Biome degradation characterizes the Anthropocene Epoch, and modern ecology is deeply involved with describing the changes underway. Most research has focused on the role of acute disturbances in causing conspicuous changes in ecosystem structure, which leads to an underappreciation of the chronic effects causing large changes through the cumulative effects of small perturbations over decades. Coral reefs epitomize this trend, because the changes in community structure are profound, yet the data to quantify these effects are usually insufficient to evaluate the relative roles of different disturbance types. Here, four decades of surveys from two coral reefs (9 and 14 m depth) off St. John, US Virgin Islands, are used to quantify the associations of acute and chronic events with the changes in benthic community structure. These reefs profoundly changed over 36 years, with coral death altering species assemblages to depress abundances of the ecologically important coral
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Aronson, R (Ed.)
Abstract Orbicella spp. and elevating the coverage of macroalgae and crustose coralline algae/turf/bare space (CTB). Linear mixed models revealed the prominent role of chronic variation in temperature in accounting for changes in coverage of corals, macroalgae, and CTB, with rising temperature associated with increases in coral cover on the deep reef, and declines on the shallow reef. Hurricanes were also associated with declines in coral cover on the shallow reef, and increases on the deep reef. Multivariate analyses revealed strong associations between community structure and temperature, but weaker associations with hurricanes, bleaching, and diseases. These results highlight the overwhelming importance of chronically increasing temperature in altering the benthic community structure of Caribbean reefs.Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 20, 2025 -
ABSTRACT Coral recruitment describes the addition of new individuals to populations, and it is one of the most fundamental demographic processes contributing to population size. As many coral reefs around the world have experienced large declines in coral cover and abundance, there has been great interest in understanding the factors causing coral recruitment to vary and the conditions under which it can support community resilience. While progress in these areas is being facilitated by technological and scientific advances, one of the best tools to quantify recruitment remains the humble settlement tile, variants of which have been in use for over a century. Here I review the biology and ecology of coral recruits and the recruitment process, largely as resolved through the use of settlement tiles, by: (
i ) defining how the terms ‘recruit’ and ‘recruitment’ have been used, and explaining why loose terminology has impeded scientific advancement; (ii ) describing how coral recruitment is measured and why settlement tiles have value for this purpose; (iii ) summarizing previous efforts to review quantitative analyses of coral recruitment; (iv ) describing advances from hypothesis‐driven studies in determining how refuges, seawater flow, and grazers can modulate coral recruitment; (v ) reviewing the biology of small corals (i.e. recruits) to understand better how they respond to environmental conditions; and (vi ) updating a quantitative compilation of coral recruitment studies extending from 1974 to present, thus revealing long‐term global declines in density of recruits, juxtaposed with apparent resilience to coral bleaching. Finally, I review future directions in the study of coral recruitment, and highlight the need to expand studies to deliver taxonomic resolution, and explain why time series of settlement tile deployments are likely to remain pivotal in quantifying coral recruitment. -
Banaszak, A (Ed.)
Monitoring coral cover can describe the ecology of reef degradation, but rarely can it reveal the proximal mechanisms of change, or achieve its full potential in informing conservation actions. Describing temporal variation in Symbiodiniaceae within corals can help address these limitations, but this is rarely a research priority. Here, we augmented an ecological time series of the coral reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, by describing the genetic complement of symbiotic algae in common corals. Seventy-five corals from nine species were marked and sampled in 2017. Of these colonies, 41% were sampled in 2018, and 72% in 2019; 28% could not be found and were assumed to have died. Symbiodiniaceae ITS2 sequencing identified 525 distinct sequences (comprising 42 ITS2 type profiles), and symbiont diversity differed among host species and individuals, but was in most cases preserved within hosts over 3 yrs that were marked by physical disturbances from major hurricanes (2017) and the regional onset of stony coral tissue loss disease (2019). While changes in symbiont communities were slight and stochastic over time within colonies, variation in the dominant symbionts among colonies was observed for all host species. Together, these results indicate that declining host abundances could lead to the loss of rare algal lineages that are found in a low proportion of few coral colonies left on many reefs, especially if coral declines are symbiont-specific. These findings highlight the importance of identifying Symbiodiniaceae as part of a time series of coral communities to support holistic conservation planning. Repeated sampling of tagged corals is unlikely to be viable for this purpose, because many Caribbean corals are dying before they can be sampled multiple times. Instead, random sampling of large numbers of corals may be more effective in capturing the diversity and temporal dynamics of Symbiodiniaceae metacommunities in reef corals.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 1, 2025 -
