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Title: Neighborhood-based bridge node centrality tuple for complex network analysis
Abstract We define a bridge node to be a node whose neighbor nodes are sparsely connected to each other and are likely to be part of different components if the node is removed from the network. We propose a computationally light neighborhood-based bridge node centrality (NBNC) tuple that could be used to identify the bridge nodes of a network as well as rank the nodes in a network on the basis of their topological position to function as bridge nodes. The NBNC tuple for a node is asynchronously computed on the basis of the neighborhood graph of the node that comprises of the neighbors of the node as vertices and the links connecting the neighbors as edges. The NBNC tuple for a node has three entries: the number of components in the neighborhood graph of the node, the algebraic connectivity ratio of the neighborhood graph of the node and the number of neighbors of the node. We analyze a suite of 60 complex real-world networks and evaluate the computational lightness, effectiveness, efficiency/accuracy and uniqueness of the NBNC tuple vis-a-vis the existing bridgeness related centrality metrics and the Louvain community detection algorithm.  more » « less
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Journal Name:
Applied Network Science
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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