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  1. Abstract

    Ultrasound‐directed self‐assembly (DSA) uses ultrasound waves to organize and orient particles dispersed in a fluid medium into specific patterns. Combining ultrasound DSA with vat photopolymerization (VP) enables manufacturing materials layer‐by‐layer, wherein each layer the organization and orientation of particles in the photopolymer is controlled, which enables tailoring the properties of the resulting composite materials. However, the particle packing density changes with time and location as particles organize into specific patterns. Hence, relating the ultrasound DSA process parameters to the transient local particle packing density is important to tailor the properties of the composite material, and to determine the maximum speed of the layer‐by‐layer VP process. This paper theoretically derives and experimentally validates a 3D ultrasound DSA model and evaluates the local particle packing density at locations where particles assemble as a function of time and ultrasound DSA process parameters. The particle packing density increases with increasing particle volume fraction, decreasing particle size, and decreasing fluid medium viscosity is determined. Increasing the particle size and decreasing the fluid medium viscosity decreases the time to reach steady‐state. This work contributes to using ultrasound DSA and VP as a materials manufacturing process.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Ultrasound‐directed self‐assembly (DSA) utilizes the acoustic radiation force associated with a standing ultrasound wave field to organize particles dispersed in a fluid medium into specific patterns. State‐of‐the‐art ultrasound DSA methods use single‐frequency ultrasound wave fields, which only allow organizing particles into simple, periodic patterns, or require a large number of ultrasound transducers to assemble complex patterns. In contrast, this work introduces multi‐frequency ultrasound wave fields to organize particles into complex patterns. A method is theoretically derived to determine the operating parameters (frequency, amplitude, phase) of any arrangement of ultrasound transducers, required to assemble spherical particles dispersed in a fluid medium into specific patterns, and experimentally validated for a system with two frequencies. The results show that multi‐frequency compared to single‐frequency ultrasound DSA enables the assembly of complex patterns of particles with substantially fewer ultrasound transducers. Additionally, the method does not incur a penalty in terms of accuracy, and it does not require custom hardware for each different pattern, thus offering reconfigurability, which contrasts, e.g., acoustic holography. Multi‐frequency ultrasound DSA can spur progress in a myriad of engineering applications, including the manufacturing of multi‐functional polymer matrix composite materials that derive their structural, electric, acoustic, or thermal properties from the spatial organization of particles in the matrix.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  3. Abstract

    We apply new results on free boundary regularity to obtain a quantitative convergence rate for the shape optimizers of the first Dirichlet eigenvalue in periodic homogenization. We obtain a linear (with logarithmic factors) convergence rate for the optimizing eigenvalue. Large scale Lipschitz free boundary regularity of almost minimizers is used to apply the optimal homogenization theory in Lipschitz domains of Kenig et al. A key idea, to deal with the hard constraint on the volume, is a combination of a large scale almost dilation invariance with a selection principle argument.

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  4. Abstract

    There is often considerable uncertainty in parameters in ecological models. This uncertainty can be incorporated into models by treating parameters as random variables with distributions, rather than fixed quantities. Recent advances in uncertainty quantification methods, such as polynomial chaos approaches, allow for the analysis of models with random parameters. We introduce these methods with a motivating case study of sea ice algal blooms in heterogeneous environments. We compare Monte Carlo methods with polynomial chaos techniques to help understand the dynamics of an algal bloom model with random parameters. Modelling key parameters in the algal bloom model as random variables changes the timing, intensity and overall productivity of the modelled bloom. The computational efficiency of polynomial chaos methods provides a promising avenue for the broader inclusion of parametric uncertainty in ecological models, leading to improved model predictions and synthesis between models and data.

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  5. Abstract

    Classical multidimensional scaling is a widely used dimension reduction technique. Yet few theoretical results characterizing its statistical performance exist. This paper provides a theoretical framework for analyzing the quality of embedded samples produced by classical multidimensional scaling. This lays a foundation for various downstream statistical analyses, and we focus on clustering noisy data. Our results provide scaling conditions on the signal-to-noise ratio under which classical multidimensional scaling followed by a distance-based clustering algorithm can recover the cluster labels of all samples. Simulation studies confirm these scaling conditions are sharp. Applications to the cancer gene-expression data, the single-cell RNA sequencing data and the natural language data lend strong support to the methodology and theory.

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  6. Abstract

    Archetypal analysis (AA) is an unsupervised learning method for exploratory data analysis. One major challenge that limits the applicability of AA in practice is the inherent computational complexity of the existing algorithms. In this paper, we provide a novel approximation approach to partially address this issue. Utilizing probabilistic ideas from high-dimensional geometry, we introduce two preprocessing techniques to reduce the dimension and representation cardinality of the data, respectively. We prove that provided data are approximately embedded in a low-dimensional linear subspace and the convex hull of the corresponding representations is well approximated by a polytope with a few vertices, our method can effectively reduce the scaling of AA. Moreover, the solution of the reduced problem is near-optimal in terms of prediction errors. Our approach can be combined with other acceleration techniques to further mitigate the intrinsic complexity of AA. We demonstrate the usefulness of our results by applying our method to summarize several moderately large-scale datasets.

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  7. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 30, 2025
  8. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 30, 2025
  9. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  10. Zhang, Shihua (Ed.)

    Recent advances in single-cell technologies have enabled high-resolution characterization of tissue and cancer compositions. Although numerous tools for dimension reduction and clustering are available for single-cell data analyses, these methods often fail to simultaneously preserve local cluster structure and global data geometry. To address these challenges, we developed a novel analyses framework,Single-CellPathMetricsProfiling (scPMP), using power-weighted path metrics, which measure distances between cells in a data-driven way. Unlike Euclidean distance and other commonly used distance metrics, path metrics are density sensitive and respect the underlying data geometry. By combining path metrics with multidimensional scaling, a low dimensional embedding of the data is obtained which preserves both the global data geometry and cluster structure. We evaluate the method both for clustering quality and geometric fidelity, and it outperforms current scRNAseq clustering algorithms on a wide range of benchmarking data sets.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 29, 2025