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Title: Recurrent Rossby waves during Southeast Australian heatwaves and links to quasi-resonant amplification and atmospheric blocks
In the Northern Hemisphere, recurrence of transient Rossby wave packets over periods of days to weeks, termed RRWPs, may repeatedly create similar weather conditions. This recurrence leads to persistent surface anomalies and high-impact weather events. Here, we demonstrate the significance of RRWPs for persistent heatwaves in the Southern Hemisphere (SH). We investigate the relationship between RRWPs, atmospheric blocking, and amplified quasi-stationary Rossby waves with two cases of heatwaves in Southeast Australia (SEA) in 2004 and 2009. This region has seen extraordinary heatwaves in recent years. We also investigate the importance of transient systems such as RRWPs and two other persistent dynamical drivers: atmospheric blocks and quasi-resonant amplification (QRA). We further explore the link between RRWPs, blocks, and QRA in the SH using the ERA-I reanalysis dataset (1979–2018). We find that QRA and RRWPs are strongly associated: 40% of QRA days feature RRWPs, and QRA events are 13 times more likely to occur with an RRWPs event than without it. Furthermore, days with QRA and RRWPs show high correlations in the composite mean fields of upper-level flows, indicating that both features have a similar hemispheric flow configuration. Blocking frequencies for QRA and RRWP conditions both increase over the south Pacific Ocean but differ substantially over parts of the south Atlantic and Indian Ocean.  more » « less
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Journal Name:
Weather and climate dynamics
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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