unknown, x (Ed.)Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2024
Over recent decades, many Caribbean reefs have transitioned to states where stony corals are no longer spatially dominant. The community dynamics culminating in this outcome are well known, but its functional implications remain incompletely understood. Here we used annual surveys from 1992 to 2019 to describe coral communities at 6 sites off St. John, US Virgin Islands, and explored how their ecological dynamics interact with their capacity to sustain estimated coral community calcification (G, kg CaCO 3 m -2 yr -1 ). These communities had low coral cover (≤4.4%), but they changed through small and incremental events that summed to a slight decline in coral cover and changes in species assemblages favoring biotic homogenization and weedy species. Estimated coral G remained low, between 0.3 and 1.3 kg CaCO 3 m -2 yr -1 (8.2-35.6 mmol CaCO 3 m -2 d -1 ), but it differed among sites and years. The dominant contributors to G were Siderastrea siderea (1 site), Porites astreoides (1 site), and Orbicella spp. (4 sites), but higher G only occurred where Orbicella spp. remained relatively common; G dramatically declined at 1 site when the abundance of this genus decreased. These results suggest that some coral-depleted reefs may maintain low G that could be sufficient to avoid transitions into net negative budget states, provided that biological and physical erosion and dissolution of CaCO 3 (not recorded here) are minimal. Further mortalities of the few coral species remaining on these reefs through disturbances like stony coral tissue loss disease would compromise this delicate production-erosion balance, and likely see transitions of such reefs into negative carbonate budget states.more » « less
Knowlton, N (Ed.)In 1983 to 1984, a mass mortality event caused a Caribbean-wide, >95% population reduction of the echinoid grazer, Diadema antillarum . This led to blooms of algae contributing to the devastation of scleractinian coral populations. Since then, D. antillarum exhibited only limited and patchy population recovery in shallow water, and in 2022 was struck by a second mass mortality reported over many reef localities in the Caribbean. Half-a-century time-series analyses of populations of this sea urchin from St. John, US Virgin Islands, reveal that the 2022 event has reduced population densities by 98.00% compared to 2021, and by 99.96% compared to 1983. In 2021, coral cover throughout the Caribbean was approaching the lowest values recorded in modern times. However, prior to 2022, locations with small aggregations of D. antillarum produced grazing halos in which weedy corals were able to successfully recruit and become the dominant coral taxa. The 2022 mortality has eliminated these algal-free halos on St. John and perhaps many other regions, thereby increasing the risk that these reefs will further transition into coral-free communities.more » « less
Sessile organisms exploit a life-history strategy in which adults are immobile and their growth position is determined at settlement. The morphological strategy exploited by these organisms has strong selective value, because it can allow beneficial matching of morphology to environmental and biological conditions. In benthic marine environments, a ‘sheet-tree’ morphology is a classic mechanism exploited by select sessile organisms, and milleporine hydrocorals provide one of the best examples of this strategy. Using 30-year analysis of Millepora sp. on the reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, I tested for the benefits of a sheet-tree morphology in mediating the ecological success of an important functional group of benthic space holders. The abundance of Millepora sp. chaotically changed from 1992 to 2021 in concert with hurricanes, bleaching and macroalgal crowding. Millepora sp. responded to these disturbances by exploiting their morphological strategy to increase the use of trees when their sheets were compromised by bleaching and spatial competition with macroalgae, and the use of sheets when their trees were broken by storms. Together, these results reveal the selective value of a plastic sheet-tree morphology, which can be exploited by sessile organisms to respond to decadal-scale variation in environmental conditions.more » « less
Marine fouling communities have long provided model systems for studying the ecology of community development, and settlement plates are the tool of choice for this purpose. Decades of plate deployments provide a baseline against which present-day trends can be interpreted, with one classic trend being the ultimate dominance of plates by colonial and encrusting taxa. Here we report the results of annual deployments of settlement plates from 2010 to 2021 in the shallow sub-tidal of southern California, where the recruitment of invertebrates and algae was recorded photographically, and resolved to functional group (solitary, encrusting, and arborescent) and the lowest taxon possible. The communities on these plates differed among years, with trends in abundances varying by functional group and taxon; solitary taxa consistently were abundant, but encrusting taxa declined in abundance. Seawater temperature and the subsurface concentration of chlorophyll a differed among years, and there was a weak inverse association between temperature and the abundances of encrusting taxa. Long-term increases in seawater temperature therefore could serve as a mechanism causing fouling communities to change. Because of the prominence of encrusting taxa in fouling communities, the shifts in abundance of this functional group reported here may portend ecologically significant changes in fouling communities exposed to warmer seawater because of an alleviation of competition for a classically limiting resource ( i.e ., space).more » « less