σ . We find that SMBHs with accreted mass above the empirical M−σ relation are about 15\% more effective at removing metals from the ISM than under-massive SMBHs in star forming galaxies. Over-massive SMBHs suppress the overall star formation of their host galaxies and more effectively move metals from the ISM into the CGM. However, we see little evidence for the evacuation of gas from their halos, in contrast with other simulations. Finally, we predict that C IV column densities in the CGM of L ∗ galaxies may depend on host galaxy SMBH mass. Our results show that the scatter in the low mass end of M−σ relation may indicate how effective a SMBH is at the local redistribution of mass in its host galaxy.more » « less
Abstract This study addresses how the incidence rate of strong O
vi absorbers in a galaxy’s circumgalactic medium (CGM) depends on galaxy mass and, independently, on the amount of star formation in the galaxy. We use Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph absorption spectroscopy of quasars to measure Ovi absorption within 400 projected kpc and 300 km s−1of 52 galaxies withM *∼ 3 × 1010M ⊙. The galaxies have redshifts 0.12 <z < 0.6, stellar masses 1010.1M ⊙<M *< 1010.9M ⊙, and spectroscopic classifications as star-forming or passive. We compare the incidence rates of high column density Ovi absorption (N OVI ≥ 1014.3cm−2) near star-forming and passive galaxies in two narrow ranges of stellar mass and, separately, in a matched range of halo mass. In all three mass ranges, the Ovi covering fraction within 150 kpc is higher around star-forming galaxies than around passive galaxies with greater than 3σ -equivalent statistical significance. On average, the CGM of star-forming galaxies withM *∼ 3 × 1010M ⊙contains more Ovi than the CGM of passive galaxies with the same mass. This difference is evidence for a CGM transformation that happens together with galaxy quenching and is not driven primarily by halo mass. -
Abstract We combine data sets from the CGM2and CASBaH surveys to model a transition point,
R cross, between circumgalactic and intergalactic media (CGM and IGM, respectively). In total, our data consist of 7244 galaxies atz < 0.5 with precisely measured spectroscopic redshifts, all having impact parameters of 0.01–20 comoving Mpc from 28 QSO sightlines with high-resolution UV spectra that cover Hi Lyα . Our best-fitting model is a two-component model that combines a 3D absorber–galaxy cross-correlation function with a simple Gaussian profile at inner radii to represent the CGM. By design, this model gives rise to a determination ofR crossas a function of galaxy stellar mass, which can be interpreted as the boundary between the CGM and IGM. For galaxies with 108≤M ⋆/M ⊙≤ 1010.5, we find thatR cross(M ⋆) ≈ 2.0 ± 0.6R vir. Additionally, we find excellent agreement betweenR cross(M ⋆) and the theoretically determined splashback radius for galaxies in this mass range. Overall, our results favor models of galaxy evolution atz < 0.5 that distributeT ≈ 104K gas to distances beyond the virial radius. -
Abstract The circumgalactic medium (CGM) is often assumed to exist in or near hydrostatic equilibrium, with the regulation of accretion and the effects of feedback treated as perturbations to a stable balance between gravity and thermal pressure. We investigate global hydrostatic equilibrium in the CGM using four highly resolved
L *galaxies from the Figuring Out Gas & Galaxies in Enzo (FOGGIE) project. The FOGGIE simulations were specifically targeted at fine spatial and mass resolution in the CGM (Δx ≲ 1 kpch −1andM ≃ 200M ⊙). We develop a new analysis framework that calculates the forces provided by thermal pressure gradients, turbulent pressure gradients, ram pressure gradients of large-scale radial bulk flows, centrifugal rotation, and gravity acting on the gas in the CGM. Thermal and turbulent pressure gradients vary strongly on scales of ≲5 kpc throughout the CGM. Thermal pressure gradients provide the main supporting force only beyond ∼0.25R 200, or ∼50 kpc atz = 0. Within ∼0.25R 200, turbulent pressure gradients and rotational support provide stronger forces than thermal pressure. More generally, we find that global equilibrium models are neither appropriate nor predictive for the small scales probed by absorption line observations of the CGM. Local conditions generally cannot be derived by assuming a global equilibrium, but an emergent global equilibrium balancing radially inward and outward forces is obtained when averaging over the nonequilibrium local conditions on large scales in space and time. Approximate hydrostatic equilibrium holds only at large distances from galaxies, even when averaging out small-scale variations. -
Abstract The classical definition of the virial temperature of a galaxy halo excludes a fundamental contribution to the energy partition of the halo: the kinetic energy of nonthermal gas motions. Using simulations of low-redshift, ∼ L * galaxies from the Figuring Out Gas & Galaxies In Enzo (FOGGIE) project that are optimized to resolve low-density gas, we show that the kinetic energy of nonthermal motions is roughly equal to the energy of thermal motions. The simulated FOGGIE halos have ∼2× lower bulk temperatures than expected from a classical virial equilibrium, owing to significant nonthermal kinetic energy that is formally excluded from the definition of T vir . We explicitly derive a modified virial temperature including nonthermal gas motions that provides a more accurate description of gas temperatures for simulated halos in virial equilibrium. Strong bursts of stellar feedback drive the simulated FOGGIE halos out of virial equilibrium, but the halo gas cannot be accurately described by the standard virial temperature even when in virial equilibrium. Compared to the standard virial temperature, the cooler modified virial temperature implies other effects on halo gas: (i) the thermal gas pressure is lower, (ii) radiative cooling is more efficient, (iii) O vi absorbing gas that traces the virial temperature may be prevalent in halos of a higher mass than expected, (iv) gas mass estimates from X-ray surface brightness profiles may be incorrect, and (v) turbulent motions make an important contribution to the energy balance of a galaxy halo.more » « less
Abstract We use medium-resolution Keck/Echellette Spectrograph and Imager spectroscopy of bright quasars to study cool gas traced by Ca
ii λλ 3934, 3969 and Nai λλ 5891, 5897 absorption in the interstellar/circumgalactic media of 21 foreground star-forming galaxies at redshifts 0.03 <z < 0.20 with stellar masses 7.4 ≤ logM */M ⊙≤ 10.6. The quasar–galaxy pairs were drawn from a unique sample of Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar spectra with intervening nebular emission, and thus have exceptionally close impact parameters (R ⊥< 13 kpc). The strength of this line emission implies that the galaxies’ star formation rates (SFRs) span a broad range, with several lying well above the star-forming sequence. We use Voigt profile modeling to derive column densities and component velocities for each absorber, finding that column densitiesN (Caii ) > 1012.5cm−2(N (Nai ) > 1012.0cm−2) occur with an incidencef C(Caii ) = 0.63+0.10−0.11(f C(Nai ) = 0.57+0.10−0.11). We find no evidence for a dependence off Cor the rest-frame equivalent widthsW r (Caii K) orW r (Nai 5891) onR ⊥orM *. Instead,W r (Caii K) is correlated with local SFR at >3σ significance, suggesting that Caii traces star formation-driven outflows. While most of the absorbers have velocities within ±50 km s−1of the host redshift, their velocity widths (characterized by Δv 90) are universally 30–177 km s−1larger than that implied by tilted-ring modeling of the velocities of interstellar material. These kinematics must trace galactic fountain flows and demonstrate that they persist atR ⊥> 5 kpc. Finally, we assess the relationship between dust reddening andW r (Caii K) (W r (Nai 5891)), finding that 33% (24%) of the absorbers are inconsistent with the best-fit Milky WayE (B −V)-W r relations at >3σ significance.