- 10143376
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
- 1041-4347
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 1 to 1
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Predicting the occurrence of a particular event of interest at future time points is the primary goal of survival analysis. The presence of incomplete observations due to time limitations or loss of data traces is known as censoring which brings unique challenges in this domain and differentiates survival analysis from other standard regression methods. The popularly used survival analysis methods such as Cox proportional hazard model and parametric survival regression suffer from some strict assumptions and hypotheses that are not realistic in most of the real-world applications. To overcome the weaknesses of these two types of methods, in this paper, we reformulate the survival analysis problem as a multi-task learning problem and propose a new multi-task learning based formulation to predict the survival time by estimating the survival status at each time interval during the study duration. We propose an indicator matrix to enable the multi-task learning algorithm to handle censored instances and incorporate some of the important characteristics of survival problems such as non-negative non-increasing list structure into our model through max-heap projection. We employ the L2,1-norm penalty which enables the model to learn a shared representation across related tasks and hence select important features and alleviate over-fitting in high-dimensional feature spaces; thus, reducing the prediction error of each task. To efficiently handle the two non-smooth constraints, in this paper, we propose an optimization method which employs Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) algorithm to solve the proposed multi-task learning problem. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method using real-world microarray gene expression high-dimensional benchmark datasets and show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods.more » « less
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In this paper, we propose Task-Adversarial co-Generative Nets (TAGN) for learning from multiple tasks. It aims to address the two fundamental issues of multi-task learning, i.e., domain shift and limited labeled data, in a principled way. To this end, TAGN first learns the task-invariant representations of features to bridge the domain shift among tasks. Based on the task-invariant features, TAGN generates the plausible examples for each task to tackle the data scarcity issue. In TAGN, we leverage multiple game players to gradually improve the quality of the co-generation of features and examples by using an adversarial strategy. It simultaneously learns the marginal distribution of task-invariant features across different tasks and the joint distributions of examples with labels for each task. The theoretical study shows the desired results: at the equilibrium point of the multi-player game, the feature extractor exactly produces the task-invariant features for different tasks, while both the generator and the classifier perfectly replicate the joint distribution for each task. The experimental results on the benchmark data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.more » « less
Abstract Stationary points embedded in the derivatives are often critical for a model to be interpretable and may be considered as key features of interest in many applications. We propose a semiparametric Bayesian model to efficiently infer the locations of stationary points of a nonparametric function, which also produces an estimate of the function. We use Gaussian processes as a flexible prior for the underlying function and impose derivative constraints to control the function's shape via conditioning. We develop an inferential strategy that intentionally restricts estimation to the case of at least one stationary point, bypassing possible mis-specifications in the number of stationary points and avoiding the varying dimension problem that often brings in computational complexity. We illustrate the proposed methods using simulations and then apply the method to the estimation of event-related potentials derived from electroencephalography (EEG) signals. We show how the proposed method automatically identifies characteristic components and their latencies at the individual level, which avoids the excessive averaging across subjects that is routinely done in the field to obtain smooth curves. By applying this approach to EEG data collected from younger and older adults during a speech perception task, we are able to demonstrate how the time course of speech perception processes changes with age.
null (Ed.)Subseasonal climate forecasting is the task of predicting climate variables, such as temperature and precipitation, in a two-week to two-month time horizon. The primary predictors for such prediction problem are spatio-temporal satellite and ground measurements of a variety of climate variables in the atmosphere, ocean, and land, which however have rather limited predictive signal at the subseasonal time horizon. We propose a carefully constructed spatial hierarchical Bayesian regression model that makes use of the inherent spatial structure of the subseasonal climate prediction task. We use our Bayesian model to then derive decision-theoretically optimal point estimates with respect to various performance measures of interest to climate science. As we show, our approach handily improves on various off-the-shelf ML baselines. Since our method is based on a Bayesian frame- work, we are also able to quantify the uncertainty in our predictions, which is particularly crucial for difficult tasks such as the subseasonal prediction, where we expect any model to have considerable uncertainty at different test locations under differ- ent scenarios.more » « less