Abstract. This work measured $ \mathrm{d}\sigma/\mathrm{d}\Omega$ d σ / d Ω for neutral kaon photoproduction reactions from threshold up to a c.m. energy of 1855MeV, focussing specifically on the $ \gamma p\rightarrow K^0\Sigma^+$ γ p → K 0 Σ + , $ \gamma n\rightarrow K^0\Lambda$ γ n → K 0 Λ , and $ \gamma n\rightarrow K^0 \Sigma^0$ γ n → K 0 Σ 0 reactions. Our results for $ \gamma n\rightarrow K^0 \Sigma^0$ γ n → K 0 Σ 0 are the first-ever measurements for that reaction. These data will provide insight into the properties of $ N^{\ast}$ N * resonances and, in particular, will lead to an improved knowledge about those states that couple only weakly to the $ \pi N$ π N channel. Integrated cross sections were extracted by fitting the differential cross sections for each reaction as a series of Legendre polynomials and our results are compared with prior experimental results and theoretical predictions.
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