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    Surface waves are critical in detecting and locating seismic sources that do not produce much high-frequency radiation. For such sources, typical approaches using body waves for detecting and locating earthquakes are less effective. Slow earthquakes and exotic seismic sources often have this seismic radiation characteristic, and array analyses of surface waves recorded on global and regional seismic networks have proven effective in recognizing such sources. Most approaches have relied on Rayleigh waves, whereas Love waves have rarely been used. Here we develop a new approach using multiscale arrays to detect and locate seismic sources with both Love and Rayleigh surface waves. The method first forms three-station subarrays and then uses three-component records of the stations to independently estimate three sets of surface wave propagation directions and centroid arrival times. The subarray estimates are then assembled to locate seismic sources and their origin times. We find that using multiple, disconnected global networks improves location accuracy and that using both types of surface waves can enhance detection sensitivity and robustness.

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  2. Abstract

    Landslides commonly occur in areas with steep topography and abundant precipitation and pose a significant hazard to local communities. Some of the largest known landslides occur in Alaska, including several that caused local tsunamis. Many landslides may have gone undetected in remote areas due to lack of observations. Here, we develop a semiautomated workflow using both seismic and geodetic observations to detect, locate, validate, and characterize landslides in Alaska. Seismic observations have shown promise in continuously monitoring landslide occurrence, while remote sensing techniques are well suited for verification and high‐resolution imaging of landslides. We validate our procedure using the 28 June 2016, Lamplugh Glacier landslide. We also present observations of a previously unknown landslide occurred on 22 September 2017 in the Wrangell Mountains region. The Wrangell Mountains landslide generated a coherent surface wavefield recorded across Alaska and the contiguous United States. We used Sentinel‐1 Synthetic Aperture Radar and Sentinel‐2 optical imagery to map the respective mass deposit. To investigate the landslide dynamics, we inverted regional seismic surface wave data for a centroid single force failure model. Our model suggests that the Wrangell Mountains landslide lasted for about 140 s and had two subevents involving at least five distinct stages. We estimate that the landslide had displaced 3.1–13.4 million tons of rocks over a distance of ∼2 km. Our results suggest that combining seismic and geodetic observations can vastly improve the detection and characterization of landslides in remote areas in Alaska and elsewhere, providing new insights into the landslide dynamics.

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  3. Abstract

    Ocean transform faults often generate characteristic earthquakes that repeatedly rupture the same fault patches. The westernmost Gofar transform fault quasi‐periodically hosts ∼M6 earthquakes every ∼5 years, and microseismicity suggests that the fault is segmented into five distinct zones, including a rupture barrier zone that may have modulated the rupture of adjacentM6 earthquakes. However, the relationship between the systematic slip behavior of the Gofar fault and the fault material properties is still poorly known. Specifically, the role of pore fluids in regulating the slip of the Gofar fault is unclear. Here, we use differential travel times between nearby earthquakes to estimate the in‐situVp/Vsof the fault‐zone materials. We apply this technique to the dataset collected by an ocean‐bottom‐seismometer network deployed around the Gofar fault in 2008, which recorded abundant microearthquakes, and find a moderateVp/Vsof 1.75–1.80 in the rupture barrier zone and a lowVp/Vsof 1.61–1.69 in the down‐dip edge of the 2008M6 rupture zone. This lateral variation inVp/Vsmay be caused by both pore fluids and chemical alteration. We also find a 5%–10% increase inVp/Vsin the barrier zone during the 9 months before the mainshock. This increase may have been caused by fluid migrations or slip transients in the barrier zone.

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  4. Abstract

    Megathrust earthquakes and their associated tsunamis cause some of the worst natural disasters. In addition to earthquakes, a wide range of slip behaviors are present at subduction zones, including slow earthquakes that span multiple orders of spatial and temporal scales. Understanding these events may shed light on the stress or strength conditions of the megathrust fault. Out of all types of slow earthquakes, very low frequency earthquakes (VLFEs) are most enigmatic because they are difficult to detect reliably, and the physical nature of VLFEs are poorly understood. Here we show three VLFEs in Cascadia that were dynamically triggered by a 2009 Mw 6.9 Canal de Ballenas earthquake in the Gulf of California. The VLFEs likely locate in between the seismogenic zone and the Cascadia episodic tremor and slip (ETS) zone, including one event with a moment magnitude of 5.7. This is the largest VLFE reported to date, causing clear geodetic signals. Our results show that the Cascadia megathrust fault might slip rapidly at some spots in this gap zone, and such a permissible slip behavior has direct seismic hazard implications for coastal communities and perhaps further inland. Further, the observed seismic sources may represent a new class of slip events, whose characteristics do not fit current understandings of slow or regular earthquakes.

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