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Award ID contains: 2144454

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  1. Lithium metal batteries (LMBs), especially “anode-free“ LMBs, promise much higher energy density than current lithium-ion batteries but suffer from poor capacity retention. While novel electrolytes have been designed to extend cycle life in anode free LMBs, most of them contain a high fraction of fluorinated solvents or diluents that may cause environmental concerns. Herein, we report the design and synthesis of a group of nonfluorinated ether solvents (termed xME solvents). By substituting the methyl terminal group of 1,2-dimethoxy ethane (DME) with different alkyl groups, the solvation power of xME solvents was tuned to be weaker, leading to more ion pairing in electrolyte solvation structure. In anode free type Cu/LiFePO4(Cu/LFP) cells, xME electrolytes in general show better capacity retention than DME-based electrolyte. Some xME electrolytes also show better oxidative stability than DME against aluminum and LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2(NMC811) electrodes. While the general improvement in LMB cycle life and oxidative stability can be attributed to more ion pairing, the local variation within xME electrolytes indicates other factors are also important. Our work proposes a molecular design strategy to fine-tune ion solvation structure of nonfluorinated ether electrolytes for LMBs.

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  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 13, 2025
  3. Lithium metal batteries promise higher energy densities than current lithium-ion batteries but require novel electrolytes to extend their cycle life. Fluorinated solvents help stabilize the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) with lithium metal, but are believed to have weaker solvation ability compared to their nonfluorinated counterparts and are deemed ‘poorer electrolytes’. In this work, we synthesize tris(2-fluoroethyl) borate (TFEB) as a new fluorinated borate ester solvent and show that TFEB unexpectedly has higher lithium salt solubility than its nonfluorinated counterpart (triethyl borate). Through experiments and simulations, we show that the partially fluorinated –CH2F group acts as the primary coordination site that promotes lithium salt dissolution. TFEB electrolyte has a higher lithium transference number and better rate capability compared to methoxy polyethyleneglycol borate esters reported in the literature. In addition, TFEB supports compact lithium deposition morphology, high lithium metal Coulombic efficiency, and stable cycling of lithium metal/LiFePO4 cells. This work ushers in a new electrolyte design paradigm where partially fluorinated moieties enable salt dissolution and can serve as primary ion coordination sites for next-generation electrolytes. 
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  4. Fluoroether solvents are promising electrolyte candidates for high-energy-density lithium metal batteries, where high ionic conductivity and oxidative stability are important metrics for design of new systems. Recent experiments have shown that these performance metrics, particularly stability, can be tuned by changing the fraction of ether and fluorine content. However, little is known about how different molecular architectures influence the underlying ion transport mechanisms and conductivity. Here, we use all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to elucidate the ion transport and solvation characteristics of fluoroether chains of varying length, and having different ether segment and fluorine terminal group contents. The design rules that emerge from this effort are that solvent size determines lithium-ion transport kinetics, solvation structure, and solvation energy. In particular, the mechanism for lithium-ion transport is found to shift from ion hopping between solvation sites located in different fluoroether chains in short-chain solvents, to ion–solvent co-diffusion in long-chain solvents, indicating that an optimum exists for molecules of intermediate length, where hopping is possible but solvent diffusion is fast. Consistent with these findings, our experimental measurements reveal a non-monotonic behavior of the effects of solvent size on lithium-ion conductivity, with a maximum occurring for medium-length solvent chains. A key design principle for achieving high ionic conductivity is that a trade-off is required between relying on shorter fluoroether chains having high self-diffusivity, and relying on longer chains that increase the stability of local solvation shells. 
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  5. Carbonate-based electrolytes are widely used in Li-ion batteries but are limited by a small operating temperature window and poor cycling with silicon-containing graphitic anodes. The lack of non-carbonate electrolyte alternatives such as ether-based electrolytes is due to undesired solvent co-intercalation that occurs with graphitic anodes. Here, we show that fluoroethers are the first class of ether solvents to intrinsically support reversible lithium-ion intercalation into graphite without solvent co-intercalation at conventional salt concentrations. In full cells using a graphite anode, they enable 10-fold higher energy densities compared to conventional ethers, and better thermal stability over carbonate electrolytes (operation up to 60 °C) by producing a robust solvent-derived solid electrolyte interphase (SEI). As single-solvent–single-salt electrolytes, they remarkably outperform carbonate electrolytes with fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) and vinylene carbonate (VC) additives when cycled with graphite–silicon composite anodes. Our molecular design strategy opens a new class of electrolytes that can enable next generation Li-ion batteries with higher energy density and a wider working temperature window. 
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