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Title: Parameter Identification of Wind-induced Buffeting Loads and Onset Criteria for Dry-cable Galloping of Yawed/inclined Cables
Cables of suspension, cable-stayed and tied-arch bridges, suspended roofs, and power transmission lines are prone to moderate to large-amplitude vibrations in wind because of their low inherent damping. Structural or fatigue failure of a cable, due to these vibrations, pose a significant threat to the safety and serviceability of these structures. Over the past few decades, many studies have investigated the mechanisms that cause different types of flow-induced vibrations in cables such as rain-wind induced vibration (RWIV), vortex-induced vibration (VIV), iced cable galloping, wake galloping, and dry-cable galloping that have resulted in an improved understanding of the cause of these vibrations. In this study, the parameters governing the turbulence-induced (buffeting) and motion-induced wind loads (self-excited) for inclined and yawed dry cables have been identified. These parameters facilitate the prediction of their response in turbulent wind and estimate the incipient condition for onset of dry-cable galloping. Wind tunnel experiments were performed to measure the parameters governing the aerodynamic and aeroelastic forces on a yawed dry cable. This study mainly focuses on the prediction of critical reduced velocity 〖(RV〗_cr) as a function of equivalent yaw angle (*) and Scruton number (Sc) through measurement of aerodynamic- damping and stiffness. Wind tunnel tests using a section model of a smooth cable were performed under uniform and smooth/gusty flow conditions in the AABL Wind and Gust Tunnel located at Iowa State University. Static model tests for equivalent yaw angles of 0º to 45º indicate that the mean drag coefficient 〖(C〗_D) and Strouhal number (St) of a yawed cable decreases with the yaw angle, while the mean lift coefficient 〖(C〗_L) remains zero in the subcritical Reynolds number (Re) regime. Dynamic one degree-of-freedom model tests in across-wind and along-wind directions resulted in the identification of buffeting indicial derivative functions and flutter derivatives of a yawed cable for a range of equivalent yaw angles. Empirical equations for mean drag coefficient, Strouhal number, buffeting indicial derivative functions and critical reduced velocity for dry-cable galloping are proposed for yawed cables. The results indicate a critical equivalent yaw angle of 45° for dry-cable galloping. A simplified design procedure is introduced to estimate the minimum damping required to arrest dry-cable galloping from occurring below the design wind speed of the cable structure. Furthermore, the results from this study can be applied to predict the wind load and response of a dry cable at a specified wind speed for a given yaw angle.  more » « less
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Engineering structures
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Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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