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Award ID contains: 2016541

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  1. Tin (Sn) films are electrodeposited on Au seed layers for the investigation of superconductivity. The effects of the presence of suppressing additives in electrolyte, the thickness of Sn films, and the room temperature aging of deposited Sn films on the superconducting transition behavior are systematically studied. In addition, the crystallographic structure of electrodeposited Sn and its evolution along with aging time are characterized and are discussed in conjunction with the superconductivity behavior. The current work represents an important step towards the processing of technologically viable superconducting devices. 
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  2. A systematic electrochemical study is carried out on electrolytes with superhigh concentrations of fructose. The effect of fructose concentration on the viscosity and conductivity of electrolyte are determined and analyzed using Walden rule and the theory of rate process. The diffusion rates of proton and cupric cation are calculated from the peak current in cyclic voltammogram on stationary electrode and the limiting current on rotating electrodes. Raman spectroscopy is used to characterize the hydrogen bond network in water and the effect of fructose concentration on such network. Rhenium deposition with different fructose concentrations is studied on rotating disc electrodes. X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, and four point probe measurements at cryogenic temperature are used to study the deposition rate, crystallographic structure, and superconductivity of film, respectively.

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