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Title: Influence of Permafrost Type and Site History on Losses of Permafrost Carbon After Thaw
Award ID(s):
1636476 1903735
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  3. Abstract

    Climate warming threatens to destabilize vast northern permafrost areas, potentially releasing large quantities of organic carbon that could further disrupt the climate. Here we synthesize paleorecords of past permafrost-carbon dynamics to contextualize future permafrost stability and carbon feedbacks. We identify key landscape differences between the last deglaciation and today that influence the response of permafrost to atmospheric warming, as well as landscape-level differences that limit subsequent carbon uptake. We show that the current magnitude of thaw has not yet exceeded that of previous deglaciations, but that permafrost carbon release has the potential to exert a strong feedback on future Arctic climate as temperatures exceed those of the Pleistocene. Better constraints on the extent of subsea permafrost and its carbon pool, and on carbon dynamics from a range of permafrost thaw processes, including blowout craters and megaslumps, are needed to help quantify the future permafrost-carbon-climate feedbacks.

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  4. Thoman, R.L. ; Richter-Menge, J. ; Druckenmiller, M.L. (Ed.)
    Since the early 2000s, observations from 14 coastal permafrost sites have been updated, providing a synopsis of how changes in the Arctic System are intensifying the dynamics of permafrost coasts in the 21st Century. Observations from all but 1 of the 14 permafrost coastal sites around the Arctic indicate that decadal-scale erosion rates are increasing. The US and Canadian Beaufort Sea coasts have experienced the largest increases in erosion rates since the early-2000s. The mean annual erosion rate in these regions has increased by 80 to 160 % at the five sites with available data, with sites in the Canadian Beaufort Sea experiencing the largest relative increase. The sole available site in the Greenland Sea, on southern Svalbard, indicates an increase in mean annual erosion rates by 66 % since 2000, due primarily to a reduction in nearshore sediment supply from glacial recession. At the five sites along the Barents, Kara, and Laptev Seas in Siberia, mean annual erosion rates increased between 33 and 97 % since the early to mid-2000s. The only site to experience a decrease in mean annual erosion (- 40%) was located in the Chukchi Sea in Alaska. Interestingly, the other site in the Chukchi Sea experienced one of the highest increases in mean annual erosion (+160%) over the same period. In general, a considerable increase in the variability of erosion and deposition intensity was also observed along most of the sites. 
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