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Title: Efficient numerical scheme for a dendritic solidification phase field model with melt convection
In this paper, we consider numerical approximations for a dendritic solidification phase field model with melt convection in the liquid phase, which is a highly nonlinear system that couples the anisotropic Allen-Cahn type equation, the heat equation, and the weighted Navier-Stokes equations together. We first reformulate the model into a form which is suitable for numerical approximations and establish the energy dissipative law. Then, we develop a linear, decoupled, and unconditionally energy stable numerical scheme by combining the modified projection scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations, the Invariant Energy Quadratization approach for the nonlinear anisotropic potential, and some subtle explicit-implicit treatments for nonlinear coupling terms. Stability analysis and various numerical simulations are presented.  more » « less
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Journal Name:
Journal of computational physics
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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