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Award ID contains: 1822752

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  1. This paper systematically investigates the generation of code explanations by Large Language Models (LLMs) for code examples commonly encountered in introductory programming courses. Our findings reveal significant variations in the nature of code explanations produced by LLMs, influenced by factors such as the wording of the prompt, the specific code examples under consideration, the programming language involved, the temperature parameter, and the version of the LLM. However, a consistent pattern emerges for Java and Python, where explanations exhibit a Flesch-Kincaid readability level of approximately 7-8 grade and a consistent lexical density, indicating the proportion of meaningful words relative to the total explanation size. Additionally, the generated explanations consistently achieve high scores for correctness, but lower scores on three other metrics: completeness, conciseness, and specificity. 
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  2. We present the results of a study where we provided students with textual explanations for learning content recommendations along with adaptive navigational support, in the context of a personalized system for practicing Java programming. We evaluated how varying the modality of access (no access vs. on-mouseover vs. on-click) can influence how students interact with the learning platform and work with both recommended and non-recommended content. We found that the persistence of students when solving recommended coding problems is correlated with their learning gain and that specific student-engagement metrics can be supported by the design of adequate navigational support and access to recommendations' explanations. 
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  3. Self-explanations could increase student’s comprehension in complex domains; however, it works most efficiently with a human tutor who could provide corrections and scaffolding. In this paper, we present our attempt to scale up the use of self-explanations in learning programming by delegating assessment and scaffolding of explanations to an intelligent tutor. To assess our approach, we performed a randomized control trial experiment that measured the impact of automatic assessment and scaffolding of self-explanations on code comprehension and learning. The study results indicate that low-prior knowledge students in the experimental condition learn more compared to high-prior knowledge in the same condition but such difference is not observed in a similar grouping of students based on prior knowledge in the control condition. 
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  4. The ability to automatically assess learners' activities is the key to user modeling and personalization in adaptive educational systems.The work presented in this paper opens an opportunity to expand the scope of automated assessment from traditional programming problems to code comprehension tasks where students are requested to explain the critical steps of a program. The ability to automatically assess these self-explanations offers a unique opportunity to understand the current state of student knowledge, recognize possible misconceptions, and provide feedback. Annotated datasets are needed to train Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning approaches for the automated assessment of student explanations. To answer this need, we present a novel corpus called SelfCode which consists of 1,770 sentence pairs of student and expert self-explanations of Java code examples, along with semantic similarity judgments provided by experts. We also present a baseline automated assessment model that relies on textual features. The corpus is available at the GitHub repository ( 
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  5. Self-efficacy, or the belief in one's ability to accomplish a task or achieve a goal, can significantly influence the effectiveness of various instructional methods to induce learning gains. The importance of self-efficacy is particularly pronounced in complex subjects like Computer Science, where students with high self-efficacy are more likely to feel confident in their ability to learn and succeed. Conversely, those with low self-efficacy may become discouraged and consider abandoning the field. The work presented here examines the relationship between self-efficacy and students learning computer programming concepts. For this purpose, we conducted a randomized control trial experiment with university-level students who were randomly assigned into two groups: a control group where participants read Java programs accompanied by explanatory texts (a passive strategy) and an experimental group where participants self-explain while interacting through dialogue with an intelligent tutoring system (an interactive strategy). We report here the findings of this experiment with a focus on self-efficacy, its relation to student learning gains (to evaluate the effectiveness, we measure pre/post-test), and other important factors such as prior knowledge or experimental condition/instructional strategies as well as interaction effects 
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  6. Hilliger, Isabel ; Muñoz-Merino, Pedro J. ; De Laet, Tinne ; Ortega-Arranz, Alejandro ; Farrell, Tracie (Ed.)
    Studies of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) environments indicated that learner behavior could be affected (positively or negatively) by presenting information about their peer groups, such as peer in-system performance or course grades. Researchers explained these findings by the social comparison theory, competition, or by categorizing them as an impact of gamification features. Although the choice of individual peers is explored considerably in recent TEL research, the effect of learner control on peer-group selection received little attention. This paper attempts to extend prior work on learner-controlled social comparison by studying a novel fine-grained peer group selection interface in a TEL environment for learning Python programming. To achieve this goal, we analyzed system usage logs and questionnaire responses collected from multiple rounds of classroom studies. By observing student actions in selecting and refining their peer comparison cohort, we understand better whom the student perceives as their peers and how this perception changes during the course. We also explored the connection between their peer group choices and their engagement with learning content. Finally, we attempted to associate student choices in peer selection with several dimensions of individual differences. 
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  7. Rodrigo, M.M. (Ed.)
    This work presents two systems, Machine Noun Question Generation (QG) and Machine Verb QG, developed to generate short questions and gap-fill questions, which Intelligent Tutoring Systems then use to guide students’ self-explanations during code comprehension. We evaluate our system by comparing the quality of questions generated by the system against human expert-generated questions. Our result shows that these systems performed similarly to humans in most criteria. Among the machines, we find that Machine Noun QG performed better. 
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  8. Domain modeling is a central component in education technologies as it represents the target domain students are supposed to train on and eventually master. Automatically generating domain models can lead to substantial cost and scalability benefits. Automatically extracting key concepts or knowledge components from, for instance, textbooks can enable the development of automatic or semi-automatic processes for creating domain models. We explore in this work the use of transformer based pre-trained models for the task of keyphrase extraction. Specifically, we investigate and evaluate four different variants of BERT, a pre-trained transformer based architecture, that vary in terms of training data, training objective, or training strategy to extract knowledge components from textbooks for the domain of intro-to-programming. We report results obtained using the following BERT-based models: BERT, CodeBERT, SciBERT and RoBERTa. 
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  9. The paper focuses on a new type of interactive learning content for SQL programming - worked examples of SQL code. While worked examples are popular in learning programming, their application for learning SQL is limited. Using a novel tool for presenting interactive worked examples, Database Query Analyzer (DBQA), we performed a large-scale randomized controlled study assessing the value of worked examples as a new type of practice content in a database course. We report the results of the classroom study examining the usage and the impact of DBQA. Among other aspects, we explored the effect of textual step explanations provided by DBQA. 
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  10. Crossley, Scott ; Popescu, Elvira (Ed.)
    We present here a novel instructional resource, called DeepCode, to support deep code comprehension and learning in intro-to-programming courses (CS1 and CS2). DeepCode is a set of instructional code examples which we call a codeset and which was annotated by our team with comments (e.g., explaining the logical steps of the underlying problem being solved) and related instructional questions that can play the role of hints meant to help learners think about and articulate explanations of the code. While DeepCode was designed primarily to serve our larger efforts of developing an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) that fosters the monitoring, assessment, and development of code comprehension skills for students learning to program, the codeset can be used for other purposes such as assessment, problem-solving, and in various other learning activities such as studying worked-out code examples with explanations and code visualizations. We present here the underlying principles, theories, and frameworks behind our design process, the annotation guidelines, and summarize the resulting codeset of 98 annotated Java code examples which include 7,157 lines of code (including comments), 260 logical steps, 260 logical step details, 408 statement level comments, and 590 scaffolding questions. 
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