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Title: Computing the Caratheodory Number of a Point
Caratheodory’s theorem says that any point in the convex hull of a set $P$ in $R^d$ is in the convex hull of a subset $P'$ of $P$ such that $|P'| \le d + 1$. For some sets P, the upper bound d + 1 can be improved. The best upper bound for P is known as the Caratheodory number [2, 15, 17]. In this paper, we study a computational problem of finding the smallest set $P'$ for a given set $P$ and a point $p$. We call the size of this set $P'$, the Caratheodory number of a point p or CNP. We show that the problem of deciding the Caratheodory number of a point is NP-hard. Furthermore, we show that the problem is k-LDT-hard. We present two algorithms for computing a smallest set $P'$, if CNP= 2,3. Bárány [1] generalized Caratheodory’s theorem by using d+1 sets (colored sets) such that their convex hulls intersect. We introduce a Colorful Caratheodory number of a point or CCNP which can be smaller than d+1. Then we extend our results for CNP to CCNP.  more » « less
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Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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