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Title: Residually finite rationally p groups
In this paper, we develop the theory of residually finite rationally [Formula: see text] (RFR[Formula: see text]) groups, where [Formula: see text] is a prime. We first prove a series of results about the structure of finitely generated RFR[Formula: see text] groups (either for a single prime [Formula: see text], or for infinitely many primes), including torsion-freeness, a Tits alternative, and a restriction on the BNS invariant. Furthermore, we show that many groups which occur naturally in group theory, algebraic geometry, and in 3-manifold topology enjoy this residual property. We then prove a combination theorem for RFR[Formula: see text] groups, which we use to study the boundary manifolds of algebraic curves [Formula: see text] and in [Formula: see text]. We show that boundary manifolds of a large class of curves in [Formula: see text] (which includes all line arrangements) have RFR[Formula: see text] fundamental groups, whereas boundary manifolds of curves in [Formula: see text] may fail to do so.  more » « less
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Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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