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Award ID contains: 2106937

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 22, 2025
  2. Few-shot classification (FSC) requires training models using a few (typically one to five) data points per class. Meta learning has proven to be able to learn a parametrized model for FSC by training on various other classification tasks. In this work, we propose PLATINUM (semi-suPervised modeL Agnostic meTa-learnIng usiNg sUbmodular Mutual information), a novel semi-supervised model agnostic meta-learning framework that uses the submodular mutual information (SMI) functions to boost the performance of FSC. PLATINUM leverages unlabeled data in the inner and outer loop using SMI functions during meta-training and obtains richer meta-learned parameterizations for meta-test. We study the performance of PLATINUM in two scenarios - 1) where the unlabeled data points belong to the same set of classes as the labeled set of a certain episode, and 2) where there exist out-of-distribution classes that do not belong to the labeled set. We evaluate our method on various settings on the miniImageNet, tieredImageNet and Fewshot-CIFAR100 datasets. Our experiments show that PLATINUM outperforms MAML and semi-supervised approaches like pseduo-labeling for semi-supervised FSC, especially for small ratio of labeled examples per class. 
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  3. With ever-increasing dataset sizes, subset selection techniques are becoming increasingly important for a plethora of tasks. It is often necessary to guide the subset selection to achieve certain desiderata, which includes focusing or targeting certain data points, while avoiding others. Examples of such problems include: i)targeted learning, where the goal is to find subsets with rare classes or rare attributes on which the model is under performing, and ii)guided summarization, where data (e.g.,image collection, text, document or video) is summarized for quicker human consumption with specific additional user in-tent. Motivated by such applications, we present PRISM, a rich class of PaRameterIzed Submodular information Measures. Through novel functions and their parameterizations, PRISM offers a variety of modeling capabilities that enable a trade-off between desired qualities of a subset like diversity or representation and similarity/dissimilarity with a set of data points. We demonstrate how PRISM can be applied to the two real-world problems mentioned above, which require guided subset selection. In doing so, we show that PRISM interestingly generalizes some past work, therein reinforcing its broad utility. Through extensive experiments on diverse datasets, we demonstrate the superiority of PRISM over the state-of-the-art in targeted learning and in guided image-collection summarization. 
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  4. Active learning has proven to be useful for minimizing labeling costs by selecting the most informative samples. However, existing active learning methods do not work well in realistic scenarios such as imbalance or rare classes, out-of-distribution data in the unlabeled set, and redundancy. In this work, we propose SIMILAR (Submodular Information Measures based actIve LeARning), a unified active learning framework using recently proposed submodular information measures (SIM) as acquisition functions. We argue that SIMILAR not only works in standard active learning, but also easily extends to the realistic settings considered above and acts as a one-stop solution for active learning that is scalable to large real-world datasets. Empirically, we show that SIMILAR significantly outperforms existing active learning algorithms by as much as ~5% - 18% in the case of rare classes and ~5% - 10% in the case of out-of-distribution data on several image classification tasks like CIFAR-10, MNIST, and ImageNet. SIMILAR is available as a part of the DISTIL toolkit: "this https URL". 
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