- Award ID(s):
- 1900792
- 10325868
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Communications in Algebra
- 0092-7872
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 1 to 17
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)By a fundamental theorem of D. Quillen, there is a natural duality - an instance of general Koszul duality - between differential graded (DG) Lie algebras and DG cocommutative coalgebras defined over a field k of characteristic 0. A cyclic pairing (i.e., an inner product satisfying a natural cyclicity condition) on the cocommutative coalgebra gives rise to an interesting structure on the universal enveloping algebra Ua of the Koszul dual Lie algebra a called the derived Poisson bracket. Interesting special cases of the derived Poisson bracket include the Chas-Sullivan bracket on string topology. We study the derived Poisson brackets on universal enveloping algebras Ua, and their relation to the classical Poisson brackets on the derived moduli spaces DRep_g(a) of representations of a in a finite dimensional reductive Lie algebra g. More specifically, we show that certain derived character maps of a intertwine the derived Poisson bracket with the classical Poisson structure on the representation homology HR(a, g) related to DRep_g(a).more » « less
It has recently been shown that the evolution of a linear Partial Differential Equation (PDE) can be more conveniently represented in terms of the evolution of a higher spatial derivative of the state. This higher spatial derivative (termed the `fundamental state') lies in $L_2$ - requiring no auxiliary boundary conditions or continuity constraints. Such a representation (termed a Partial Integral Equation or PIE) is then defined in terms of an algebra of bounded integral operators (termed Partial Integral (PI) operators) and is constructed by identifying a unitary map from the fundamental state to the state of the original PDE. Unfortunately, when the PDE is nonlinear, the dynamics of the associated fundamental state are no longer parameterized in terms of PI operators. However, in this paper we show that such dynamics can be compactly represented using a new tensor algebra of partial integral operators acting on the tensor product of the fundamental state. We further show that this tensor product of the fundamental state forms a natural distributed equivalent of the monomial basis used in representation of polynomials on a finite-dimensional space. This new representation is then used to provide a simple SDP-based Lyapunov test of stability of quadratic PDEs. The test is applied to three illustrative examples of quadratic PDEs.more » « less
We associate to a sufficiently generic oriented matroid program and choice of linear system of parameters a finite-dimensional algebra, whose representation theory is analogous to blocks of Bernstein—Gelfand—Gelfand category
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Abstract Each connected graded, graded-commutative algebra
A of finite type over a field of characteristic zero defines a complex of finitely generated, graded modules over a symmetric algebra, whose homology graded modules are called the$$\Bbbk $$ (higher) Koszul modules ofA . In this note, we investigate the geometry of the support loci of these modules, called theresonance schemes of the algebra. When is the exterior Stanley–Reisner algebra associated to a finite simplicial complex$$A=\Bbbk \langle \Delta \rangle $$ , we show that the resonance schemes are reduced. We also compute the Hilbert series of the Koszul modules and give bounds on the regularity and projective dimension of these graded modules. This leads to a relationship between resonance and Hilbert series that generalizes a known formula for the Chen ranks of a right-angled Artin group.$$\Delta $$