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Abstract Real-world grasp detection is challenging due to the stochasticity in grasp dynamics and the noise in hardware. Ideally, the system would adapt to the real world by training directly on physical systems. However, this is generally difficult due to the large amount of training data required by most grasp learning models. In this paper, we note that the planar grasp function is $\textrm{SE}(2)$ -equivariant and demonstrate that this structure can be used to constrain the neural network used during learning. This creates an inductive bias that can significantly improve the sample efficiency of grasp learning and enable end-to-end training from scratch on a physical robot with as few as 600 grasp attempts. We call this method Symmetric Grasp learning (SymGrasp) and show that it can learn to grasp “from scratch” in less that 1.5 h of physical robot time. This paper represents an expanded and revised version of the conference paper Zhu et al. (2022).more » « less
Learning multi-agent dynamics is a core AI problem with broad applications in robotics and autonomous driving. While most existing works focus on deterministic prediction, producing probabilistic forecasts to quantify uncertainty and assess risks is critical for downstream decision-making tasks such as motion planning and collision avoidance. Multi-agent dynamics often contains internal symmetry. By leveraging symmetry, specifically rotation equivariance, we can improve not only the prediction accuracy but also uncertainty calibration. We introduce Energy Score, a proper scoring rule, to evaluate probabilistic predictions. We propose a novel deep dynamics model, Probabilistic Equivariant Continuous COnvolution (PECCO) for probabilistic prediction of multi-agent trajectories. PECCO extends equivariant continuous convolution to model the joint velocity distribution of multiple agents. It uses dynamics integration to propagate the uncertainty from velocity to position. On both synthetic and real-world datasets, PECCO shows significant improvements in accuracy and calibration compared to non-equivariant baselines.more » « less
In robotic manipulation, acquiring samples is extremely expensive because it often requires interacting with the real world. Traditional image-level data augmentation has shown the potential to improve sample efficiency in various machine learning tasks. However, image-level data augmentation is insufficient for an imitation learning agent to learn good manipulation policies in a reasonable amount of demonstrations. We propose Simulation-augmented Equivariant Imitation Learning (SEIL), a method that combines a novel data augmentation strategy of supplementing expert trajectories with simulated transitions and an equivariant model that exploits the O(2) symmetry in robotic manipulation. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that our method can learn non-trivial manipulation tasks within ten demonstrations and outperform the baselines by a significant margin.more » « less
Predicting the pose of objects from a single image is an important but difficult computer vision problem. Methods that predict a single point estimate do not predict the pose of objects with symmetries well and cannot represent uncertainty. Alternatively, some works predict a distribution over orientations in SO(3). However, training such models can be computation- and sample-inefficient. Instead, we propose a novel mapping of features from the image domain to the 3D rotation manifold. Our method then leverages SO(3) equivariant layers, which are more sample efficient, and outputs a distribution over rotations that can be sampled at arbitrary resolution. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method at object orientation prediction, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on the popular PASCAL3D+ dataset. Moreover, we show that our method can model complex object symmetries, without any modifications to the parameters or loss function. Code is available at » « less
To achieve this, we draw inspiration from equivariant convolution networks and model the path planning problem as a set of signals over grids. We demonstrate that value iteration can be treated as a linear equivariant operator, which is effectively a steerable convolution. Building upon Value Iteration Networks (VIN), we propose a new Symmetric Planning (SymPlan) framework that incorporates rotation and reflection symmetry using steerable convolution networks. We evaluate our approach on four tasks: 2D navigation, visual navigation, 2 degrees of freedom (2-DOF) configuration space manipulation, and 2-DOF workspace manipulation. Our experimental results show that our symmetric planning algorithms significantly improve training efficiency and generalization performance compared to non-equivariant baselines, including VINs and GPPN.more » « less
Reasoning about 3D objects based on 2D images is challenging due to variations in appearance caused by viewing the object from different orientations. Tasks such as object classification are invariant to 3D rotations and other such as pose estimation are equivariant. However, imposing equivariance as a model constraint is typically not possible with 2D image input because we do not have an a priori model of how the image changes under out-of-plane object rotations. The only SO(3)-equivariant models that currently exist require point cloud or voxel input rather than 2D images. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture based on icosahedral group convolutions that reasons in SO(3) by learning a projection of the input image onto an icosahedron. The resulting model is approximately equivariant to rotation in SO(3). We apply this model to object pose estimation and shape classification tasks and find that it outperforms reasonable baselines.more » « less
Existing gradient-based optimization methods update parameters locally, in a direction that minimizes the loss function. We study a different approach, symmetry teleportation, that allows parameters to travel a large distance on the loss level set, in order to improve the convergence speed in subsequent steps. Teleportation exploits symmetries in the loss landscape of optimization problems. We derive loss-invariant group actions for test functions in optimization and multi-layer neural networks, and prove a necessary condition for teleportation to improve convergence rate. We also show that our algorithm is closely related to second order methods. Experimentally, we show that teleportation improves the convergence speed of gradient descent and AdaGrad for several optimization problems including test functions, multi-layer regressions, and MNIST classification.more » « less